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Everything posted by nauseus

  1. Who claimed 'best ever'? About 5T was used in 2020 to fight Covid and the economic collapse that it would have caused otherwise. If that money had not been deployed and the US had ended in deep recession then you and yours would have blamed Trump even more, anyway. Unwinnable with you lot. There is no debate to be had with you. Your obsessive hatred for Trump is far greater than any love that his MAGA fans have for him.
  2. I thought it was you asking for comparisons. Biden inherited a rebound but still kept spending magic money anyway.
  3. No he hasn't but Biden has claimed that his "Bidenomics" (where did that term suddenly come from?) regime has worked miracles, while ignoring the fact that the sharp rises in GDP and jobs in 2021/2 were the results of a normally expected rebound in economic activity after the worst effects of Covid had passed.
  4. Again you choose to ignore the first Covid year. Read back.
  5. They did OK but still lost 24k people. Per head of population, Germany actually did better.
  6. He doesn't even need to go then. This will go for years.
  7. Most Democrat fans seem have difficulty in finding the "peacefully" word. Strange.
  8. I don't think Hillary was exactly peaceful. ????
  9. Quartile this, quartile that. Before Covid hit GDP quarterly change under Trump was not bottom of all. Covid changed all that.
  10. It's actually less but what's a trillion here and there?
  11. Irrelevant to the post you responded to and also rather one-sided and unfair. Few countries have strong state laws comparable to the USA. Which country handled Covid well? Really? Who enabled the push for the vaccines? C'mon man. Looks like a busy day. Next.
  12. To speak politely, I will just use this word to describe your post (above), which is bullshine. Next.
  13. Easy. That average was about 1T/yr. Same as everyone else recently. Except Joe of course.
  14. But it does count. Biden benefitted from the rebound in 2021.
  15. Quote from : https://www.americanprogress.org/about-us/ "American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute". Board of Directors Julián Castro Steve Daetz Sen. Tom Daschle Patrick Gaspard Andrew Hauptman Eric Mindich Kristin Mugford Donald Sussman Hansjörg Wyss Nonpartisan. 'Right. All the above are Democrats and/or major donors to the Democrats. That's why.
  16. Your "Trump" recession was known to humans as the Covid pandemic.
  17. Collecting all this trash together must be exhausting. I almost feel sorry for you.
  18. If you think that no tax cuts for the last few presidents mean that there would not be this high debt now then you are in dreamland.
  19. You claim that I have nothing of value to add then immediately invent this worthless, hateful gibberish? No so sweet after all, I see.
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