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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. First and most important thing you would check before moving off........I would think, but maybe overthinking again .....???? regards worgeordie
  2. At Bangkok Bank no need to add anything to fixed account, just tell the cashier to update the book , up here in Chiang Mai Immigration require a years bank statement , which at Bangkok Banks takes up to 7 days , I say up to, usually faster. regards worgeordie
  3. Beep , Beep , Beep , that was not me officer , it was that road runner over there ......???? regards worgeordie
  4. Most things can be found in prison's , drugs , alcohol ,phones, better food if you have money. lottery tickets should be easy... regards worgeordie
  5. Another Thai manchild who could not cope with rejection , If you must burn the vehicle that you paid for ,but is in ex wife's name , do it in secret ,don't stand there waiting for police to arrive...... regards worgeordie
  6. 50,000 years , is that all , she deserves to do some time if found guilty of scamming people , but this is excess and stupid. regards worgeordie
  7. In the UK had several credit cards, as mostly used for business , when I retired here 35 years ago cancelled them and used mostly cash ,some Debit card use online, if they ever go cashless society here I will be f#cked , don't have a smartphone , sure they can be useful ,but what I see is they are turning people into Zombies , my wife good example ,cannot go anywhere without it, MUST answer it when it rings. why I have banned her bringing it into the bedroom...???? regards worgeordie A.K.A Johnny CASH.......
  8. OK we will leave you alone , but only if you leave me alone regards Worgeordie , P.S. been to school the spelling is a lot better
  9. Aye , I remember it too bloody hot ,my ice cream was melting faster than I could eat it, what a mess ........???? regards worgeordie
  10. Here's an example , due to historically high heat in the UK, EU , in some areas grass has died off, and the famers are having to use their winter stocks of feed to feed their livestock now, that's grass a plant you may not think of as a crop but is, regards worgeordie
  11. also increases the heat, making it too hot to grow some crops .... regards worgeordie
  12. There was a drug sniffing dog going crazy over a passengers suitcase a few years ago, at Chiang Mai Airport , they must have thought they hit the jack pot , but what the suitcase contained was Thai Sausages ......, reporters found out the dogs were given 20 Baht a day food allowance, so the dog must have been hungry , never mind drugs ,I want food......???? regards worgeordie
  13. "The court also ordered all of them to compensate Krungthai Bank to the tune of about 8.8 billion baht within 30 days." Now they have been sentenced ,I am sure Krunggthai Bank will not be receiving the money anytime soon, They should have made a deal to get the money back for lesser sentence regards worgeordie.
  14. No they are a species of rat that lives in trees , they are bit smaller than Rattus norvegicus , the common brown rat , so when the rainy season starts they move out of trees into roofs of houses or other dry places, they can jump from adjoining trees onto your house, we only get them in down stairs ceilings . regards worgeordie
  15. Every rainy season we get the tree rats coming into our ceilings to keep dry , we use those sticky traps , while not humane ,we are dealing with rats , chewing wires , they can make a lot of noise, one night it sounded like there was a couple of Yorkshire terriers running about. just put some sticky traps up there , but keep a check on them as dead rats stink if left, I use peanuts as bait . regards Worgeordie
  16. Will it still be OK to have passengers sitting in bed of pick up trucks ? regards worgeordie
  17. Greed gets them every time , regards worgordie
  18. Why did she not say "Do you know who I am "......???? Really if someone dissed me I would not be putting it on social media. Some people think they are really more important than the actually are. regards worgeordie
  19. This is what happens when they stop using those expensive bomb detectors .........???? , RIP young man regards Worgeordie
  20. Can see an increase in reports of people falling down holes , that are left without fences at night. regards worgeordie
  21. Just shows how bad things are when we can get excited over 1.83 % interest , I remember the good old days when I got 18 % on 3 months fixed, regards Worgeordie
  22. Perfect case of Karma , now what happens to the old lady.... regards worgeordie
  23. I think they must mean his IQ , I hope he gets taught a lesson, everyday ,where he is going regards worgeordie
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