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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Yes not a bad result for Rangers yesterday. If they can keep this up or possibly improve they might manage to pip the Hibees and retain their third place in the league by the end of the season.

    Still it's early days and the Gers have always had a tendency to implode during the xmas new year period.

  2. As a matter of fact Lampoon I did catch up with him for a few drinks most nights. He is a really nice guy. Pity he decided to settle in Indonesia. Chiang Mai needs a few more gentlemen like him. At least he comes back regularly to grace us with his presence. :o

    I ran into him, too, and I agree on all counts.

    I guess that keeping the Princess of Indonesia satisfied must take up a lot of his time. :D

    Absolutely correct UG. He tells me that when he is back at the 'Istana' the Indonesian Princess keeps him fully occupied in satisfying her so he is glad to get away to have a breather every now and again.

    His not so young daughter here is an absolute beauty and he informs me that he will have to start spending a little more time in Chiang Mai to deter any amorous suitors. I wouldn't like to be around if he gets hold of any of them.

    he he I'm interested to see how long you can keep this up.

    As to the mysterious Aussie he tells me he's a spent "force" (geddit) and he'd have to put wheels on his zimmer to keep up with the young lads. :D

  3. It amazes me that the press uses such words as 'unprecedented', 'unexpected', etc about Chiang Mai's floods.

    Jack... The Ping River flooding last year was the worst in 40-50 years (I think depending on where you were exactly)... but you are correct about the yearly flooding of the low lying areas in the city due to heavy rainfall. Chiang Mai is in a flood plain and I think historically the flooding of the Ping River has raised the surrounding area about one meter every 200 years. (Info from Chiang Mai News)

    So in living memory there have been worse floods than the completely 'unprecedented' one which took out the night bizarre last year?

    Not unless there's some very very old folks around. I've been here sence 1982 and the worst flood we had was I think in 1991 (or was it 92?).

    At the risk of appearing a pedant... Oh to hel_l with it, I am a pedant!:

    Chiang Mai Mike described last year's flood as 'the worst in 40-50 years' This implies there was a worse one prior to 40-50 years ago, which is certainly in living memory (as would 70 or 80 years ago be for some people).

    Well what were the figures for the flood 50 years ago ?

    Partly thanks to the communist insurgency there was a reasonable forest cover in the Chiang Mai area until (i'd guess) the late seventies, so I have some doubts about floods before this time.

    The point I was making is that last years floods were not normal. Unless we've been having a drought for the last 50 years, and I know we haven't, last years flooding was definately unprecedented in it's frequency.

  4. It amazes me that the press uses such words as 'unprecedented', 'unexpected', etc about Chiang Mai's floods.

    Jack... The Ping River flooding last year was the worst in 40-50 years (I think depending on where you were exactly)... but you are correct about the yearly flooding of the low lying areas in the city due to heavy rainfall. Chiang Mai is in a flood plain and I think historically the flooding of the Ping River has raised the surrounding area about one meter every 200 years. (Info from Chiang Mai News)

    So in living memory there have been worse floods than the completely 'unprecedented' one which took out the night bizarre last year?

    Not unless there's some very very old folks around. I've been here sence 1982 and the worst flood we had was I think in 1991 (or was it 92?). In that period there was a bad flood once every four or five years. Last year we had three in one year. This year ..... ?

    I'd suggest that something has changed.

  5. What ever happened to Allen from Perth who used to run the Overlander Bar on Moon Muang Road about 15 years ago?

    He was a true Ozzie gentleman. :D

    I don't know whether you're taking the piss but Alan could never have been described as a gentleman. The town drunk has to be a lot closer to the mark.

    Allen was a bit of a pisshead but generally pretty harmless. He came from a very well to do family in Perth. Furriers.

    Talking about Australian gentlemen, has anyone seen or heard of the guy who was involved in the

    Escape with Irish Eddie about 8 or 9 years ago?

    Are you speaking of the ex Melbourne copper. ??

    He's never too far away. Was in town a couple of weeks back actually.

    A real nice guy. Although he comes from Australia his roots are in Chiang Mai. :o

    Rumour has it that he met and married an Indonesian princess and lives there in the mountains of West Java. Comes back to Chiang Mai on a regular basis to visit his daughter and catch up with the mates. :D


    Of course you went out with him for a few drinks when he was in Chiang Mai :D

  6. Is that before he drove his car through it ??

    I was on the scene. Real sad.

    Talking about Australian gentlemen, has anyone seen or heard of the guy who was involved in the

    Escape with Irish Eddie about 8 or 9 years ago?


    Still lurking as is Eddie

    I thought he was english from cornwall, I don't mean Jeremy.

    This thread is wandering all over the place. So comments on a couple of other things.

    The Alan Bailey question, is this the wizened dwarf known far and wide as Birdf**ker ? :D

    I think True Blue has about four other niks on this board.

  7. Yes Mindelo. Well done.

    Please post a new one before Kayo!

    You know.. I do normally play by the rules.... But er...

    Sinec I´m being taunted and tempted............



  8. Bye bye back to the wooden door site, pretty lame attempt at trolling really :o


    <deleted>. I think quite a few folks sussed that JRingo was Daleyboy. DB has been very quiet of late.

  9. The flag is a bit of a give away.

    You're talking about the Nairobi pic aren't you? I can't see a flag in my new pic.

    Yes, I worked it out using the flag. The Costa Rica flag in there as well was confusing.

    As you edited your post and put in a picture of Tenereife 9 seconds before I mentioned the flag, it becomes a bit confusing.

  10. I think they should build houses in Ching Mai out of jelly, then when there is an earthquake they would just wobble

    Good thinking! then if you were hungry, you could eat a small part to keep the hunger pangs at bay.What about vodka jelly? :o

    The addition of alcohol to the jelly would mean you'd have to keep you're house at below zero or it would melt. I'd suggest marzipan as a substitute.

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