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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Here's one for you, then? Most news sources are saying that the Luton Airport carpark fire started from a single parked Range Rover diesel (only) vehicle that ignited somehow - there is still some VDO footage of the car parked, not that close to other vehicles, and with its nose in to the nearest wall. In the VDO I saw, the fire had started, with bright yellow/orange flame coming from what looks to be the front end of the vehicle but with only thin, light density/light colored smoke emitting at the time. I have experienced a few fires, mostly at sea, with the main fuel type being diesel. Ignited diesel typically chucks out heavy black smoke. I know that the diesel used is UK autos is cleaner than marine fuel but not that clean. I find it hard to see this initial event in the car park as a diesel-fueled fire. What do you think?
  2. The word tetrahedron is a relatively new term added to the traditional concept of the fire triangle, as I'm sure someone of your experience will recall.
  3. Not sure where you get your calculation parameters from? EV and CE fires have both shared and differing characteristics - yes but the differing ones outnumber the shared. Lithium burns at higher temperatures and is far more difficult to extinguish/control.
  4. Your own linked paper seems to agree with what I said (in far more detail of course). I see that you include the word tetrahedron. That is the big difference it seems.
  5. A few reports already that they already have some of it there. Sorry no links at this time.
  6. Right. Hamas would be redundant. The smuggled drugs are killing enough already.
  7. LIB's don't respect the traditional fire triangle. Thermal runaway occurs after a rapid self-heating of a cell, featuring an exothermic chemical reaction between the +ve and -ve electrodes (of different chemical compounds) of the cell. These reactions produce gases, which pressurize and then escape, often as exploding fuel. Nasty stuff lithium.
  8. Exactly. How many diesel cars has anyone seen explode? Ever. Answers on extremely small postcards, please. Sounds like the CC crew trying to make sure an EV is not the culprit.
  9. When you've decided which side of the Atlantic you're on, maybe I'll read about it. If you like geography, I can recommend the Oxford Atlas of the World.
  10. As you may be able to work out, I was not personally involved in this legislation and so can't claim any credit. But it was an important start and I'm glad it was passed.
  11. If you want context, try this. Whatever a few British "radicals" thought, the Slave Trade Act of 1807 and the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 were passed to outlaw slavery. The Slave Trade Act was followed up using the Royal Navy to chase and stop slave ships off Africa for the next 60 years.
  12. I expect Putin believes whatever he believes, regardless of what any EU commissioner says. There are better ways to express support for one side without unnecessarily riling the other. There is a slight decrease in Western support and Putin will know that without these comments from the EU, which do not help.
  13. Funny? Right. Von Der Leyen was German defence minister for more than five years and was widely criticized by her own colleagues and others, until her Mutti intervened and she appeared in Brussels with a trail of golden stars landing softly on the blue carpet behind her. I don't know how many "leaders" have military experience - very few these days I suppose. But this Danish EU Commissioner (for Competition??) is not showing any kind of leadership with these irresponsible remarks. It's the EU trying for more power and influence, as usual.
  14. Bill, you got me, I only got as far as the Ark Royal and HMS Sultan, in peacetime - not for very long - so no command. After that I started blowing things up commercially. But is the EU Commission at war? Or are they just playing? A dangerous game I think. From what I can read there is a stalemate in Ukraine right now but support from the West seems to be starting to flag, largely due to low stocks of arms and ammunition everywhere. That's not good for the Ukrainians, but the Russians make their own tanks, jets, missiles and guns, so they will have a better chance to resupply and regroup. I want the innocent Ukrainians to come out of this the best way they can now and I just wish this bloody war was over.
  15. Uttering phrases like "no turning back" and "stay supportive of Ukraine until the war is won and Ukraine has been rebuilt, and become a member of the EU" is hardly likely to get Putin to the negotiating table. This war could go on for several more years without negotiations IMO.
  16. Sorry, I forgot. Von Der Leyen was defence minister for Germany. She oversaw arming the Wermacht with broomsticks. Awesome!
  17. These EU "politicians" (with zero military experience) appear to be using this invasion to promote their own hopes of growing the EU, probably because they've little idea of how else to do that, otherwise. Words like these are careless and will likely draw the conflict on even longer! As stockpiles of arms and ammunition in the EU run low, then these words will be hard to keep in any case. The EU itself has not changed much but some of its members certainly have, independently. Some have shown good support for Ukraine, while some have not.
  18. Any civilized aliens out there might not agree with the notion that, we are civilized at all.
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