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Posts posted by LennyW

  1. Imagine if the Thai authorities did actually relax the rules on foriegn ownership right now, to say - 100% allocation of condos available for foriegn purchase, and 1 rai plots can be bought outright by a foriegner for a residence as long as they do not resell within 5 years, then i think Thailand would have pulled the master stroke of the century!!!

    The immediate take up on the offer and the corresponding influx of cash would sheild Thailand completely from any exposure to the financial crisis in the west, and if anything - make the Thai economy even stronger!!

    If indeed there was a perfect time to do such a thing i guess it would be now!

    Oh to dream a little dream........ :o

  2. I just call it scamming. When something this big is about to happen it will be because the economy is collapsing. Otherwise there would be no reason at all for Thais to even consider it.

    Realestate agents have other interests, that is selling as much as they can. And when people are doubting to buy this kind of 'news' can be the decision maker. How the sell is made is unimportant, lying is acceptable to reach that goal. Once sold, who cares for the rest.

    Yeah right, and people with any ounce of sense that are considering purchasing real estate in Thailand are really going to rely on anything they read from the armchair experts like you in this forum!! :o

  3. Some useful borehole info:

    I'm currently building a house, and the previous contractor put in a 20 meter deep borehole with one of those external injector pumps.

    Managed to run the well dry in 2 days flat.

    Now made a 52 meter deep borehole, 6 inch wide, with a .75 KW Franklin submersible pump down in there pumping the water up through a 1" pipe.

    Expensive at 90,000 Baht but excellent unlimited water now!

    This is more realistic, however i would recommend 1 1/4" pipe for a 1HP pump at that depth to avoid back pressure and overloading your sub, i know it does not sound like a big difference but believe me you would be surprised :o rest assured the above is a good price, not expensive!

  4. i wouldn't invest another dollar in thailand and i wouldn't even if they did it ..would last as long as the pm and their constitution does in thailand..i said before 33-34 to 1 usd..need to go to 45baht to 1usd..not even worth visiting let alone living there..and as far as real estate in a 3rd world country goes..oooovvvveeeerrrrr priced..i can buy a house on ebay for less then 10,000 usd here in the usa ( just read today a lady bought a house on ebay for 1.75 ) look through any real estate website you can find great deals now and wait till the prices go down even more over the next 6 months..if people are crazy enough to pay these high prices in thailand..good for them..i have bought and sold real estate here in the usa and almost doubled each time..will stay here and do it again..and i have noticed that the classified list for real estate on this website just keeps going up..and just going to keep getting bigger..you want to sell your property in thailand or thailand is worried about people buying..do what banks are doing here..cut the prices by 50%-65% and maybe more for a 3rd world country..and now if this bill passes tomorrow in the usa..fed will buy more of these mortages banks still hold and said to sell them at 80% discount will take 3-6 months to start selling them i heard..abut time they buy.. title clears.. sell them in bundles and all that..i'll buy a few and rent them out..fix them up if i have to like i did my other properties..but again i would not trust anything coming out of the thai government..changed too many times for me to invest..again.

    Rather negative comments about Thailand considering your user name... Thailand_Tom :D


    Thailand Tom you stay right where you are, you sure sound pretty happy there judging by your rant

    Would that be in cloud cukoo land perhaps?? :D

  5. Normally when a mall opens a few businesses go under or leave.

    It is usually the small independents, who are not in a position to negotiate good terms and the rent eveentually ccripples them. At this point the big boys move in and force the owners to rent to them at better rates. They get a pre-built base for their operations and the owner gets a full building....the customer....well he gets less chioce and a boring arcade to walk round.

    BTW - if you want to see a really sad project, just pop up to Big C on Sukhumvit....their car park is always empty....a huge placce and it must take a fraction of what they take in the Big C on 2nd road.

    The car park under the building is usually full - out of the sun!, i guess the one you can see from Sukhumvit is an overspill.

  6. i wouldn't invest another dollar in thailand and i wouldn't even if they did it ..would last as long as the pm and their constitution does in thailand..i said before 33-34 to 1 usd..need to go to 45baht to 1usd..not even worth visiting let alone living there..and as far as real estate in a 3rd world country goes..oooovvvveeeerrrrr priced..i can buy a house on ebay for less then 10,000 usd here in the usa ( just read today a lady bought a house on ebay for 1.75 ) look through any real estate website you can find great deals now and wait till the prices go down even more over the next 6 months..if people are crazy enough to pay these high prices in thailand..good for them..i have bought and sold real estate here in the usa and almost doubled each time..will stay here and do it again..and i have noticed that the classified list for real estate on this website just keeps going up..and just going to keep getting bigger..you want to sell your property in thailand or thailand is worried about people buying..do what banks are doing here..cut the prices by 50%-65% and maybe more for a 3rd world country..and now if this bill passes tomorrow in the usa..fed will buy more of these mortages banks still hold and said to sell them at 80% discount will take 3-6 months to start selling them i heard..abut time they buy.. title clears.. sell them in bundles and all that..i'll buy a few and rent them out..fix them up if i have to like i did my other properties..but again i would not trust anything coming out of the thai government..changed too many times for me to invest..again.

