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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Boring and misleading. Covid wasn't Trumps fault, in FACT most of the 7.8T added debt in Trump's term was the 4.2T in 2020 (first Covid year). Biden is on track to beat that 7.8T easily over his four years, even with most Covid reliefalready paid. Trump did not deal with Covid well in many respects but, then again, who did? Ain't hindsight a wonderful thing? *Offensive comment edited out*
  2. The US economy may well be closer to a catastrophe than many people think. All debt is increasing, with interest rates already ruinous for recent borrowers. All market indices are way overvalued and starting to stall now. Let's see if Jerry Powell has the nuts to raise rates again?
  3. What a pile. That invasion was in 2022 but the Donbas had been partially occupied since at least 2014, with frequent fighting. Putin had massed a further 100k extra troops near the Ukrainian border by late 2021, right after the calamitous US departure from Afghanistan. Let's go Brandon!
  4. You know me Chomper, always happy to brighten your day!
  5. It's almost as if they are only going after the small fry.
  6. Well Comer and crew say they are still gathering and compiling evidence. If they don't have to show it then I would expect them to keep it as long as they can.
  7. See how the words "no effect on U.S. foreign policy" are included? Influence peddling is the suspected issue, which is not necessarily reliant on foreign policy. "No knowledge of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden" does not necessarily mean it did not happen. Devon C. Y. A. Archer if you ask me (or his lawyer).
  8. Well that "unequal treatment" attempt backfired last time. Maybe HB should just stay schtum.
  9. I never thought that any one individual could manage this but I don't think that you know anything, about anything.
  10. Orderly? Not according to the Texas Gov: “Texas installed razor wire in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings,” Abbott explained on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants.” https://nypost.com/2023/09/21/biden-administration-sending-800-new-troops-to-border-amid-migrant-crisis/ Fed v state? Looks like a good way to break up the USA. Brilliant Biden.
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