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Everything posted by worgeordie

  1. So it's all an honest mistake ..... Anything to do with vehicles , it's always the vehicles fault never the operator. regards worgeordie
  2. No brand , but from NZ and was 100 % butter , but alas no more .. why should butter prices rise like this ? the cows still producing and been milked every day , in UK Lurpak 9 pound odd 500 gram, I have tried those other Thai brands Imperial , Allowrie ,the worst one was Anchor made in Indonesia , terrible , for many years I was happy with Orchid. Regards Worgeordie
  3. Yes that was me, could buy at 195 Baht Kilo NZ butter , then the price went up to 495 Baht Kilo !!!!! regards worgeordie
  4. Everything is going to be alright... regards Worgeordie.
  5. Yes I would expect you have to snap plastic tab off the end , so both A and B can come out and mix, Was watching a review of these kinds of epoxies , on Youtube, they were all USA manufactured , even then 3 out of 10 were next to useless , the best 3 were very strong , hope your Chinese one works , what you going to fix with it ? Regards Worgeordie
  6. I believe most lottery buyers only pick the last 3 numbers , as they are only hoping to win 3,000 Baht, strange I know , 5094 number of the truck, so maybe only 594 numbers available , the first 3 numbers just random, this time proving very lucky for them. expect they will find they now have a lot of friends they never knew they had poping around. regards worgeordie
  7. Similar scam years ago , Chinese scammers selling breeding pairs of Coypou * ,for big money , promised to buy young and pelts , lots of farmers bought them, but the Chinese never returned, So the Farmers were left with 1,000's of baby and adult Coypou , that nobody wanted , some farmers ate them other just set them free. * very large South American rodent. Regards Worgeordie
  8. Sorry cannot do , too busy fighting each other... regards Worgeordie
  9. I mean who would not, the good wife , until it begins to fall apart..... regards worgeordie
  10. My daughter won one night stay for one Baht , I am asking her what the catch is, she has not found any yet. regards Worgeordie
  11. The Hulk ,the way he threw the other guys motorbike is in the wrong , unbelievable the way the Police viewed this, even if they did view the footage. regards Worgeordie
  12. Taking yet more work away from the Police , regards worgeordie
  13. He disclosed that the 30 suspected cases were among 42 people who were found to have been in close physical contact with the two confirmed monkeypox cases in Thailand. The headline says 30 suspected cases cleared , but only 3 have tested negative , should they all not have tested negative , does that mean the rest ,they just gave them a look over ? regards worgeordie
  14. The front page of the current issue of Private eye , says it all. pictures of Truss and Sunak ,striding forward , headline Tory candidates offer fresh start , with a speech balloon coming from both their mouths , "only I can sort out the mess left by the government I was in " regards Worgeordie
  15. None of the current crop on both sides that's sure, It could never happen ,but maybe it should , bring someone in from outside politics , a successful business person ,as the country is in a terrible mess , regards Worgeordie
  16. She put me off ,when she made the "Pork Bellies" speech ,came over as a loony , the whole lot are useless , just at the time when we need a PM we can trust ,and knows what they are doing.. regards worgeordie
  17. Only 2 new parties launched this week ......???? a quiet week, regards worgeordie
  18. I wonder if the police ever take the drivers phone in accidents , and check if they were on the phone when the accident occured , was watching on BBC were a driver of an HGV plowed into the rear of a line of cars stopped on a motorway ,killing 3 people , a policeman asks for his phone and when it's checked ,at time of crash he was on a dating site. here it's just put down to micro sleep. regards worgeordie
  19. I hope that Burmese cock has a work permit ,if not it's in big trouble... regards worgeordie
  20. England lasses beat Germany 2 - 1 , in extra time. regards Worgeordie
  21. You were so cocky when you took her from the sleeping Farang in a bar , thought she liked you..... no your money, if any of what you say is true , you should be worried ,if she has called for her brother to collect money from you, he won't be coming alone. time to leave Koh Changy as you put it. regards worgeordie
  22. Just living one day at a time and making the most of it, 5 years time ? , I am 76 now , but had a very good life , best not to worry the small stuff. regards worgeordie P.S. your thinking too much......
  23. Dismantle the tap part from the part the screws into the wall , then file a little bit off the tap part , so when you reassemble it will tighten up on ball valve in the tap , then will not leak , been a Cheap Charlie that's how I make the taps last longer , You are going to need a grip a spanner and a file or 100 Baht and buy a new one. regards worgeordie
  24. I would not call myself average......never mind what the other four said.... regards worgeordie
  25. Yes , Cod On Delivery ..... regards worgeordie
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