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Posts posted by joncl

  1. Try again google "xbmc" read about it and then download and install it as it is free - then read their wiki on how you get free IPTV with the channels you have mentioned and many more. If you get stuck PM me and I will point you in the right direction.

  2. If its open anyone with knowlege and in range can see anything you do, https does not help (if you get a message that the certificate is not valid, people are listening)

    If its WEP see above

    If its WPA2 with a weak password see above

    If its WPA2 with a strong password anyone within the network can see everything you do.

    Here is how it is done over wifi (or lan)



    Use some software that monitors any change in arp packets to be safe

    You are referring to the condos AP's here right? Not the end users on his Mac as he is not runnng it in hotspot mode.

    User 1 connects to condo wifi1

    User 2 also connects to wifi1

    User 1 and 2 are both using wifi1 to acess internet

    User 1 and 2 are in a local network

    User 3 can sit in his car outside the house and "hack" the network so he gains access to wifi1

    User 3 can the trick user1 and 2 to connect to his laptop and listen to all traffic (user 3 then sends it to wifi1)

    To be safe u need to have WPA2 with a good password running on wifi1 so User 3 cant access wifi1

    a good password is ex. fgFG56%%ffdfDg5%&%hH

    User2 can still trick User1 since he knows the WPA2 password

    User1 needs a firewall that detects changes in arp packets to be safe

    In a condo its usually safe since the signal dont go so far through walls etc..

    Its the open hotspots at mc donalds and such that people should be afraid off.

    It is very easy to sniff passwords and spy there

    edit: typos

    Exactly and if the Condos WIFI AP is not setup as you said above this will happen so it is up to the condo to ensure that is done right, not the end users who relies on the WIFI AP to connect to the internet. All he can do is ensure he is firewalled to stop any such intrusion via the insecure condo WIFI AP.

  3. While on an expat package salary buying fruit and veg at villa during the weekly shop is a no brainer- it's being able to use cash to buy yourself time ( there are plenty of things many would rather be doing than driving somewhere else to buy cheaper veggies !). And, lets be honest, we would all be doing the same if we could afford to.

    No I would and I actually buy my fruits&veg organic, much cheaper than villa.

    Eating pesticides in a regulation-free country might save you a few bahts in the short term, but not for long.

    Where do you buy your organic fruts and veg cheaper than Villa ??

    Tesco Lotus / Max Value / Big C the local wet market

  4. What video settings do you have set on your Tube? HD 720p ? If so select the lowest video option and work up until it no longer works without buffering.

    On my AIS 3g I get this from time to time so I just pause the video playback until it buffers right up and then select play and bingo works every time.

  5. If its open anyone with knowlege and in range can see anything you do, https does not help (if you get a message that the certificate is not valid, people are listening)

    If its WEP see above

    If its WPA2 with a weak password see above

    If its WPA2 with a strong password anyone within the network can see everything you do.

    Here is how it is done over wifi (or lan)



    Use some software that monitors any change in arp packets to be safe

    You are referring to the condos AP's here right? Not the end users on his Mac as he is not runnng it in hotspot mode.

  6. A firewall is a must and many anti-virus apps have those built in these days so it is done for you, or simply google "free firewall download" and set it up. Zone Alarm is a good example.

    im a mac user as far as i know the firewall its all built in

    Yes you have iptables under admin terminal (Apples flavour of *nix) but it is not set up by default at all - so make sure it is securely setup to stop most foreign probes. Test it with nmap which is downloadable for most operating systems these days and you will see what I mean - mostly wide open.

    Nmap details for the MAc and all OS's it supports is on this link here

    MAC firewall details here and all over google

  7. Simply plug it into your LAN port on your PC - then open a web browser to that IP Address you assigned to it - login and change the wifi Access Point details, once you have set it up correctly with correct gateways and DNS for your network, plug it into the TV and off you go.

    I have found here you may not want to use the local ISP DNS entries depending on what you want to watch.

  8. Villa is fine but I have now moved from using Villa in Tonglore to the new Max Value in Sukhumvit 71 and I must say what was an old Justco store is now a euro version Max Value and under the 30% cheaper in some cases for comparable goods ie. potatoes, fish, meat etc .. Thanks to the wife for pointing this out to me last night when she dragged me out shopping.

  9. Anyone who pays True Lie vision for any of the "services" that they claim to offer is completely wasting their money. If you really want to watch their TV programmes get a Dreambox and it will decode programmes for you at about 200/250 baht per month. Another nail in the coffin of True Lies Vision

    What you are paying THB 200 a month for on your dreambox to watch True is what True are now giving away for free now so go figure.

  10. This is my DSLreports java based speed test to New Jersey:


    2914kbps down

    3270kbps up

    NOT HAPPY. post-4641-1156693976.gif

    This is my DSLreports java based speed test to California:

    <a href="http://speedtest.dslreports.com"><img border=0 src="http://www.dslreports.com/im/104481094/62327.png"></a>

    Speed Test #104481094 by dslreports.com

    Run: 2013-04-07 14:27:44 EST

    Download: 2255 (Kbps)

    Upload: 2769 (Kbps)

    In kilobytes per second: 275.3 down 338 up

    Tested by server: 54 java

    User: 2 @ dslreports.com

    Going to call them tomorrow about this. I'm completely getting screwed.

    Answered in the other thread you posted this in - but I suspect you need to read the contract you have - as it will clearly state within Thailand unless you have a special clause written in for international bandwidth.

  11. Hasnt cat build a new submarine cable which links half of the wotld or so. It is a good idea to try cat since not alot of users are using it in sukhumvit asok area. I have a friend whose in cat and he gets a ping of 205 to 210 ms to the states same server with true of mine gets about 253 ms

    My True connection (not fiber) in the middle of Sukhumvit shows;

    ping whitehouse.gov

    PING whitehouse.gov ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from a72-246-220-110.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=41 time=221 ms
    64 bytes from a72-246-220-110.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com ( icmp_req=2 ttl=42 time=234 ms
    64 bytes from a72-246-220-110.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com ( icmp_req=3 ttl=41 time=224 ms
    ^C64 bytes from a72-246-220-110.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com ( icmp_req=4 ttl=41 time=221 ms
    --- whitehouse.gov ping statistics ---
    4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 16064ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 221.785/225.558/234.254/5.124 ms
  12. Going to call them tomorrow about this. I'm completely getting screwed.

    I suspect not and the reason I say this is because your contract with them will only offer these speeds within their network/Thailand which they are delivering unless you have a special international clause written into their contract.

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