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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Well that's welcome ,clear the air , cool things down a bit , but also means the electric is going off , and some damage will occur ....beware of flying billboards .....🙄 regards worgeordie
  2. Too much alcohol ,not enough common sense , result you lose your gold necklace ..... regards worgeordie
  3. So it did not record her death / Suicide ..... regards Worgeordie
  4. Especially as they are booking to have Nuclear power plants in the future , you cannot dump that waste on the side of the road ...... regards Worgeordie
  5. The problem is that there is no real deterrent for DUI , it's 3 DUI and run a red light before you get enough points to lose your license (if you have one ) ,DUI needs to be a custodial sentence ,first time , do it again longer sentence, and so on. there has to be a proper deterrent or nothing will change..... regards Worgeordie
  6. Yes they definitely require the bank book , updated on the day you are going to Immigration, but they don't seem to need the 12 month worth of statements , as last 2 years they have just given them back to me . but I would still get the statement, because if you did not have it they would be sure to want it ....... regards worgeordie
  7. That's where agents do their extensions .... regards Worgeordie
  8. At the first small hut as you enter ,tell the person you have an appointment , he then told me to go to window 2 ,which is in tent area ,but they have built a row of small offices with numbers ,they check you paperwork there , then from there a young immigration lad ,whisked my papers inside, saying listen for your name been called , if you want to hear your name ,find a seat beside window 10, as with the noise in there ,and the bad tannoy system not easy to hear , The first call will be for your photo to be taken , later on a lady will come out with box of passports calling out names , make sure you get your bank book back too , at window 2 they also take the B 1900 in advance . good luck regards Worgeordie
  9. Your a nosey bugger , I see you twitching the curtains , what business is it of yours how i spend my hard earned money, regards Worgeordie
  10. Maybe a Bitcoin dabbler ,under 50 and wants to live in Thailand ..... regards Worgeordie
  11. Reported Wednesday afternoon ,it was approved the next day ,Chiang Mai immigration. Use the pull down system for dates ,nationality , ect don't just fill them in. regards worgeordie
  12. I went along to Chiang Mai Immigration on Wednesday ,had an appointment ,was directed to window 2 ,to have paperwork pre checked , they went through everything ,did not want the 12 months of statements from Bangkok Bank ,wish i had of known ,took 3 trips to the bank to get them ,you can bet if i didn't have them ,they would have wanted them . Took 45 mins altogether , I have a friend going to Central next week doing it by Agent, 4 K baht ,but had to get paperwork from bank himself, see how long it takes him for the extra money , does not like to wait around ......45 mins once a year you cannot complain ... this time they did not do my 90 day report , so did it online when I got home , it was approved next day Thank you Chiang Mai immigration ,you are great.... regards Worgeordie
  13. Brexit did not help the British Government policy on Pensions , but the value of pensions dropped , just like Covid with price rises affected the overseas pensioners ,both badly affected expat pensioners, the British Government has done nothing and most likely will do nothing to help expat pensioners in the future . regards Worgeordie
  14. it's called inflation , Brexit did not help , Then Covid , ,I don't think anyone thought things would turn out like this , I am still on 90 quid a week ,good job I don't need it as provided for myself before retiring at 42 , But I can feel for those relying here on pension only, no way will we get any relief from the British Government ,too busy looking after immigrants. regards Worgeordie
  15. He was right in front of you...asleep , let sleeping dogs ,lay and this happened in 2021 regards Worgeordie
  16. When are the courts ,going to make an example of people like this, they have to understand they are above the law because they drive a Merc ,throw the book at them .....I know ,I know , but thats what should happen , regards Worgeordie
  17. All the other genders will not be pleased with that ,they will want their own toilet... regards worgeordie
  18. Was that for the stolen wallets ? I know nothing ... regards worgeordie
  19. How many Ukrainian people do actually know ? , and have you actually been to Ukraine ? regards Worgeordie
  20. I thought it was tight fitting trousers ,you will look good in them 😵 regards worgeordie
  21. Too Smokey ,too Dangerous ,too Far ,must be one of those reasons 🙄 just stay at home thinking about F1 ,Tallest Buildings and getting Taylor Swift to perform in Bangkok. regards worgeordie
  22. Chickens ,ducks will lay less eggs when the weather is too hot ,which it is now, less eggs ,demand the same price goes up , it's just supply and demand. regards Worgeordie
  23. Many farmers switch to sugar cane because the prices are going to be high this year , next year there's going to be a glut * (unless there's another drought ) because more farmers switched to sugar cane..... supply and demand regards Worgeordie
  24. It could be draining back into supply side if you don"t have a one way valve on it and also if water pressure is not high enough , if you dont see a leak anywhere , that could be the problem. regards worgeordie
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