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Posts posted by lamphun

  1. Try Lang Mo " behind CM Uni" literally. Come up Suthep rd, pass Ton Payom market intersection, then second rd on your left you will see a rustic looking sign with "Italian food" written on it. It is all cooked by a Thai bloke and his missus, and for the (very low) price it is great.. Dont bother with the pizza's but the pasta dishes are superb. Ranging from 40-90 baht...Screw the pompous farangs who think they can justify ripping people off just so they can stay here..Probably cant go back to Sicily (Cosa Nostra).. :o

    "Italian Foo" it used to be called when it was on the main road and very cheap. Now they seem to have gone upmarket. Prices still fair but the last time I was there the food wasn't so great and I had one of those not coming back here moments.

    My favourite is still opposite the front gate of the Uni.

  2. As far as I'm concerned, I think CityLife is the best magazine in town but as I can't find it on a regular basis, I probably read it only once every 4 or 5 months.

    Sorry to arrive late for the party. I agree 100% "CityLife" is an excellent magazine but I can never get my hands on it. I managed to obtain a copy of the September issue and that was the first I'd seen for a few months.

  3. frankly, i've still yet to receive a contract or any sort of document from them that allows me to apply for a visa in my country.

    worse still... my communication with them so far as been with a teacher. not even the school administrator nor the principal has spoken to me since the interview with them 3 weeks ago.

    but on a positive note... the teacher has told me not to worry about the visa and the work permit, because they will be applying on my behalf.

    will that be written in the contract? when will i get a contract?

    i've been reading a lot about the nightmares some teachers face... and i see mine slowly unfolding now. trying to talk myself to remain positive... jai yen yen!!!

    I reckon you need to apply for this yourself outside the country with a letter of invitation from the school.

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