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Posts posted by Gazza

  1. Might there be a connection between this mission statement from the company and the mentality of Harley riders?

    :D  :D  :D

    If you're going to bash Harleys then get your facts straight. You also didn't provide a link as to where you got the quote from.

    Try this. http://archive.salon.com/tech/feature/2003...e/index_np.html

    "Back when he was the editor of Cycle magazine, Phil Schilling wrote what could have served as the Harley-Davidson Motor Co.'s official mission statement for much of its hundred-year existence.

    "Harley-Davidson makes lousy motorcycles and great Harley-Davidsons," Schilling wrote. "And since they're in the Harley-Davidson business and not the motorcycle business that's exactly what they should be doing."

    Not from the HD Co., but just a guy from a bike rag. :D

    If you've got an obsession with Harley riders then go up to one and tell him exactly what you think of him. Go on, I dare you. :o

  2. Yesterday I went to a mobile shop to register my 1-2-call number. I'd read that you could do it at any shop selling mobbies. Nope! I was told to go to the AIS branch in Future Park Rangsit.

    In AIS Rangsit I explained to the receptionist that I wanted to register my number.

    "1-2 Call Chai Mai Kha" says she.

    "Chai Khap" says I.

    She gave me a small form to fill in. I filled it out with what she ask me for...which was my name and tel number.

    She then copied down a number onto the form from a swipe card. Then she gave me the swipe card.

    "Set Laew Lur" says I

    "Set Laew Kha" says she.

    Took a while for me to realise that she never asked for any ID nor asked me for any address of where I'm living or presently staying.


  3. My bikes <deleted> loud and i ain't changing it. :o

    Nor do I want to change mine. Mines loud but not obnoxiously loud. If Thai motorists can't see me on the road because they're too busy yapping on the phone or looking at their dashboard tv or GPS, then I sure as heck want them to hear me.

    Loud pipes don't just save the lives of the owners but other road users and pedestrians as well.

    And there was me thinking of making my quiet-as-a-whisper Honda Transalp louder so Thai kids no longer run into my path. Never had anyone run out in front of me on the Harley.

    So I apologise in advance to any kid that I run over causing a loss of life or limb because you didn't hear me, but your government that doesn't teach you to be spacialy aware wants to protect your hearing. The hearing that you're already losing due to loud stereos, tv, arcade games, tannoy systems of mobile food vendors and your government's election canvassers etc, etc.

  4. If I was a Thai woman for a day then I'd spend all the time standing naked in front of a mirror exploring my new sexuality. Oh...and I'd invite all my female friends to help me with the exploration using liberal amounts of baby lotion and warm custard.

    If a Thai guy for a day? Haven't really given it much thought. :o

  5. If most people are right handed then their right arms would be more musclely and sinewy than their left and tougher to eat? (Also it's nigh impossible getting a pair of left handed scissors) :D

    They took the right to bear arms too literally except the doc? :o

    I think Goldenbeard is getting close. The doc couldn't go through with taking off his own arm and tried to buy his way out with cash.

    I'm sure I've read this puzzle before somewhere but damned if I can remember the ending. :D

  6. Somebody asked the question `is there a reward for turning these people over to the authorities?`..

    I would say forget the reward...if you are sure of your facts and a child is being abused...then turn him in and let the law take it`s course.  You never know.....that child may thank you one day.

    The reward would be the satisfaction that a Paedo is behind bars and a few kids don't get to suffer further abuse.

  7. Pedophile is a pedophile - end of story. We've got a twisted lot on here - defending a sicko predators.

    I agree with you Brit. I'm all for tougher sentences for all criminals.

    So what if they have to serve time twice for the same offence. Just change the adage to "If you can't do the double time, don't do the crime". :o

  8. Is there a frontier wall/big fence all along the border? If there isn't I fear there may...

    Actually there is a short stretch of wall, a few kms in length, built to stop easy passage into either country. I think at one time it was in the planning stages to run the entire length of the border.

    I'll get back with more info if I find it.

    Ok. Found something.


  9. BANGKOK, Thailand A fugitive wanted by the F-B-I on fraud charges has been arrested in Thailand after six years on the lam.

    Thai police say Eugene Marcel Carriere (KAH'-ree-air) was arrested yesterday in the resort town of Pattaya (pah-THAI-yah) on illegal entry charges. He'll be deported to the United States next week.


    Better he's in the US (yoo nighted sa-tates) than Thailand (tie-land) :o

    Gazza (gass-zaa)

  10. Don't have UBC. Is that a show produced by UBC? or is it a transmittal of another channel? I'm amazed that we now have 16 channels in Thai on my cable TV.  What is the name of the channel with this show?

    Good question SJ - I can't find a UBC 97 on my set. Also keen to find out more about this show.

    My box only goes up to Ch 60. :o:D

  11. My wife asked me once "Why do you call me your Viking Queen? Am I beautiful like a member of Norwegian Royalty?"

    I said "No. It's because you've got a face like an 'orse."


    Sorry about that. I'll see myself out. TAXI!!!

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