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Everything posted by mommysboy

  1. Oh right! I'm talking nonsense I guess. Leaves me wondering why they were about as much use as a chocolate teapot in China where mask use was 100%- as soon as social distancing was stopped the virus spread like wild fire. Within 2 months hundreds of millions had been infected. I'll go on talking nonsense I think.
  2. N95 masks possibly do work to a greater or lesser extent. But the public at large wear cheap masks which don't work at all in all honesty.
  3. What a strange 'mis' leading picture! Vapers look a heck of a lot healthier than smokers, and there's a reason for that.. Clearly, Thailand is determined to stamp out vaping, which is its prerogerative. It's going to seem rather strange to people from Europe in particular where mainstream science declares it mostly safe, and high street vape shops abound. Nevertheless, the law is the law, so vapers beware. Fortunately, I think the strategy has changed to targeting suppliers rather than users. So, I think vapers will no longer face shake downs, but they will find it increasing difficult to buy equipment. What an odd place Thailand is! it should maybe look to countries like the UK for guidance on the subject, and not Bloomberg America imo. Having said that. tighter regulation is needed, as a very small minority of younger people do seem to exhibit a sever reaction to vapes (or something else they are not talking about.)
  4. Surat Thani city is pretty bad and surrounding areas: 134 orange warning. It's certainly bad enough to cause health issues. Still, if the map says it's fine!????
  5. 'Next time be more responsible' Err, I don't think you quite got the story. "Good luck dude." Come on... I don't think you really mean that, do you?
  6. Yes other nationalities too. But don't let that stop you!
  7. And you believe this?
  8. So are the recent victims going to be compensated, since the current system is clearly not secure. Somehow 'buyer beware' just doesn't cut it with banking- this is not a second hand car!
  9. AI is going to replace a lot of workers end of. It's all about saving money, although teachers' salaries in Thailand are extremely low anyway. It's probably a good thing for Thailand. Not so much 'should' as 'will'.
  10. Not heard that as being the explanation this year or the last. Last time I checked Thailand appeared to be the biggest culprit. Most other countries improve.
  11. Surely the main drivers were eating less and exercising?
  12. Different world mate, honestly! Food and smartphones are ubiquitous these days. I generally don't agree with 'I blame the parents' arguments. Of course, there is some truth in what you say, but other factors are so overwhelming.
  13. Well, I simply don't share your belief- it's not so much about eating the right food as about not eating too much- it's more a case of 2 spoons of white rice as opposed to 4. Of course there are rank bad foods, but even then it's about quantity. You mentioned eating as much greens as you like, but that's not a good example for obvious gastric reasons. So, in summary, it's over consumption of ordinary foods that we tend to eat in everyday life. As you probably know, carbs are essential to health in my opinion and this seems to be the mainstream medical consensus. As an example, the world war 2 kids in UK are widely regarded as being the healthiest generation to date. My dad said he was brought up on bread, spuds, milk, some egg powder, stodge, and corned beef- if he was lucky. He never saw an orange/banana til later. He was very physically active as am I. I believe that the benefits of exercise (although I am really talking about being consistently active) go beyond a slide rule calculation of calories burned. You'll see this if you search 'exercise and metabolism'. I'm not talking about the binge exerciser who tries to offset his binge eating/drinking. There is not a single bodily process that is not benefited by good exercise, including the digestive and endocrinal systems. Yes, sure if someone is insulin resistant special dietary considerations come in to play, but the article is about fat kids, not prediabetic/ diabetic ones. You rather changed the subject there. But if it gets to that stage and beyond then there is a chance that the metabolism is absolutely shot.
  14. Address the issue? I have, a few times already- it's about getting people to eat and exercise in moderation- just to become more active really. Can it be done?- no I don't think so. But that's the problem and the only answer imo. No point making something more complex than it is.
  15. Your language and examples are so extreme- who said anything about 'starve and sweat' for instance? Just one amongst many .
  16. Because it is simple to a lot of us. people put on weight because they sit down, eat too much, and don't get up and move. And it becomes a way of life. it's strange by the way, but when you do more and more exercise you want to eat less.
  17. It's really all down to eating too much, and moving too little. Why complicate matters!?
  18. In my experience, we go on a lot about food but not the amount we eat, and if you are active you stay in shape regardless.
  19. Yes a real life, for someone born without the proverbial silver spoon, inevitably involves spending a great deal of money just to have some form of meaningful existence. It's all very well for keyboard lonewolf boomers to sit there moralizing, but really they are abstracted from reality in Thailand.
  20. Depends what you mean by livable. Certainly in Thailand, it's not just about your own household's finances. It's very difficult not to end up in debt in all honesty. When a relative (usually more than one) needs 100,000 for medical treatment what can you do? Refusal inevitably leads to even bigger problems.
  21. Not keeping up with the Jones' often does too.
  22. Teachers for free then! Dare say it will catch on for lower age groups too. What a bleak future for us minions.
  23. The court of public opinion has decided that vaping is dangerous, therefore it is and will always be dangerous. You can run a hundred stories that show otherwise but the vast majority believe the one that confirms what they want to believe. hence journos give them that type of tall tale. A big majority of health experts seem to passionately believe vaping is very harmful, and will move heaven and earth to prove it so. Even when there is no evidence they insist there will be in 20, 30, 50 years.
  24. It was terribly sad for all concerned.
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