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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. I want, or rather my wife wants, to import a kangaroo or two. Has anyone any experience in doing this, or can offer any advice?

    We own nearly 5,000 rai of land in various parts of the country and she is thinking of setting up a zoo on one of the estates.


    Thanks for the laugh. :D

  2. Well you can't please everyone.

    Matthew and Kevin the ex partners of the Red Lion are both decent folks and I hope they prosper in their seperate establishments.

    The True Blue always reminds me of a waiting room in a bus station.

  3. Thanks all for your input!

    We are seriously looking into the legal aspects mentioned. We will revert later on Monday with a clarification if we will go further with paid registrations, or if we will postpone, modify or cancel the idea.

    The paid subscription form is now temporarily taken off. We have promptly refunded members who submitted payment this evening.

    Let me revert to you after some internal discussions tomorrow.



    Very wise, in fact I think you should be paying me to read Kayo's posts. :o

  4. Guests can't post.

    are you moving out of the forum business then George ?

    Guests never could post. What are you talking about ?

    I think he was pointing out that guest accounts being free will have no bearing on the predicted demise of new people posting on the site. I can see his point (if that is what he meant), after this the membership base is effectively being capped at the 35,000 or so figure we have currently.

    Thanks for that, though I assumed it was self evident to most. As for the 35,000 how many are actually current ?

  5. Blinky Bill has offered his appologies for not checking before hand, and has offered to buy a round at the Irish Pub at 14.00 hrs for any that turn up.

    Who won the Boxing Match at the Irish Pub last night ? :o

  6. I have been in Thailand for a long time and personally have never known of anyone who has been "set up" by the police. A few claim to have been but the truth be known they have in fact been involved one way or the other.

    I recall the case of a young farang couple on holiday who were arrested for drug posession at Doi Pui. The cops supposedly gave them a choice of paying 100,000 baht to have the charges dropped.

    Their father, who was a long time resident complained to the chief of police in Lamphun. The cops were sacked but later murdered the father and his wife.

  7. There's supposed to be go-carts at the Bungy place out at Mai Rim on the Mae Sa valley road. I ripped this off from their website ..


    Looks a bit small ?

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