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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. A coupe of years ago I snagged 5 licensees free, for F-Secure been working very well on my mini pc's Off Shoppe I bought 3 license's for ESET Antivirus for 200 Baht one year ,which have been working very well , on my other 3 mini pc's , I have never had any kind of virus ,since my daughter brought a thumb drive she had used on school PC , she's now 30 ,just don't click on anything willy nilly ,and scan anything you download before opening it. regards worgeordie
  2. I believe one day in Scotland that happened , people could not pay with cards apps, could not use ATM , because things have never happened does not mean they cannot.... regards Worgeordie
  3. I am not Gen Z ,far from it , Worgeordie A.K.A. Johnny Cash , never leave home without it,my daughter goes everywhere without it, if I get her to buy something for me ,I offer her cash as payment , does not want it , one day if everything goes down ,those with apps,cards, alternative money are F***** , and I like to count cash...... regards Worgeordie
  4. It seems very complicated system to me , then you have the Loopholes ,this is Thailand and they have to have them ....... regards Worgeordie
  5. Get Taylor Swift to perform at same time too , I would rather see about 100 tuk tuk's ,racing around the emptied streets of Bangkok regards worgeordie
  6. It will be OK if you give it a good wash to clean the rats piss off it ,I would believe him more if he actually put some in his mouth ......it will be auction off as 10 year old rice ,but it won't be when sold retail... regards Worgeordie
  7. We had that problem , had to dig the cement pipes out and replace with PVC pipes, the roots are only going to grow back and quickly , don't know how the could insert plastic pipes inside the cement ,as the wide pipe does not bend much at all , time to start digging ...... regards Worgeordie
  8. A ladyboy getting robbed .....now that is news regards Worgeordie
  9. You just knew Alcohol would be involved ......now if they had been smoking weed they could have had a good laugh.... regards Worgeordie
  10. Going to relocate here and does not have a visa yet , she and her partner are under 50 ,what kind of visa are they going to get for long term stay here. hope it works out for them , but they might be posting on here in 18 months too hot ,Thai drivers ,etc etc .... regards Worgeordie
  11. They most likely spit in it too ,depending how angry the cook was .... everything happens to Bob ........ regards Worgeordie
  12. So why is the OP doing this ?, trying to save a few Baht , now he has the oil and the filter he will have to do it himself , unless he finds a small garage to do it. regards Worgeordie
  13. Leaving after 20 months , he's never really tried to adapt to living here, I arrived here 36 years ago with a spare pair trousers,couple shirts,socks, underware, and shortwave radio *,I was not planning staying here ,I was on my way to Costa Rica the long way around, Just fell in love with Chiang Mai , which was so different than it is today,, Built a house ,started a family ,and would not change a thing ,very happy, I even have a grave bought and paid for in the foreign cemetery ,so I will never be leaving Thailand . * and plenty money ...that's important . Regards Worgeordie
  14. You can see vacant lots planted with Bananas ,Papaya ,and Coconuts ,so its taxed at agricultural rates , but lots of the plants have died or don't look too good as they have had no water for months . Tax seems to be a new buzz word for the Government , we got notice to pay tax on the house ,lived in it for 35 years ,then VAT on anything over 1 Baht arriving from overseas , then tax on money arriving from abroad , what next !! regards Worgeordie
  15. That does not sound good , Thai navy are going to be the guinea pigs , what's the betting China has installed tracking devices on the Sub ,so they know where it is all the time ...mostly in dock ,
  16. Sounds like the father did not really want his son , just using him to get at his wife , He's a waste of space, he has quite a few charges to answer there , regards worgeordie
  17. We now have an outside cat , just young ,but she has already caught a squirrel ,hope she can keep them in check , they are tree rats and get into the downstairs ceiling every year in rainy season, they make a lot of noise running about and chew up the LAN wires , We too use the sticky traps but put peanuts or chocolate as bait , but just hope the cat does its job this year , she can get up on the first floor roof ,where the gain access. regards worgeordie
  18. I would have thought buying 12 different numbers would give you better odds of winning something , this time it worked ....but , now he will have many new friends coming to see him , hope he is sensible with his winnings , many are not and soon blow it . regards Worgeordie
  19. Yes,you like cool air , but think of the people around you ,put yourself in their shoes, it's common sense to shut the engine off while parking , A few years I had a bust up with a guy for doing the same , I am parked waiting for my daughter to come out of music school , its a hot day , i had engine off ,window open, and this guy pulled up to me facing other way ,he never turned engine off , so I knocked on his window , can you turn your engine off the fumes are going straight in my truck. He did not like that , do you know who I am ? first words out his mouth , I own 4 private schools in Chiang Mai , I can get in contact with Immigration and get you deported , i said if you own 4 schools you must be an educated man , so turn your engine off ,bit more stuff said ,and he just took off , don't know if he ever got his kid. regards worgeordie
  20. Was that the women's prison ,Lou .... regards worgeordie
  21. Thats scary , Just like finding ways of of collecting more taxes ,it looks like they intend to up the seizures of property ,cash ,other assets , regards worgeordie
  22. murdered tourist ,Thailand would prefer it kept quiet..... regards Worgordie
  23. Not really 10 year visa .....you might get an extension .... regards Worgeordie
  24. I don't like this AI reporting ,........ once the posters start to use AI , all is lost .. regards worgeordie
  25. It's near his mouth ,but he's not actually eating it .......and everybody keep your gobs shut and say nothing about it.......or else regards Worgeordie
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