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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Losers.com is still down and has been all day.

    Some folks seem a little obsessed. I thought they didn't ban anyone.

    I've been reading Tippaporn's posts in another place and I get the impression he's cleared the decks for decisisve action. So everything should be ok.

  2. That other site, losers.com has been crashed all day. (maybe they need to buy a new server!)

    Some of the inmates are out on the troll.


    I've yet to read the latest posts. I'd been up for two day straight with only a two hour nap. I crashed for the last 14 hours. I will say, though, that if this thread takes a turn to bar girl <deleted> I will close it down immediately. So get this straight. No bar girl talk here.

    Relax Tip. The loonies will move on when they get bored. These are experts whose idea of a meaningful relationship is based on how many blisters they have on their own hand and fingers.

    Spoken like an expert. Tippaporn pehaps its time to close this down. Some folks have given you good advice. PM with those who are taking you seriously might be the way to go

  3. What does it matter if she was from a bar? She married and has been with him for over 5 years, that is the only relevant fact.

    It matters very much.

    if any of you silly bastards are willing to marry a bar girl, then serves you right.

    Having sdaid that i am still on page 23, she might be something else entirely.


    I think he said they weren't married.

    Grumpy OC.

  4. I bought a (cheapish) small desk that's made of some light-coloured wood (pine ?). I would like to coat it with something to make it a darker colour, to better fit in with the wood in our home here.

    Any suggestions ?

    Have you tried wearing sunglasses ? :o

    Christ Lampoon, you must be more bored than I am!!

    I'm becoming a bit of a conneisuer of the absurd. We just put in a decent internet link. No more Loxinfo TF.

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