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Posts posted by joncl

  1. The receiver I brought from the Netherlands and it is not a clone. Software is: Open-PLI software 5 aug 2010 and CCcam 2.14.

    To make certain the card was not ok, I tried again the original box with the card and I could receive all gold card channels.

    add this to your /var/etc/CCcam.cfg


    CAMKEY: /dev/sci0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    CAMDATA: /dev/sci0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/sci0


    INFO LISTEN PORT : 16000


    ZAP OSD TIME : 0

    OSD USERNAME : root

    OSD PASSWORD : dreambox

    SHOW TIMING : yes

    DEBUG : no


    DISABLE EMM : no


    FYI: I am also part of the Pli team.

  2. Looks like he has one, but wants to consolidate two satellites in one receiver, which is possible with a dreambox.

    As far as i know, The TrueVisions smartcards can be used with any irdeto2 capable receiver.

    Sound like the LNB settings are all wrong.

    Truevisions should be 11300, 11300 & 12000


    Thaicom C Band should be 05150, 051050 & 03200


    • Like 1
  3. So what you are really saying is do not trust any Ookla based speed test which would include those here on Thaivisa - sorry but we have to agree to differ here. Even dsl reports shows a big difference between its java based and flash based tests, so I will stick with my mini speedtest. which are consistent.

    Even if it is not showing the correct speeds it is a better indication of what is going on from here in Bangkok to our web site in Texas direct rather than testing via a non related 3rd party.

  4. Great but still does not answer what is wrong any of the Ookla test sites and true on the 16mb reporting, having said this my 4mb true shows the proper ping times to the US as do the other low speed adsl lines here, in the 450ms - 550 ms ranges.

    Even the speed tests to stanford uni show better times than the one I posted above, so it is all subjective. try them from dsl reports there are hundreds they list, which you test against as well.

  5. As I host one of the mini speedtests on my web site in the states, I would surely like to know if it is giving incorrect data, and as the Ookla corporate speed test / line quality checks as shown in the above link I gave confirms my mini speed test complete with the correct ping times I am not seeing why it would be fake. I have tried many services before we settled on the Ookla mini speed test (it is not mini in size by any means with over 90mb of compressed data) .

    There are issues in BKK on true right now and this was confirmed to us over the weekend, but us being all of 40m from our outside DSLAM also in Sukhumvit on our 16mbs (true shows we can peak at 21mbs on their field test units) adsl we are not facing the issues you are in your part of Sukhumvit. Tests to our development site in Holland also show there are indeed some issues (sandvine is now active?) so the use of https and udp sure helps allot when compiling from remote.

    Edit: note in the above image the tcp leg is blocked (I assume by true) thus the wrong ping times in a normal speedtest.net test, BUT not when udp is used as in that test.

  6. Speedtest.net, for some reason, gives very inflated, inaccurate speed results for True customers (and maybe others) here in Thailand.

    So I tried their corporate system at http://www.ookla.com/demo-lq.php and it shows the same as my mini speed test that I host as per the attached image below, without any inflated ping times so I see no reason they are not correct at all. The only problem is this app needed me to downgrade to WIN7 to work (I use linux as the norm)

    post-63721-048241900 1280247894_thumb.jp

  7. Many of them and they are referred to as media tanks.

    For instance;




    WD Media


    etc etc range in price from THB 4,000 to THB 16,000 depending on the functions. I use the EGr1 and at THB 4,000 they do everything that I need and more besides with a local 12 months warranty.

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