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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. You can get a medal for blowing a whistle and waving a glo-stick in a car park too.

    You deserve more than a medal for that observation. I forgot about them guys with their ribbons won in the great 'Battle of the Auto Space Allocation'.

    Arise Sir Toastie.

  2. Ray23, I'm in the same boat as you. I like getting off the beaten track and often wonder which road to take at unmarked junctions to get to my destination.

    I'm always thinking that if I was to have a breakdown or accident, would it be quicker and easier retracing my route or carrying on to my original destination.

    Anyway, I'm still umming and arrhing as to which GPS unit to buy.

    Meanwhile, here's a good site with lots of info.


    A full dress 750? Do you have a tourer? I used to use my Harley for dirt tracks but now have a Transalp. :o

  3. Gazza,I don't think that the headlights on pickups are set like that. The pickups I've seen with extremely bright headlights have mainly been used as regular vehicles and thus have no weight in the back. If the truck had enough weight in the back to tilt the headlights far enough overhead the rear suspension would probably be destroyed.

    Some of the pick-ups that I've seen heavily over-laden have almost had the front wheels leaving the road, especially full songtaews. Just wondered that's all. :o

  4. Don't give way unless you've got a good reason to do so. Doing so while introducing strange new hand signals/gestures just for the sake of courtesy will only confuse them, and more importantly, ME! :o

    Ref. headlights on pick-up trucks, are the beams set taking into consideraration that when heavily laden, the truck's front end is raised? Just curious.

  5. Can't say that I've seen it lately, then again I don't go looking for it.

    Go to any rescue foundation like the one at the temple on the Rama 4 and Si Phraya junction, and you'll see photos of recent scenes they've attended to. Very gory. :o

    www.rotten.com has some nasty stuff. Not Thai though.

  6. You have a very expensive teak table and chairs but choose to eat all meals sitting on the floor.

    :D:D Very True. We've got a dining table that is now used as a tv and video stand in my bedroom.

    In a similar vein, my pa-in-law likes to sleep on the hardwood floor....next to a king-size mattressed bed. :o

  7. We've got, ahem...cough...I mean, my wife has got a Goldstar WP-701S.

    It has a plastic bodywork, washer, spin dryer, 3 simple dial controls and is still going strong after about 8 years of daily use.

    I wouldn't have a clue about the loading weights though. Cost about 6K at the time.

    Much better than the top brands back home that used to have the motor brackets rust away from the frame after a few years.

  8. Disconnect battery. Starting it up every so often may not charge the battery unless you know the charging system and at what revs it charges the battery. Otherwise you may be taking out more power each time starting it up than what is put back in.

    If it's a petrol engine, remove plugs and squirt in engine oil.

    Change the oil if you haven't done so regularly. Old oil contains contaminents that can affect bearings.

    Use a breathable cover so that trapped condensation can escape. Maybe giving it a few coats of wax might be an idea too.

  9. So what's this a BG thread turned snooker ?

    No. It's a girl with a normal job turned bargirl turned snooker thread.

    Stick around for when it turns to an early 16th century Spanish bookbinding thread. :D

    say... that reminds me and brings up a very good point. Does anyone know where I can get early 16th century Spanish bookbinding done in Bangkok?

    Sorry, Portugese Geometry is my area of expertise. :o

  10. Just PM me when it gets to how to cook some good "pad thai", might come in handy for dinner.

    (I have a feeling somebody's gonna stick an "off topic" sign around here soon.)

    To get it back on topic, girls with normal jobs can be found cooking this dish at home, sometimes.

    Phad Thai Recipe for girls with normal jobs.

    Soak rice noodles in warm water until soft, drain.

    Heat a frying pan until hot and add oil.

    Add garlic and brown slightly.

    Add egg and scramble until done.

    Reduce temperature if necessary.

    Add rice noodles to egg mixture.

    Turn temperature up and stir fry sauce, sugar, pepper flakes, rice vinegar, oyster/soy sauce and green onions.

    Continue to cook mixture until dry.

    Garnish with bean sprouts, peanuts and lime.

    Other ingredients such as fried tofu, prawns, chicken etc. may be added.

    When finished eating, search forums for guys looking for girls with normal jobs.


  11. The snooker halls in Lad Prao were always a sure bet.

    Alright if you fancy James Wattanna


    I did meet his sister once........she was really a really good potter, held the stick well, much prefered the pink to the brown...............

    It's the red I don't like. Sometimes when the reds blocking the hole you have to pot the brown.

    If you pot the red make sure the white doesn't follow and always remember to keep one foot on the floor too. :o

  12. Going back about 12 years ago, I went to a place on Ratchathewi Road to see about adopting my step-daughter. I didn't meet some of the requirements needed for the process at the time. i.e. I didn't have somewhere to call a home as I was living in a GH and my family was in the NE.

    Even if you meet all the requirements it could take several years as periodically they'll send an officer to check you out.

    Anyway, my steppie was never really interested in changing her surname and she knows I love her the same as my own kids, so I never did go through with the adoption process. Personally, I've never encountered a problem not having her legally(?) as my own.

  13. i plan to get baby since been with my boyfriend.

    but some problem  he has low liquid and didnt do anything as doctor said.

    what should i do? :D

    I am I the only one that thinks this post is complete BS?? :o

    The fake 'broken English' attempt is obviously crap and who in there right mind posts on an Expat internet forum about this kind of thing???

    Hellooooooooooo moderators..........

    Well spotted Shola. You must have eyes like one of those rats. :D

    I was kinda sittin' on the fence thinking maybe the BF was faking his orgasms. :D

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