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Posts posted by Utley

  1. My first trip to Thailand was in 1969, paid for by a dear uncle. No visa was required, the exchange rate was 20 baht to the dollar but overnight prices for social interaction was only 250 baht. The Royal Palace restoration project had just begun, there were quite a few canals and the city stunk to high heaven. Foreigners were an oddity and treated with deference, especially those of us with very short hair. Chiang Mai was the capital of the "golden triangle" controlled by war lords, the northeast was a place you didn't want to travel if you appreciated living and herbs could be had anywhere. As I recall, the only 3 things we were warned about was never, never disrespect the King or his Royal Family (even in jest), don't show the bottoms of your feet and don't drink the tap water. Otherwise party hardy for it may be your last chance.

  2. You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

    Your last sentence is spot on.

    And don't forget a sentence right before last. China wants Oil from S. China Sea? How dare they!? 'Murica must bring them their "freedom" but is afraid to bite off a piece they couldn't swallow? smile.png

    The portion of the South China Sea that China is eyeing happen to be territorial waters belonging to the Philippines. How dare they is right.

  3. Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

    Iraq and Libya were hells on earth long before the Americans got involved.

    That is not true. Iraq ,prior to 1990, was the envy of the Arab world. the country had an excellent health and education system. It became a shithole after the Desert Storm. similarly with Libya. Both were dictatorships but their people were well fed and taken care of. Similarly, migrant workers on both countries had work. The zeal of America to dismantle these countries, Syria as well created a far worse situation than that of 'lack of democracy'. As others have commented, democracy is an infinitely stretchable thing which can fit the case we choose and ignore similar situations elsewhere.

    Whereas American people are not any worse than any other, it is the double standards of the American foreign policy that pisses people off. Having said that we all are of course eternally grateful for your intervention in both the great wars.

    Both Hussein and Gaddafi were mass murderers killing, raping and torturing their own brethren. Tell me again what Gardens of Eden Iraq and Libya were before the Americans and most of the free world intervened to put these monsters away.

  4. For me I don't like loud mouths. And there seems to be a lot of them from the US. The type when you can hear every word of their conversation even when they are accross the room full of people.

    Also the extreme patriotism kinda grinds on me.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I was very surprised at how loud many Thai people are. Gentile and quiet they ain't.

    • Like 2
  5. The problem with Americans is that when you start taking the piss out of them they think you're being serious laugh.png

    The problem with most Yanks is, they dont have a sense of humour, have you ever watched Yank comedy shows, utter crap.

    Gawd I love NY, every one there is a NYorker not a Yank.

    Please list the ones you have seen and think are crap.

    Also list some British shows that are to your taste.

    I might be able to hook you up, dude.

    Perhaps you haven't been exposed to the stuff you would like. You do realize there are probably thousands of choices and that American comedy is very diverse?

    BTW, I am a big fanny (oops) of many British comedy shows and I simply don't believe an intelligent English speaking person can't find some American comedy shows that would amuse them,

    I suppose though that some people are pathetically PROVINCIAL and can't appreciate comedy from any country other than their own. A pity.

    A classic comparative example of US v UK comedy is the show "Office". The original UK version is classic satire. The US copy version is total crap because it "tries" to be funny.

    Stereotypically speaking, American comedy fails to carry off satire and seem to think that slapstick comedy is in fact satire - newsflash....it ain't.

    The only one I can recall that got away with it was the famed Archie Bunker's "All in the family". That show was better than the UK programme that it copied.

    I was under the impression that all British comedy WAS slapstick; a.k.a. Charlie Chaplin all the way through to Benny Hill.

  6. Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

    Well if that's the case then maybe the anti-American sentiment will be changing, as President McBummer announced in his West Point graduation speech a new non-interventionist policy - basically telling all the scumbags of the world they can go right ahead with their dirty work as the US military won't do anything - but I don't see any new update. Actually if this were actually the source of the anti-American sentiment we should see exactly the same sentiment against, say, Chinese, Russians, or the broader radical Sunni nation, all of whom fit your bill just as well as the (minus the "preach democracy" and replace "Iraq and Libya" with different names), with difference being you're politically freer in US.

    SO I don't think the perceived foreign policy is 100% the reason, for the simple fact that we don't see the same anti-Russian or anti-Chinese (or can I say anti-Muslim) sentiment. So maybe it's the fact that the Americans do it with a sort of "we're cowboys here to save the day" attitude which really pisses leftists (as well as people who get caught up in it such as the poster with loved ones involved in the friendly fire) off.

    Why would we see the same anti Russian or anti Chinese sentiment? They're not constantly sticking their noses, often violently, into every bodies business as though they own the world.

    And we do see plenty of anti Muslim sentiment.

    Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Politically free? Don't make me laugh, your next president will be an American supremist with a god given right to violate any nation who doesn't kiss his butt, they're all the same. You had your chance to vote in a half decent chap with Ron Paul, but it turned out there were not enough decent people in America.

    Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Ronald Paul tends to prefer isolationism when it comes to foreign policy. Is that really what you want - a return to "fortress America" and let the rest of the free world fend for themselves?

  7. Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

    Well if that's the case then maybe the anti-American sentiment will be changing, as President McBummer announced in his West Point graduation speech a new non-interventionist policy - basically telling all the scumbags of the world they can go right ahead with their dirty work as the US military won't do anything - but I don't see any new update. Actually if this were actually the source of the anti-American sentiment we should see exactly the same sentiment against, say, Chinese, Russians, or the broader radical Sunni nation, all of whom fit your bill just as well as the (minus the "preach democracy" and replace "Iraq and Libya" with different names), with difference being you're politically freer in US.

