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Posts posted by Utley

  1. Try to obtain your meds through a government hospital rather than a private one to avoid price gouging. And when using the government hospital pharmacy, always put a small contribution into the box collecting funds for those who can't afford their meds.

    Also, extra virgin olive oil has anti-inflammatory properties; try taking two spoonfuls every morning and see if that helps. If so, you may be able to reduce some of your current meds.

  2. Why should Thailand take any notice of Amnesty International? nobody else does, they are just a bunch of lefty liberal hand wringers.

    Amnesty International brings human rights problems into focus on the world stage. Most civilized countries DO pay attention to them - even the high and mighty U.S.

    That is a problem with the supposed civilized countries. They pay attention to any thing negative no matter how groundless it is. Did you read the article? What did it say the NCPO reply was. No you did not. You simply reveled in joy because you saw a negative headline. One that was put out by an organization that has no information to base their article on. They are made up of a bunch of high paid people reading news papers and listing to gossip around the world and checking it against a check list they have.

    They never have to leave their plush offices there is a world full of gullible people willing to pay them a ton of money to report negativity be it true or false.

    Yes, I did read the article. I found the NCPO responses to be ludicrous.

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  3. Heard on BBC & CNN this morning that Amnesty International has accused the junta with serious abuses of human rights. These include torture, unlawful detentions, re-education camps for anyone who voices different opinions and general terror campaigns throughout the country. Very, very damning.

    Quite correct and thank you for highlighting the negativity that the Juna have to work through. The red shirts will do and say anything to discredit the exemplary work the good General Prayuth is and will continue to do. They are simply jealous due to their waning popularity.

    Kritsuda Khunasen is the case that stand out in this report you refer to. A women that is a supporter of the UDD, a terrorist wind of the failed PTP. The UDD are not known for telling the truth and in fact twist stories to suit an agenda. They are not morally conscious and if they are not allowed to be responsible for moving the country forward they will discredit any attempt by anyone else to move it forward.

    She was allegedly beaten with such veracity it was described as torture yet when she was released on the 24th of June she did not seek medical treatment, she did not photograph the bruising, she did not even travel to Singapore (she was allowed) to have a report from an independent medical professional that described the "torture" inflicted on her body. Nope. None of that. She waited nearly 2 weeks to report it AND with no evidence apart from her word that it happened. I am actually disappointed in her that she didn't state they nailed her too a cross, but then, there would have been life long evidence of that from the scars on her hands. She can only make up a story where evidence cannot be proven. That is the UDD way.

    ​So again thanks for highlighting the uphill battle the Junta have to face in their struggle against the shadowy terroristic red campaign of hate and fear. It certainly does show that the road ahead is not paved with roses.

    ​Good luck to the Junta and through the publ;ics overwhelming support and confidence I am sure they will succeed.

    ​May peace and reconciliation be with you.

    You my friend are one scary person!

    Yes, the truth hurts. I see when ever someone is faced by the truth I present there is no rebuttal. Just a condensation that does not address my post, but allows one to vent their frustration at the truth.

    Come on? Rebut my post mate.

    <EDIT> I'm scary, yet you support terrorists and an unelected, accused mass murderer, convicted criminal fugitive. Go figure. PTP logic yet again!

    There is nothing to rebut. You present opinion unsupported by fact. Will your opinion turn out to be correct - perhaps, perhaps not; not enough time has lapsed to make an educated decision. But the initial indications are that you are wrong. Suspending civil liberties in order to "correct" people's thinking is a slippery slope.

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  4. "Last week, the junta arrested a number of activists, including Veera Somkwamkid, for allegedly violating martial law by forming a gathering of more than five people to disturb social order as they marched from the South and in the capital to campaign for energy reform."

    My guess is that they were arrested for rocking the boat - an example of "Thai style democracy". And I bet there is more to come.

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