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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. I'm having trouble again, 3-4 minutes to load a page, same as last time before I went off air. Time to change ISP I think.

    You might want to hang on. Internet upload speeds seem to have been varying a lot during the last three days. Sunday was very fast, monday ground to a halt, today is faster. If the cables off Taiwan are meant to be new again by the 15th then we'll be back to normal soon.

  2. La Villa, across from Writer's Bar, has a very large stone pizza oven. The owner is an Italian who has lived in Mae Taeng for about 20 years.

    This has been my favourite for years. Thin crust and excellent toppings.

  3. Well if this is true then it is significant. I would suggest that someone go and see for sure as the 60-20-20 may apply.

    I dont know what bkkandrew has seen, but Thaksin aint coming back!!

    Well did anyone else see the news bulletin in question?

    Well if it's true he won't be on his own. Might be an idea to stay of the streets tonight.

  4. lamphun, since you asked for The Nations "quotes" I will start putting them here each time I read more of there nonsense.
    Instead of answering your points I'd prefer to ask you to provide links, "quotes" etc to support your undisputable opinions. Then I may take the opportunity to comment on "your" intelligence.
    You would be kidding yourself if you believe in the power of the people or democracy for the people at this stage of Thailand's political development. Coups may destroy democracy but the electoral process does not guarantee democracy either

    Thanong Khanthong

    The Nation

    If he is not advocating elections, please inform me what his intentions are? Elections are the cornerstone of the democratic society. They go hand in hand with checks and balances.

    And I don’t think there can be any doubt that this columnist is surly not supporting elections or democracy as the rest of the world knows it. Especially, if you read all his columns. If he is not supporting democracy, then please tell exactly what he is promoting?

    Is this good enough lamphum, or do I need more?

    I asked you for links to back up your wild opinions which you claimed were undisputable "facts". I'm still waiting.

    In the case of the quote above I defer and agree with the previous poster Siripon who made a cogent reply which I won't duplicate.

  5. Why don't you guys stop talking BS about someone who is not here?

    A very lousy thing to do, nothing interesting to post?

    FYI: GracelessFawn is on Bali until Jan 4

    Who gives a rats bum.She/he can come back here and read the posts.....

    he/she leaves herself wide open with his posts.Nice wee school teacher that is getting pissed as a rat and

    plastering pictures all over the net showing this. :o

    Shame on you sir, don't you realise there are some desperate old farts who dote on GF. ###### bounder. :D

  6. My lady heard Adam Cotton speaking (out of her sight and before she saw who it was) and she would have sworn that he was Thai.

    Don't know how he goes on the read/write bit.

    He could read and write Thai fluently 20 years ago before he moved to Chiangmai. The incredible thing is he started learning Thai while hanging out at the 209 Thai Restaurant in Kensington, London - where I first met him.

    Well I met him in Chiang Mai in 1982 and he'd already been here a few years.

  7. lamphum, what country are you from? It really can't be that bad, can it? Please tell us. I promise I won't be mean.

    From that little country that throws tree trunks for sport... :D

    Now now Boon don't throw raw meat to the 9 out of 10. :o

  8. Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American. :o

    And you, sir, must be a fool.

    You reckon that only Americans can have half-assed opinions?

    I realize you're attempting to take the piss., but nevertheless with such a narrow-minded worldview you obviously haven't done much travelling or associated with many folks from outside your small provincial town.

    Well where are those weapons of mass destruction ?

    I don't need to apologise for disagreeing with your compatriot. He may need to apologise for his subsequent boorish behaviour.

    Narrow world view. :D

  9. Herein lies the problem, how can you possibly have editorial integrity in Thailand ......... hence the diversion to the Coral Sea or should we say The Battle of the Gulf of Siam. :o

    Anybody want to ask Rupert Murdoch about editorial integrity ?

    None of these newspapers exist in a vacuum but there are degrees of bias.

