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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Eww!  :D  I'm never dating a Thai guy again..

    Also never eat the peanuts in a bar - think about it guy goes for a slash no hand wash comes back and fingers the peanuts - leaves- peanuts go back in the jar - served to the next customer - in you go have a few peanuts.


    Eww! I'm never eating peanuts again... :D

    Think of this next time that you have a rice meal.

    Where does the farmer go for a pee or a crap when he's in the middle of his field?

    Ewww!! :D:D

  2. Based on a story by dr_pat_pong

    Executed by the Moderation team at thaivisa.com

    Earlier April Fool Pranks:

    2004: http://www.thaivisa.com/index.php?514&backPID=10&tt_news=708

    2003: http://www.thaivisa.com/index.php?514&backPID=58&tt_news=221

    Cheers!  :o

    Well done again guys. :D

    Just out of curiosity, as George's post just now was the 50th (visible) post on the subject, just how many did you delete? :D

    Somewhere up above the 40 mark JD, tv members are not all that gullible after all :D

    Actually, the word 'gullible' doesn't even exist in dictionaries. But still, there's been alot of members who have been 'gulled' today. :D

    Nice one TV! :D:D

  3. I e-mailed the Thai Embassy in London last year about getting one at my local consulate-a jewellers shop in Liverpool.The reply was no problem.

    Years ago I didn't know about the consulate in Liverpool and had to go down to London on two consequetive days for a visa. :o

    The consulate in Liverpool was in Boodles & Dunthorpe Jewelers (?) and consisted of a little box with application forms on it. Fill in the forms along with a self-addressed envelope and then pop it in the box. All Hi-tech stuff what??? :D

  4. The morale of the story being "Don't piss on yout fingers"


    Actually I'm not too sure just how unhygenic urine is. Urine isn't waste extractraction similar to excreta. Urine is only fluids that your body can't absorb or use at that particular time. Don't forget that some people actually drink their own urine so in effect, they're recycling what they've already drank.

    Anyone fancy a night on the p1ss? :D

  5. Thais always go on about how we dirty farangs only shower 2X a day.... However, when I am out it seems that the vast majority of thai men pee or crap then walk straight out of the toilet without washing their hands.  :D

    This behaviour seems to happen at all locations equally, be it at the office, upscale or cheap charlie bars/restaurants/hotels. I am not saying that we farang guys always wash our hands after pointing percy, but the majority of my mates would do after having a sh*t I think, even if out on the p*ss. Wonder what the spotlessly clean Thai ladies would think about this?  :o

    Funny too, I've seen Thai guys wash their hands and then do their business!

    Maybe it is a cultural thing, or are they just too lazy?

    FYI, these observations come after 6 years working in LOS and I don't loiter in public toilets!

    Check the stats on other races ( westerners don't come out well )

    Without checking the stats I would say that Thais seem to be more hygenic than farangs.

    How many Thais do you see chewing on their finger nails?

    How many would spit on their fingers to dampen down a wayward tress of hair?

    How many Thai mother's do you see chastising their young'ens for having dirty knees then yokking on a tissue to wipe off the dirt?

    How many Thais do you see pulling out a bogey and then placing it in their mouth?

    Farangs are far from perfect. :D

  6. Probably it's only a 'secret' as in "Let's not tell the poor farmers they're sitting on a fortune. We can't be paying out billions to too many Jed Clampetts now can we?"


    Take a look at the prosperity of the villagers who live amid the Queen Sirikit oilfields in Phitsanulok. You won't see any buffalo with gold-plated horns up there.


  7. Also it's funny how Paedophile topics continue with all the advice on how not to get caught kiddy-fiddling. But when a thread is started complaining about it, it gets closed with a 'we're keeping our eyes on the Peado treads'.

    I too was surprised about the customer service thread closing. Why not just delete any offending posts?

  8. Always like to use a fan rather than any air conditioning.I came to this lovely country for the hot weather. :D

    Same as me. Using aircon just makes it feel hotter when I go outside anywhere.

    Sometimes I pity the children of my friends who seem to live in a constant aircon environment. They leave their aircon house to go to and from their aircon school in an aircon car/bus then back to their aircon home. :o

  9. What I find strange is that there's already a road from the border crossing point at Bong Thi that goes to the Burmese seaport of Tavoy. Baan Phu Nam Ron is very close to Bong Thi.

    I would've thought that Bong Thi would be the best place to open the border for intl. crossing as it's already established as a local crossing point


  10. If it's in a crowded pub in the city, I don't do it.

    If it's out in the countryside walking - I do it & say hello.

    So - if I was walking up the Erawan waterfall I'd say hi to everyone on the way down.  Getting in a lift I do it. If I Walked in to O'Reilly's & I woudn't do it. Walking around Silom I don't do it & for sure in Pattaya I don't 'cause I'd be smiling at every fcuker !

    So I guess the more 'personal' a situation is - the more I do it. 


    Pedro sums it up for me. The more remote the location is, the more I try and initiate a smile. Forget about Bangkok, Pattaya and the like, otherwise I'd feel like a village idiot walking around smiling at everyone.

    Although 15 years ago living in NKP, whenever I saw another farang I used to feel as though 'my little peice of Issan' had been trespassed on (as mgnewman says).

    Now, I've grown out of that phase. Plus, it's not such a rarity nowadays to see farangs in out-of-the-way places anymore.

    A big :o to all those I've ignored in the past.

  11. Raining in Pattaya now at 1pm on Friday 25th of March

    Started at 3 here.

    Took 2 hours to get to Chonburi. :o

    Started raining in Don Muang about 3.30pm. From Chonburi it probably took a right at Central Bangna and up Srinakarin Rd and on through to Bangkapi.


  12. Anyway, from the looks of his photo, his "expiration date" will probably come sooner than the one on his visa. :o

    Mr Grim Reaper Sir, is this 'inside information'? :D

    BTW, when it's my turn on your list, don't recall me back to my maker while I'm sitting on the loo, Pleeeaaasse! :D

  13. I don't know what the criteria Lox uses in its Spam program, but I have no complaints. I used to get hundreds of Spam per day (mostly from my website addy), but now maybe 1 slips through per week. I checked daily for mistakes for the first couple of weeks, but never saw a mistake, so now I leave it alone.

    Very much the same as Ajarn. Except that I do a quick check of the spam listings.

    I only receive about about 10 personal emails per week anyway, but none so far has wrongly been mistaken for spam.


    The offences include driving a vehicle with a red plate at night, stopping past the solid line, stopping in restricted zones, failure to keep left while driving slowly, and taxi drivers being improperly dressed.

    It would be nice of them to inform the public at what speed they consider 'slow'.

    Slow to some is fast. Fast to others can be considered slow. :o

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