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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. LOL, good effort CMT. :D But too late now. :)

    Anyway, some of the more reputable development companies include:

    Koolpunt Ville

    Ban Nai Fun

    Land & Houses

    But... it very much depends on the individual development. Koolpunt has some better developments, and then some so-so ones. (Like 5-6-7 and 9)

    So the development on the Royal Flora road mentioned earlier is also well worth looking into, also because that road itself looks magnificent. (though some community housing blocks are up in that area as well; still, I think it looks nice, and the development itself also looks nice.)

  2. my point was if the op is a farang and he gives money for his wife to buy the house, it's illegal, full stop, no arguments, according to current thai law.

    If it's illegal then what's the statement for that a foreign husband can sign to attest that all funds for the land purchase belong to the Thai partner? (After giving it to her, the funds are hers. :) ) And, I think that only applies when people are actually legally married? (Crap like this was one of the reasons for us to not actually get legally married. )

    with regards to 30yr leases, you know anyone who's still with the same woman after 30yrs in this country, mmmm, i dont, by all means live for the day, but certainly plan for the future.

    Well I'm one third of the way there. :D Ask me again in 20 years. :D

  3. Anyway, to add some personal information which should make MJM happy:

    My wife bought the house. It's all owned by the bank though, as there's a mortgage on it the size of Mongolia. We have a shared account where the mortgage payments are withdrawn from.

    Second house (still very much a work in progress) will be a wooden construction that can just be moved. I'll personally and officially make all the purchases and contract the work, which will show it's my house. :)

    All of the above however works best when in an equal and genuine relationship. Ten years and counting. Two kids and counting. :D

    your wife owns the house which is fine, did you provide the funds for deposits etc , if so under thai law that is illegal.

    I wish I had funds to deposit! :D But no, I did not. I don't think a deposit was even required due to some creative financial arrangements with the bank and the seller. I think the issue is primarily with the land though, not so much with the structure on it.

    if similiar circumstances were to apply in your own country, would you take the risk, i doubt it, but they do here, which i really just dont understand.

    Well, I'm basically just contributing some 'rent' with the mortgage payments, shared with the Mrs. (and her company, which I believe rents (part of) the house from her. Not exactly sure, she's the legal eagle and financial brains in the family. :D

    It is the way it is.. At least our kids one day will own it. :D

  4. Live in Mae Jo, work in town 2 weeks on/2 weeks off. When I am off, I try to avoid going into town and stick with the Rimping/Carrefour/Big C type places. Do go to Number 1 Bar on a thursday night as my dog likes the attention he gets there!

    Stop doing that!!!!! :D I want all the attention for myself!! :)

  5. Anyway, to add some personal information which should make MJM happy:

    My wife bought the house. It's all owned by the bank though, as there's a mortgage on it the size of Mongolia. We have a shared account where the mortgage payments are withdrawn from.

    Second house (still very much a work in progress) will be a wooden construction that can just be moved. I'll personally and officially make all the purchases and contract the work, which will show it's my house. :)

    All of the above however works best when in an equal and genuine relationship. Ten years and counting. Two kids and counting. :D

  6. my advice, dont do it!

    for all the reasons YOU need to find out about, some of which are on here.

    putting it in your thai wifes name is illegal full stop, yes there are folk that do it, but its totally illegal.


    Why would it be illegal for a Thai person to own a house?? :D

    You're just talking gibberish. I'm very ready to accept that fake-company constructiosn are illegal, but honestly a Thai person can own a house.

    the 30yr lease scheme as far as i know , hasn't gone beyond the 30yrs, because no one i know has being here long enough, hence no one knows if the next 30yr leases are for real.

    Indeed they're not. Any extension is an option at best. Still, 30 years is more than enough for most Farangs I see around town. :) Unless they want to take it into the grave with them. :D At that time ownership will likely transfer to any kids, etc, which is exactly the same as when they would own it outright.

    this is a country of political turmoil, which in the next year or so [ie the kings health] is going to get worse, ask yourself this question can i afford to lose the money i'm going to shell out for this project, if the answer is no, thats the ultimate reason not to buy, if it's yes ignore this e mail.

    True. No guarantees about anything when it comes to Thailand. (Hmm. you're post does get more and more sensible as it progresses.. Kind of an interesting common-sense curve that you don't see so often. :D )

  7. Haven't seen it but I'd like to.

    Maybe we can start our own. There is a restaurant in the basement of Union Mall across from Central Ladprao. They are red shirts supporters, but you don't realize this until after you have sat down and ordered. There was just one red cup inconspicuously placed at the cash register showing the restaurant owner supports the red shirts. You can't really see it until you sit down. We had already placed our order by the time we looked around and saw it.

    My wife was so incensed she wanted to simply get up and walk out, but since they were already making the food it might have caused a problem. She settled for not leaving a tip. She took great pride in taking every single baht out of the book and handed it back to the waitress empty. There is a place we will never be returning to. Business owners should be smarter than that.

    Can't remember the name, but it is in the basement on the south side. Be very careful if you eat in any of those restaraunts. Check first. You might be indirectly supporting Thaksin.

    :D & :D

    Happy family!

    (While I have a lot of sympathy for the Red cause, this of course does not stop me from being a customer at PAD/Dem/Yellow establishments. That'd just be petty and silly. I think it's GREAT that finally the people in Thailand become politically active along ideological lines. That's an awesome development and I have a lot of respect for all that do, on EITHER side!! As a guest in this country I deeply respect the political views of my hosts, whatever they may be. :)

  8. I would like to see it too, so I can support them. :)

    When I see some Red paraphernalia at places I visit I usually give them a smile and thumbs-up.

    And it's especially funny talking with staff at places that expats frequent; a lot of the old crusty whining-brigade seem to be anti-Red, so some staff expect all foreigners to be that way. Then they're VERY happy when they find out this isn't the case..

  9. Wow excellent, they found an international publication that touts the Thai establishment's line!!! This in the face of article after article in all Western countries painting a much more balanced picture.

    Good job. :)

    And... I guess the same could be said of the News Clippings forum.. Hasn't exactly been overflowing with articles from the BBC, NY Times, ABC, etc, etc, etc. I wonder why.

  10. Map was of North America.

    Right..... o--kay... Baby steps: it's Google Maps.. You're supposed to enter something like 'Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand' before clicking "Search Maps". (Once for the town, once for the province)

    It's just lke with Google Search or Google Images, you don't actually get porn until you enter 'porn'. :)

  11. it's pathetic to see a PM cling onto power when he has NO MANDATE -


    How many times have we been through this? And yet you still come back with exactly the same lies and mistruths.

    Ehm.. Not Same.. Being legitimate is not the same as having your own mandate.. IMHO Abhsit's government is the former, but quite obviously doesn't have the latter. When you depend on bribing people from the opposition into your own coalition then quite clearly you donm't have a legitimate mandate directly from teh electorate. I thought we've been through that too.. :)

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