  10. And to add- which do I believe? I believe them both. If the Nation has a front page headline blaring, "Researcher Shows Taksin is Devil's Spawn" and an 'important Thai Academic" being quoted with his grave and ponderous description of the similarities between Taksin and Old Nick- I totally believe that the academic did in FACT make that statement.

    Slight diversion but the BBC had a Thai "Political Analyst" on the news this morning who agreed that Thaksin and his associates were the most likely culprits for the bombs in Bangkok. I found myself trying to analyse not his opinion but his loyalties. I think I've been here too long.

  11. Next, in order for you to make a statement “Opinion with no relationship to facts,” you have to be a devoted reader of the editorial pages as I am. When you come back and ask me links or quotes only proves the point your are not a regularly reader of the editorial page and are simply talking out you ass.

    So no links to any content to demonstrate your facts are anything more than your wild opinions.

    As for the other stuff. :D:o:D

  12. Try reading the postings before you engage you brain.

    The OP made a list of accusations against the Nation newspaper. I've asked him to back them up.

    I read the posts and this was your first comment. "Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American." The OP then posted a list of what he believes is fact. I don't know them to be fact or not as I don't read the nation but even if they are just opinion, you stated that his original post has NO relation to fact. You refuse to back that up. He stated opinion. You claimed there is no basis for his opinion and implied that this is a standard American habit. Now you want to move the goal post and make him prove his opinion is fact rather than that there is basis for his opinion. You need to back up your asertion that there is no basis for his opinion.

    Seems to me you fit your assumption about Americans better than he does.

    This is getting a bit tedious

    The OP listed his "opinions" bracketed by "The fact that" and "is undisputable." Sadly I have to let you in on a secret apparently unknown to Tim207. Calling something a fact doesn't making it so. It's up to billaaa777 to back up his "undisputable" facts, but as we haven't heard back from him I guess he's moved on to other things. Unless of course we are about to be deluged with a selection of quotes from the Nation.

    And no I'm not the owner of the Nation, nor a loyal reader for that matter, although I admire the way they stood up after the Bangkok Post caved in.

    Perhaps I'm just being a bit intolerant of fools today. :o

  13. Is there something in the water to give you such a black and white view of the world. Can't you see the shades of grey.

    Instead of answering your points I'd prefer to ask you to provide links, "quotes" etc to support your undisputable opinions. Then I may take the opportunity to comment on "your" intelligence.

    In other words you through out a foolish statement and now that someone called you on it you want to try to save face. How about you back up your assertion that the original poster's "opinion has no relation to the facts"? I don't suppose you would care to "provide links, "quotes" etc to support your undisputable opinions". It could be that the OP "must be American" but you have proved beyond a doubt that you are an a55hole that just likes to bash Americans. Sounds to me like you have an inferiority complex and I must say that in your case it is apparently well founded.


    Try reading the postings before you engage you brain.

    The OP made a list of accusations against the Nation newspaper. I've asked him to back them up.

  14. Opinion with no relation to facts, you must be American.

    I am American, and your statement could not be any further from the truth. I read The Nations editorial page every day.

    The fact that The Nation wanted Thaksin removed as Prime Minister is undisputable.

    The fact that The Nation justified the military coup as Thaksin was unbeatable in an election is undisputable.

    The fact that The Nations editorial staff heavily criticized other nations for butting into Thai politics and not understands a term that has been repeated thousands of times in the paper, “Thai Democracy” is undisputable.

    The fact that The Nations editorial staff utilized the term “Thai Democracy” to portray the military coup is undisputable.

    The fact that China was the only major nation in the world to support the military coup and The Nations editorial staff thanking them and placating them is undisputable.

    I would suggest that in the future you do a little research on the subject before commenting in such an unintelligent fashion.

    Is there something in the water to give you such a black and white view of the world. Can't you see the shades of grey.

    Instead of answering your points I'd prefer to ask you to provide links, "quotes" etc to support your undisputable opinions. Then I may take the opportunity to comment on "your" intelligence.

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