    SO I don't think the perceived foreign policy is 100% the reason, for the simple fact that we don't see the same anti-Russian or anti-Chinese (or can I say anti-Muslim) sentiment. So maybe it's the fact that the Americans do it with a sort of "we're cowboys here to save the day" attitude which really pisses leftists (as well as people who get caught up in it such as the poster with loved ones involved in the friendly fire) off.

    Why would we see the same anti Russian or anti Chinese sentiment? They're not constantly sticking their noses, often violently, into every bodies business as though they own the world.

    And we do see plenty of anti Muslim sentiment.

    Sent from my XT1033 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You have got to be joking me. Russia is taking over the Ukraine and China wants the oil in the South China Sea. The Muslim extremists want to kill anyone who is not.......well, Muslim.

    • Like 1
  8. Mainly it's the hypocrisy of their foreign policy. They preach democracy but support some of the worst dictators on the planet and bring down democracies when they refuse to bend over for uncle Sam. They are dangerous and divisive and rain down death and destruction on anyone they fancy. They have turned Iraq and Libya in to hells on earth. Their governments, of whatever ilk, are elected (usually) fascists! Must stop now, my veins are popping out.

    Iraq and Libya were hells on earth long before the Americans got involved.

    • Like 1
  9. I don't believe there is that much anti-American sentiment about, no more or less so than anti-any other nationality. I think most of us get along well with Americans, I just wish they wouldn't talk so loudly, everyone of them it seems and everywhere they go!

    I've found the same thing. Sit down to a nice quiet meal with a Thai friend, and a group of Americans walk in. They don't just talk, they sound as though they're talking to someone across the room!

    I have often had to up plates and move further away. I know Aussies can get way too loud when they've got a few beers under the belt, but in a restaurant? fair go guys!!

    I have had this same thing happen to me but it was a group of Thais who were too loud.

    • Like 2
  10. maybe not in the best favor of China either. I mean when the west does something they don't like, they turn to China. Soon China may turn it's back as well. It's not like Thailand holds any great strategic importance to anyone.

    "It's not like Thailand holds any great strategic importance to anyone"..........uh, yes it does; it is right smack in the middle of Southeast Asia.

  11. In most countries, virtually anyone needing a job will take a beeline for the biggest city. Bkk has become a vortex for every type of Thai, including center of U's, of royalty, ofr most important wats, and center of industry. It would be like a person who had his heart, brain, lungs, all located in a heart-sized area in his chest. Bkk can survive, barely, but its quality is slipping downward week by week.

    First thing: move industry to other places. Next, plan to move U's and other conglomerates elsewhere. Government services could be moved to outlying regions. Knowing how Thais think, I'd expect such relocations to be close to Bkk, and therefore continue to be in flood plains. Better would be to relocate to higher ground.

    Concurrently: establish dedicated turn lanes at busy intersections. Currently, at nearly all traffic-light intersections in Thailand, traffic moves only one direction at any one time. With dedicated turn lanes and arrow lights, traffic could move in opposite directions concurrently. Many more vehicles could move, rather than sitting idle, polluting the the air.

    Try even-odd traffic days. It's a drag, but less so, than current imbroglio.

    Your logical ideas would have made a lot of sense if implemented 25 years ago but to do so today would be like committing suicide by slow strangulation (IMHO).

    Unfortunately "som nam na"; Thais got the Bangkok that they deserve - after all, they are the ones who allowed it to happen.

  12. I sure hope the military junta don't bog itself down with Bangkok traffic management problems during its hopeful limited time in power. Instead, let them focus on BIG problems affecting the "entire population/country" which can be quickly solved or at least pointed in a new direction.

    "BIG problems affecting the "entire population/country" which can be quickly solved"

    Could you be more specific please?

  13. Has anyone been able to phone Nichigo Golf Course in Kanchanaburi lately? The phone number on their website is bogus as well as related web sites (034 518 518). When I try to make a t-time online, I get a warning from Google that the website contains malware. Anyone have a clue?

  14. Noble intentions but as other posters have commented, it has been tried before without success. Perhaps its time the Thais reach beyond their borders for some help reforming their educational system. Choose several countries as models, invite their educational leaders to Thailand and listen to their recommendations; perhaps even entice one of them to stay and take charge. Just a thought.

  15. I used Pacific Health for two years; they were very good about cashing my checks. I provided them with a pre-health coverage exam letting them know that I was taking medication for high blood pressure.

    When I filed a claim in my third year they denied it citing my condition as "pre-existing". When I pursued the issued, they used the pre-health coverage exam as evidence that I had heart problems before the coverage began (i.e. high blood pressure).

    They knew about my "pre-existing condition" ahead of time and never said a word, happily collected their premiums and then denied me coverage when the time came. If that is the type of company with whom you want to deal, you have my blessings.

    As far as know, no company will cover you for a pre-existing condition, you say that they never said a word, so did they not put this condition on the exclusions part of the schedule ?

    In the USA, that's no longer the case.

    Even before Obama Care in the U.S., after two years of coverage, pre-existing conditions were covered under most health care plans.

  16. I used Pacific Health for two years; they were very good about cashing my checks. I provided them with a pre-health coverage exam letting them know that I was taking medication for high blood pressure.

    When I filed a claim in my third year they denied it citing my condition as "pre-existing". When I pursued the issued, they used the pre-health coverage exam as evidence that I had heart problems before the coverage began (i.e. high blood pressure).

    They knew about my "pre-existing condition" ahead of time and never said a word, happily collected their premiums and then denied me coverage when the time came. If that is the type of company with whom you want to deal, you have my blessings.

    As far as know, no company will cover you for a pre-existing condition, you say that they never said a word, so did they not put this condition on the exclusions part of the schedule ?

    There was no exclusion schedule.

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