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Posts posted by Garry

  1. I've been riding since 1967.I know the streets,roads,alley ways are treacherous in Thailand.It don't make any difference how experienced you are when your stopped at A traffic light and A vehicle comes and runs you over.Thats just 1 of many things that can injury you or worse.Maybe get hit broadside by someone running A traffic light.Supposely beng an experienced rider you

    See how to get out of A would be accident til you don't.Thailand is one of the worse countries for vehicle accidents.

    I still ride A few places in Thailand but not everywhere.I'm not looking for A death wish.

    That's my closest call so far 'get hit broadside'. If it hadn't been for my buddy blasting his horn behind me at the lights, I would have been nailed by a very late, speeding red light runner. I had actually waited 3-4 seconds, seen no-one coming and started to move. Mid-intersection my family almost lost me. Sometimes it can just be plain luck or eagle eyed friends riding with you.

  2. I have Lisa Offringa's "Medicinal Plants of Northern Thailand for the Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly" in pdf format that I'll send to anyone interested.

    I'll partake of your generous offer :)
  3. I wouldn't mind owning a 500 Bullet in British Racing Green. A friend had one (Indian made) in the Middle East. Personally I thought the build was fine for the price and he was certainly happy with it. He did take his time breaking it in and had no issues with it that I'm aware of.

  4. LOL. Re pinstripe hand lining of petrol tanks; reminds me of Monty Python's Holy Grail scene with "well, what have the Romans ever given us?".


    Apart from Enfield and Triumph, who still lines a tank by hand...

    Well not a tank and not even a bike, but Rolls Royce have one guy that does the pin stripes by hand. :)
  5. The "new" bridges, one left and one right of the older structure, were contracted by the Land Transportation Department. Unfortunately, the bridges were not quite built to the specification since bother new bridges have a steep approach and an even steeper discharge ramp. That is the view of the Amphur. The bridges were constructed exactly according to the specifications the contractor was given, the view of the original contractor.

    To make the two bridges usable, about a 200 meter extension is required on the East side of the bridges and a 100 meter extension to the west side.

    The matter would have been stuck in court except for one thing - the contracting company has been dissolved and the principles appear to have have taken a flyer.

    That reads just like the same issue as the (at the time) new southern bridge just before the Mae Suai PTT as you head south. They eventually added the gradual ramped extensions.
  6. It's mainly pot luck Gary but I get better with practice.

    I just heat them in a heavy frypan until they turn black, usually not evenly though.

    I then often blend with some cheaper beans I bought that may be too strong for my taste, the home roasted beans are usually very mild.

    I like somewhere in between.

    Ah okay interesting, I thought you might have yourself a small roasting oven, but that obviously works fine for you. From what I've seen on youtube, I was intrigued how the process for the flavour can be very time (& heat) criticlal.
  7. I rode one of the first T595's (Strontium Yellow: great colour by the way) in Australia when the factory was bringing out the newly remodeled lines. I have always liked the triples since that very day, but I'm not a huge fan of the British streetfighter look, though I know that the market is there. :)

  8. I was quite pleased with my home roasting efforts this year so when I happened to be in the Canary Lodge Cafe last week and saw the girl roasting a new supply I bought a kilo of green beans for the surprising low price of 200B.

    Now all I need is the house to myself to do a bit of roasting.... the smell is not appreciated.

    Just curious, to what level of flavour do you roast to or do you vary your roast from time to time?
  9. I had a friend who came to the pub one spring complaining that the fuel tank he had taken off for a winter overhaul would not fit. Confused the hell out of everyone, but then we found out that it was one of the effects of ethanol in modern fuels. I think it was a glass fibre seat/tank unit.

    Ducati 1098's had big problems with fuel tank expansion.
  10. I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I don’t know how much I spend for a kilo of coffee beans. I buy smaller bags of whole beans at Doi Chaang but haven’t bothered to calculate the per kilo price. I do pay 105 baht for a small double cappuccino at Starbucks, maybe once or twice each week. Friends sometimes give me small bags of Coffee as gifts from as far away as New Zealand.

    It is nice to try different kinds of coffee from different places but I am not sure I really have a favorite or worry much about the price.

    VF, do you recall what was in that small shot of free coffee that the staff at Starbucks gave us last time we caught up? Had am intriguing taste to it.
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