    Rather negative comments about Thailand considering your user name... Thailand_Tom :o

  7. I was told that construction has now started, about a week ago .....

    Is there any evidence on the ground of that ? I am not in Jomtien right now, and would much appreciate an updated picture evidencing the construction work ....

    By your posts, the question must be asked, have you actually ever been???

  8. Please dont tell me you are still assuming that the USA is the worlds biggest economy??

    I just googled "world's biggest economy" and if you compare the US economy with any other singel nation, then yes the US is still the world's biggest economy. But you could argue, which I am assuming you are, that the European Union has the world's biggest economy. Is this your point?

    I just feel the US has the biggest debt - and about to get worse!

  9. The market is moving more upscale everyday, as the trash like to two above get pushed out. This is a very important point I made above and I think you missed it, in fact I am sure it just flew over your head. The vast majority of people buying condos here, are already RICH or RETIRED, they have already made their money. They don't care about what is going on else where, because they are all ready set for life. That being said, if there was not a world wide slow down and if the government ever gets it act back together we will go back to the happy days again. When you bought it under the premises, "you buy they will come to buy it from you."

    But you are assuming that Thailand can survive in a total vacuum ?

    Admittedly there are many retirees and rich people in Thailand but I doubt if they have all moved ALL their money

    into Thai bank accounts? Some will still be relying one way or another on incomes from USA or other countries

    and some may be unlucky enough to suffer further from more bank closures in the future if this bailout

    does not work. There is no doubt the USA is in for some very big changes and those changes are bound to

    have a substantial effect on the rest of the world. As for the health of Asia, let's see what happens when

    Asian exports plummet over the next few months as consumer demand in the world's biggest economy

    goes into steep decline !

    Please dont tell me you are still assuming that the USA is the worlds biggest economy??

  10. So , from reading this thread as a house buyer the trend in Pattaya is the same as the majority of other Countries.

    The main difference that concerns us is that there is a continued reference to the Thai Company ownership of a house being doubtful , but there is a plethora of Farang couples with houses that have been there for years.

    In reality ,would ANY government close down this 'loophole' & risk losing the income generated by hundreds if not thousands of Farang Home 'owners' living in LOS???? :D


    Try hundreds of thousands John!! Remember, half the posters on this forum have only ever been here for a "two week millionaires holiday" and have absolutely no relative input to anything posted here, WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!! :D

  11. Smells like total BS.
    Cut the fuc_king crap.

    You are a liar , nothing else.

    either that or a real eastate agent

    Just two more low life drunks, living here on 20,000 a month mad at the world. Too bad, if you can't do it I can. If you have any money, which I know you don't, I will sell you a few units. Every time real estate is discussed on this site clowns like you come out posting on something you know nothing about. That's why I don't post to much any more because of people like you two!

    billaaa even if what you say is true- you cannot possibly deny that with everything

    that has happened in the US over the past few days ( eg George Bush on tv last

    night warning the people about a possible " panic " ) that EVENTUALLY this MUST FILTER

    through to Thailand

    Look, I think I said above the market is STRONG; it is not great like it used to be. Where you could buy anything and sell it the day you finished renovations. Now, you need to be selective, very selective on what you buy and have a plan on why you're buying it and how you're going to sell it.

    The market is moving more upscale everyday, as the trash like to two above get pushed out. This is a very important point I made above and I think you missed it, in fact I am sure it just flew over your head. The vast majority of people buying condos here, are already RICH or RETIRED, they have already made their money. They don't care about what is going on else where, because they are all ready set for life. That being said, if there was not a world wide slow down and if the government ever gets it act back together we will go back to the happy days again. When you bought it under the premises, "you buy they will come to buy it from you."

    I think that covers that subject for a little while any way. At least until the two fools read my latest post and come back with their wise as s remarks about something they know nothing about. And by the way, for those two and anybody else that might be reading, I am NOT a real estate agent. They have to work way to hard and I am lazy. I just like to work the three hours in the morning renovating the units, then head to the golf course and finally cap the night off with a trip to Walking Street. Life sucks, I know, but somebody has to do it, and the way I figure it, it might as well be me.

    I dont know why people keep referring to the US state of affairs as any sort of example, for christ sake, do people not understand yet that China and Japan own most of the debt in the US, the ham shanks are in for an even bigger wake up call when that debt is to be collected!!!!

  12. As previous readers will know i am not a great fan of condos too much, and as for thinking less than 50,000 baht / sqm is any kind of value, ??????????????????, i have heard all the no brainers thinking that it is worth paying double money to have the property in their own name, ( ie: foreign quota condos) up to them, obviously have not thouroughly researched the alternatives! But as with anything here - up to you!! It must be really great to think you have a mega project condo unit in your own name only to find it is not actually going to be a reality - so 1000 bt / sqm or 100000 bt / sqm means the same eh?? Absolutely nothing!!!!!

    Then ESCROW is the way to go.

