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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Never mind no there there or no here here. You continually ignore the probability that the "grounds" have been slow to emerge due to obstruction, slow-walking and lack of action by the DOJ, whether under Trump or Biden.
  2. Or......they thought they would bundle up all the charges together in return for immunity from anything else that might come up.
  3. A bit like the responses from the DOJ, FBI, DHS and the WH press secretary. Yah? ????
  4. Because obstruction and slow walking are the likely reasons why evidence is lacking.
  5. He was just restating what he had said already. Of course, Politico create a headline to try and say something different.
  6. No. It doesn't and I didn't. However what I did say is this: The WB claims concern alleged suspicious transfers from at least five foreign countries to various shell companies that Hunter Biden is allegedly involved in, with other Biden family members also likely to be implicated. Who was president, when, does not change anything. If Joe Biden is involved then the highest rank he would have had would have been VP. We will have to wait and see.
  7. The WB claims concern alleged suspicious transfers from at least five foreign countries to various shell companies that Hunter Biden is allegedly involved in, with other Biden family members also likely to be implicated. Who was president, when, does not change anything. If Joe Biden is involved then the highest rank he would have had would have been VP. We will have to wait and see.
  8. You are persistent - I read it - just a story with no real evidence of anything, as I supposed.
  9. Whack job accusations including from Democratic IRS agents? If there is an indictment I'm sure you won't need me to wake you up.
  10. Well I can have a bit of a laugh at that. The DNC continue to make fantastic claims, as they always do, to direct focus onto Trump, instead of the Bidens. A lot like many of the pro Biden posters on here.
  11. You ask for evidence then when someone tries to get enough you start talking about jam and promises. Good name for a song, I suppose.
  12. The idea of this impeachment investigation is to gather more pressure for evidence to be made available. Apparently, several requests for information has yielded little, as yet.
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