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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Jasus.. some people just can't help being negative, even when something is being done to improve things...

    Do you honestly think that the admin here haven't researched and made a decision based on their needs... really.. do you ?

    totster :o

    Can't comment on that but a couple of people who know about hardware and websites have been called trolls by those who don't seem to know much. :D

  2. You do realise that you were part of the problem.Take away the demand (Punters like you) and there ceases to be a market that these girls get sold into.

    We have all be guilty of being part of the problem at one time or another I would imagine, but Thai brothels were in existance long before we hit these sunny shores, and will be flourishing long after we have departed. If the tourists stopped frequenting the likes of Nana and Cowboy, they would certainly collapse overnight, but there is too much money involved in the Thai sector to see any of their clubs closing in the near future. A sad fact :D

    I always acted like a choir boy MM. :o


    Or a priest :D

  3. Not really appropriate in the Chiang Mai forum as there's very few farangs running that type of bar here. One that springs to mind doesn't charge barfines, though in reality he should pay the customers to take away the old grannies he calls "waitresses". :o

  4. Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

    I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

    It's dinner time here.... :D

    Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

    I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

    You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

    Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

    What about the jocks,taffs and micks?




    Supper - if you're a greedy bstd and want four meals a day.

  5. Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

    I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

    It's dinner time here.... :D

    Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

    I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

    You should substitute "civilised" with "British".It reads better that way. :D

    Perhaps, but it wouldn't make sense. It's the soap dodgers who've been calling Dinner Lunch.

  6. Well mate, I thought that you had been on this board long enough to know that Daves bar is a bar...and not anything else.

    I know the bar well, and have been there many times. Dave was the one trying to justify bar fines, and I was having a shot at his justification of it..................Time for lunch :D

    It's dinner time here.... :D

    Lunch time is called dinner time in most civilised countries.

    I suspect that JRingo will be starting a thread about Yaba next.. :o

  7. Djibouti


    Where is Dijbouti anyway?

    It's the only other place in the world you can see three countries from the sea.

    From my place you can see 4 countries, not 3.

    That's nice, I imagine the rent is a bit high.

  8. I will never ever understand this rule. The only vaild complaint I have ever seen about TV is the bannings of forum members and yet no one seems prepared to sort this problem out starting with a basic discussion. In the end the feedback would be very valuable to George and co. who would in the long term make more money from this website if a solution is found.

    It seems a very backward approach to business to ignore the 'customers' only complaint about service. Most efficient business models pay for this kind of information. Perhaps a thread in Bedlam would be a start Meadish, it may turn out to be very useful?

    A 'how can we improve this forum / any complaints about this forum' kind of topic. Burying heads in the sand is not very productice and I assume George wants this website to be as productive as possible.


    BKKMadness is a great man. :D

  9. Yes Macau. Well done.

    Your turn.

    It is NOT Macau Lamphun. How could you know? did you post the picture?

    Not Calcutta or Vladivostok either.

    Only trying to help as you nipped off to the toilet. So it's not Macau. :o

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