    Absolutely, for those developers that actually adopt it!! :o

  13. A. More low-rise, less high-rise

    A low rise can be constructed for between Bt.17,500 and Bt25,000 per m2, depending on the quality and finishings. A high rise will set you back around between Bt.80,000 and Bt120,000 per m2, depending on quality and complexity (a 90 stories tower is exponentially more complex to build when compared to a "mere" 30 stories).

    The probelm as expatgaz states is ovepricing.

    You're in the right balllpark regarding construction costs but how many of these low rises are selling for less than 50,000 Baht a square metre?

    This only reinforces my opinion that new condos are priced so that the developer recovers his costs (at least) by only selling the Farang 49% and rh units are really only 'worth' half the asking price.

    As previous readers will know i am not a great fan of condos too much, and as for thinking less than 50,000 baht / sqm is any kind of value, ??????????????????, i have heard all the no brainers thinking that it is worth paying double money to have the property in their own name, ( ie: foreign quota condos) up to them, obviously have not thouroughly researched the alternatives! But as with anything here - up to you!! It must be really great to think you have a mega project condo unit in your own name only to find it is not actually going to be a reality - so 1000 bt / sqm or 100000 bt / sqm means the same eh?? Absolutely nothing!!!!!

  14. If there is a downturn at present then surely this would be the time to buy, particularly homes and condos that already exist / are completed, as anything that will be built in the future will cost more to construct and consequently more to resale?

    People here tend to forget that there is a global downturn at the moment, it is in no way particular to Pattaya, the bottom line is that property in Thailand is still great value for money in comparison.

    Those that have the insight to buy now will be sure winners! watch this space! :o

  15. Why invest any money in real estate in this country ?

    There is no need to - because there far better markets

    around the globe capable of giving generous returns and capital gains

    and with better consumer laws and real estate agent regulations than Thailand

    Consumer laws and regulations are part of the risk here, the bigger the risk the greater the potential returns.

    I'd be happy to invest in Thailand, can't think of anywhere else I'd put money into real estate, perhaps the US in 18 months or so.

    CBRE generally have a good reputation, at least here in Phuket - Perhaps the employee involved had a personal interest somehow (friend or family member the purchaser?). Can't think of any other reason they would let someone play them about for so long, the quicker you got your money - the quicker they got their commission.

    I have made far more money with Sydney Harbour waterfront property

    than I could ever have made in Thailand :D there is one Sydney Harbour in the world.......

    What is so special about ANY location in Thailand ?

    And CBRE in Australia could lose their real estate agents licence for engaging in this

    sort of deception ..........why take the risk here ?

    What is the connection between "Sydney waterfront" and Thai property?

    You are talking chalk and cheese here mate.

    Why to you find the need to advertise on internet forums that you are a "rich" property trader?

    Yeah right. More like an English language teacher living in Kho San Road district :o

    Try to stick to the topic mate rather than trying to convince other TV members you are "rich"

    What rubbish :D

    Livinginexile I am very sorry if I have upset you ! :D

    No I am not " advertising on internet forums that I am a "rich" property trader " !

    and I agree there is no connection between Sydney waterfront and Thai property but

    I just wonder why people take unecessary risks buying real estate interests

    in Thailand when you generate the same returns elsewhere? You need

    a fullproof legal system with sound consumer laws

    to invest safely in real estate and in my view Thailand has neither.

    The OP was obviously dealt with very shabbily by his real estate agent

    - all i am saying is that in more regulated markets ( Sydney being one of them )

    you would never get away with that sort of behaviour.

    I guess you will be telling us next that the USA and UK are "regulated markets" ? sorry mess that has turned out to be!! :D

  16. i always wanted to go and have a race at the circuit. but i am not such a great fan for karts. but i like motorbikes more as i have grown up with them. only the wind going through me hair makes me feel alive.

    once you hit the 140-180 mark. it is like your are alone on the road :D .(except there is a car, dog cat or another bike) cutting the way. :o

    i also heard that the bira circuit also has big bikes for testing. but at high prices.

    Check out Highside tours at Bira, big bkes for a blast!! Awesome!

  17. In coming yearls there is likely to be a lot more sightings of Whales, masses of Jelly fish, Funny lookig Worms and other not so native species around the coasts of Bang Sean, Pattaya, and Jomtien, but it is not the sign bad things to come, far from it, it is just with the creation of artificial reefs made from old Trains and Water Pipes etc. there is far more feeding to be had by more species! :o

  18. I've lived right across the street from Jomtien Complex for 4 years and know most of the restaurants and a few of the bars --

    I had never heard of the "Fantasy" Bar --

    Tonight, on a quick jaunt to one of my favorite JC eateries, I decided to take a minute to poke around and see if I had actually missed the "Fantasy"

    I hadn't -- it's a Fantasy -- it doesn't exist!

    For anyone hoodwinked enough ( as I briefly was ) to make a trip to Jomtien -- don't waste your time.

    ( Actually, for the next person stupid enough to think that just what Pattaya/Jomtien needs in another Bar -- "Fantasy" might be just the right name . . . :o

    Well i dont live anywhere near Jomtien Complex, but i managed to find it at the first attempt, so you must have been wandering around with your head up yer hoop!

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