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Everything posted by OJAS

  1. No mention of any address in https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-cms/ or https://www.expatica.com/th/civil/administration/tax-id-thailand-2172861/#apply as far as I can tell!
  2. But will all staff in all revenue offices be necessarily happy to enter your data into the system? Or, as in the case of Immigration, could it depend on (1) your particular office, (2) the individual within that office you deal with, or (3) even the side of the bed they got out of that morning? Is it even possible for us to set up an online facility ourselves once we've (presumably) got a TIN? Could our office even do this for us at the same time as giving us the TIN? On a general point, I think that it would be extremely helpful if para 77 of the Guide could be expanded as necessary so as to set out in the appropriate level of detail the specific procedures needing to be followed to enable tax returns to be filed electronically or on paper. This will, I suspect, be a major logistical consideration for those of us who, like myself, will be coming cold to the intricacies of the Thai taxation system for the very first time.
  3. What address should paper returns be sent to, and would this be worth stating in the Guide, please?
  4. Which, of course, will inevitably result in significant banking charges and fees being racked up on your part over the years as you play ping-pong with your 400k between your European and Thai bank accounts. While you might well be more than happy to make generous donations to the Bankers' Benevolent Fund in this way, I strongly suspect that precious few of the rest of us on here would likewise be so willing in similar circumstances!
  5. Dee Money may be your friend if you're really hell-bent on doing this: https://www.deemoney.com/
  6. When I cancelled my Bangkok Bank debit card several years ago, I visited my local branch in person and was required to sign a couple of forms so as to ensure that my account was not debited with subsequent card fees.
  7. Also worthy of mention IMHO are the increasingly complex procedures which HM Government back in Blighty has seen fit to inflict on us Brit expats over the past 10 years or so in the areas of renewing our passports locally, proving that we are still in the land of the living for our State Pension and getting UK docs legalised for use in LOS.
  8. The point at which your pension will be frozen could depend on the date when you reached/will reach State Pension age: https://www.gov.uk/deferring-state-pension/if-you-move-abroad In the unlikely event of this being before 6 April 2016 you would be best advised to clarify the position with DWP. You can contact them via their online enquiry form: https://secure.dwp.gov.uk/ipc/personal-details
  9. .. and reigned over supremely by that heinous absolute monarch known as Queen Ursula of Europe from opulent palaces in Brussels and Strasbourg.
  10. So, sadly, no chance of being stripped of his British citizenship any time soon, then? ☹️
  11. So still expecting to have his cake and eat it. No change there, then.
  12. While at the same time embracing the parasite clutches of that mob over the pond in Brussels. Not exactly "independence", is it?
  13. Can't open the link, unfortunately. But at the end of the day it will all depend, I suppose, on whether Age UK will have at their disposal the clout needed in order to overcome that immovable force known as DWP's Sir Humphrey. Somehow I doubt it.
  14. May have something to do with the introduction of the new State Pension for men born after 6 April 1951 and women after 6 April 1953, perhaps? https://www.gov.uk/new-state-pension In any event it definitely looks like a matter of further insult being added to injury since April 2015 when it comes to the frozen pension issue in our case!
  15. Well, that definitely wasn't so in my case! Having double-checked the correspondence I had with DWP at the time of my claim, I can confirm that I am, indeed, being paid on the basis of the April 2015 Basic Pension weekly rate of £115.95. That said, though, maybe things have, indeed, now changed as a result of all the various changes which have taken place on the State Pension front over the past 9 years?? The following link might contain useful info for the OP: https://www.gov.uk/deferring-state-pension EDIT: I see that @Polar Bear has already provided this link!
  16. As alluded to by @Polar Bear, a particular advantage to those of us living in LOS of doing this is that your State Pension could then be frozen at a higher rate than would otherwise have been the case had you claimed when you first became eligible. For instance, even though I became eligible in August 2014 I delayed claiming until April 2015 so as to get at least 1 triple lock increase under my belt!
  17. Yeah, right, so when are we likely to see YOUR version of the Simple Tax Guide on here, then? Or does carping negatively from the sidelines float your boat more?
  18. Probably best for him to obtain a tourist visa if he's planning to stay in Thailand for more than 30 days IMHO.
  19. But hello the TT ones, though
  20. Top one for me (and, I suspect, a fair few other Brits as well) is whether we shall be required to file RD returns in respect of State Pension remittances, especially where these are the sole sources of our assessable income and bearing in mind the existence of various exemptions and allowances totaliing up to 500k pa, which could therefore, in practice, reduce the RD tax bill to zero (my perpetually frozen State Pension, for example, works out at around 300k pa which is, however, still well in excess of the 120k annual assessable income threshold above which tax returns are supposedly required).
  21. Yes, I strongly suspect that Customs back in our home countries (as well as their Thai counterparts in the case of mail going in the opposite direction) are the true villains of the peace here rather than individual mailing services.
  22. Not just us but also immigration officers! 😁
  23. So does this mean that there will be a date after which all banknotes bearing the late Queen's image will cease to be legal tender, as was the case when paper notes were replaced by polymer versions not so long ago?
  24. And when it comes to our Irish cousins, it would appear that the only way in which they can renew their passports from Thailand is by doing do online! https://www.ireland.ie/en/thailand/bangkok/passports/how-to-apply-for-a-passports/
  25. Assuming that the office you'll be dealing with is Chaengwattana as stated in your OP, @TylerBKK's 4 March post in the following thread provides a comprehensive list of all relevant requirements in their case:
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