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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. When I arrived here 30 odd years ago the first TV I bought was a 21" Toshiba , 12,000 Baht ,Tv maybe the only things that have gotten bigger and much cheaper. regards Worgeordie
  2. Silicone sealant , but you would have to make sure the joints are completely clean and dry, it's flexible ,strong , and easy to use regards worgeordie
  3. Nothing that a few committees and subcommittees won't cover up. regards worgeordie
  4. Poor Bob ,he's had a run in with a Thai and he's stressed , OK everyone feel sorry for him. regards Worgeordie
  5. What bone are we talking about here George , nudge,nudge , wink , wink, regards Worgeordie
  6. Bob , You have lost all credibility ,after telling the biggest lie ,ever on ASSEANNOW , that you were leaving Thailand never to return ,some of us were so happy that it would mean there would be no more of your lying b/s posts on this forum , and here you are again , you must think we are all a bunch of mugs to believe a word you say, You sound like Dan ,with some GOAT mixed in , one in the same ? regards Worgeordie
  7. I would say the Government is getting desperate ,they need cash from anywhere to get money for the wallet scheme , it's going to make deliveries longer ,and who is going to collect the tax ... regards Worgeordie
  8. It seems no one is safe from them , a guy up in Chiang Rai peacefully fishing was propositioned by one the other day , Lao Monks did not take up their offer, Thai Monks may have been tempted the things they get up to..... regards worgeordie
  9. Name sounds more Russian to me , and her actions seem to confirm it.. regards Worgeordie
  10. What temperature do you have the A/c set at ? , our tenant has the same problem , solved it when I found out he had it set to 19 degrees , the whole A/c inside the house was frozen up. regards Worgeordie
  11. They were only thinking about the commissions they would get , have got regards worgeordie
  12. Hate crime , there's going to be plenty of arrests at a Celtic Vs Rangers match, as they hate each other ... regards Worgeordie
  13. Hope he did not run over any starfish or urchins or he would be in real trouble .... regards worgeordie
  14. Leave it to Bard ,maybe not so much nonsense .... regards worgeordie
  15. I knew it ,this man is full of B/S , unless it's hopefully an April fools .please let it be. regards Worgeordie
  16. 85 posts in one topic , mostly one liners , can somebody not just switch him OFF .... regards worgeordie
  17. Lipton's tea bags , is that the yellow package one ? ,long time ago that's all I could get ,waiting for family to bring proper tea bags from UK ,Gnat's piss comes to mind , you could leave in the cup all day and it would still be weak , They are an American thing ,maybe for making "Iced tea" a Scotsman ,Lipton who had Grocery shops in UK ,took Liptons tea to USA , but he must have changed something to cater to American taste ,it's tea Jim ,but not as we know it. regards worgeordie
  18. You would think HGV and Bus drivers would know ,going down hill you change to a lower gear ,let the engine slow you down ,don't ride with the foot on the brake , or even knock it into neutral and coast down, which I am sure happens .....to save fuel . regards Worgeordie
  19. Send him back to the front ,if he likes fighting so much .... regards worgeordie
  20. Looks more like a log than a snake ,sorry , regards Worgeordie
  21. If they extend the hours you can drink alcohol , they also must increase the penalties for DUI , one without the other is going to lead to more injuries and deaths on Thai roads ...thats a given . regards worgeordie
  22. The usual cause is trying to lift more tonnes than the crane is rated for. regards worgeordie
  23. They really need to up the penalties for DUI ,there is no need to do it, and it causes so many injuries and deaths , they really need to take it more seriously , regards Worgeordie
  24. What is it , not very good photo , regards worgeorde
  25. I think that will put him off fishing at that spot , "He initially thought she was a woman but realised she was a ladyboy when she came closer." must have been close before he realised that ..... regards worgeordie
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