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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. Buy some in the market or even higher in supermarkets , so someone is making good profit on it , maybe they should grow potatoes ,in Makro the other day 56 THB a Kg , Tops 53 THB for 500 Grm ! , If things don't improve from them ,they may go back to growing Opium again. regards Worgeordie
  2. Is the crack in the unit the problem ? , I would try SuperGlue ,clamp it together tight while it cures , i have fixed all kinds of stuff with superGlue , still good years later, Try that if you cannot find the part you need ,never heard of that brand before, even findinding replacement valves for ordinary taps is nearly impossible here, for me anyway , have to buy from China. Good Luck. regards Worgeordie
  3. I take it the shooter does not like kids and the noise they make, well he will have more than noise to complain about where he is hopefully going.... regards worgeordie
  4. What kind of Gold , and why would you , there's plenty here, the easiest kind of Gold to sell internationally are Coins and Bars from recognised providers ,countries . regards Worgeordie
  5. Got in a taxi in Singapore , driver took off , where you want to go, Dhoby Gaunt I said , don't know he said , so I am trying to pronounce different ways , he still did not understand it, so I said just let me out here at that MRT station , Ok he said , I said which MRT is that Dhoby Gaunt he said .......which sounded to me exactly like what I said to him. regards worgeordie
  6. Something you don't do when on a long overstay like that , If he had kept his head down and gotten along with other people he could have lived his life out here. regards Worgeordie
  7. She is really addicted ,maybe getting caught might be the best thing for her, might break the cycle ,but it won't be easy ,it's just as bad as drugs ,alcohol , when it takes a hold on you. regards worgeordie
  8. Even at those rates inflation is going to eat into your capital , Cash is no longer King , it's become a liability , better spend it ..... regards worgeordie
  9. Thailand thinks Thai should be the Lingua Franca for the World .... regards Worgeordie
  10. But will his insurance company believe him, when your that drunk it's usually pink elephants , regards worgeordie
  11. Yes , terrified of the ladyboys on beach road , regards worgeordie
  12. Beach chair operator , how can a speedboat operator be stealing his customers 2 different services , Thai logic at play here I think, regards worgeordie
  13. 7 years is a long time to keep your money locked up @ 3% when rates are on the up, I thought the Government had plenty of money, foreign exchange down in the vaults , maybe someone been down to check ! regards worgeordie
  14. I was watching Panorama yesterday about the state of housing in the UK, the rents are through the roof , one guy paying 880 quid a month for a room which he could touch the walls with his outstretched arms ,damp , toilet not working , another family ,4 kids , they have to get out just before Xmas as the landlord wants to renovate and get more rent. they went to the council looking for a house , nothing doing......so no houses for British people ....but another Panorama about the cost of food over there , everybody cutting back, the food banks cannot cope ,I am just glad I got away ,expect crime is rampant, if things are so sh!t over there ,why are the immigrants /refugees riskinging their lives , spending 1000's ,when they are already safe in France ,or another European country they traveled through , I don't know why people complain about Thailand .....it's like Nirvana ,to me anyway. regards worgeordie
  15. Once in 35 years , there was a coup on ,that's why I had it with me, out in the countryside stopped by a soldier , he looked at it upside down , so maybe that does not count , just carry a copy ,I don't even bother with that , but always carry my driving licence. regards Worgeordie
  16. No , that did not occur to me ....thanks for that gem of wisdom ....???? regards worgeordie
  17. They always seem to hit a power pole or tree when the go off road. regards worgeordie
  18. "Famous Thai racer drives mate's Ferrari into a tree in downtown Bangkok" I think that will be former mate , he must have thought he was on the track ???? regards worgeordie
  19. None , why , .....you don't know what you could be missing. @rseholes need a forum too....???? regards worgeordie
  20. As an old fart ,I will be cattle trucked if they went cashless ,and everything done on a smartphone , special card , whatever , I don't want a smartphone or have need for one ,I don't need anything in my pocket that is smarter than me. I believe there will always be cash , I mean what happens if for some reason the whole system goes down ,it happened in Scotland and people could not withdraw money or pay for things , and Thailand is always going to need a plan B which is cash , Worgeordie A.K.A. Johnny Cash. regards worgeordie
  21. I am sure if ill in hospital ....seeing a nurse walking around in a very short dress would perk you up a bit .....but we cannot have that , regards Worgeordie
  22. So what happened then ...., was he arrested, just allowed to walk away . you never get the full story in these reports on here . regards worgeordie
  23. in the meantime make sure you don't lose the letter that came with your new passport requesting Immigration to transfer stamps ,they will not do it without that , Personally I would do it before your next extension ,no need to complicate matters , on the day. regards worgeordie
  24. I hope they have some good insurance or it's going to be a very expensive holiday ...wishing you both a speedy recovery . regards Worgeordie
  25. I hope it comes with a free recovery vessel , to follow it around , regards worgeordie
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