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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. I got back from this event not long ago. The website said there would be activities and workshops from 1p.m. so I thought it would be okay for my kids. In fact there was nothing going on at all until about 7pm, when we had to go to put my small son to bed. There were a few bikini clad tourists playing volleyball and a muted sound system repeatedly playing the same chillout CD.

    It was poor. A rip-off.

    > There were a few bikini clad tourists playing volleyball

    :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm taking on SBKs advice to tone it down a hair or two. It seems silly to debate the topic of course language further when things have worsened to such a degree. So I'm going to let this one go without hunting down some of the more inflammatory PAD speeches out there, see how it compares and then debate that. (in the Chiang Mai forum at that). If anyone likes to believe that PAD rallies features exclusively eloquent reasoned and polite speeches then that's fine with me; it seems a minor point anyway given the recent events. :)

    Coming days I'll be supporting the Wet Shirts only.

  3. What for me is difficult to understand, is the reasons why some 20% (but massively present on TV) of the members of this forum can simpatize for a well known criminal like Thaksin and a sad, well paid gang of ignorant shouting so said 'leaders' like Jatuporn, Veera, the unsuccesful singer, etc etc.

    It is probably because they have the same sought of education as the red shirts. They can't even understand that the government was a democratically elected coalition nothing to do with the military or the coup.

    Elitist tactic #1: Call all your opponents dumb uneducated som-tam eating idiots, or married to one.

    Hint: You could show some respect for all the viewpoints out there.

    Anyway, enjoy the bickering, I'm off to enjoy the weekend with the family. :)

  4. Abhisit had no choice but to react. Most leaders would have done so a long time ago. So far, the entire country are the losers now. Hard to tell about the future.

    I disagree I believe Abhisit himself would have carried on attempting to control and defuse the situation..........was he pressured into action? by the reds? or by his own side?

    In hindsight, it does look like it was planned like this all along, specifically the attempt to take out pro-Red TV and radio stations and internet sites. After that a bloody crack-down followed. The reasoning seems to have been that without those pesky news sources around, the lid could be kept on it.

    In this day and age, that of course doesn't work.

    Possibly WTK.....I believe there has been, from the very birth of this protest, a complete misunderstanding of the events spiral that could occur.

    Remember the smart ar5e type comments on this very forum?.........'when they run out of lao kao and stinky fish sauce they will return back to the rice paddies' attitude?

    Yes, and a lot worse. Really disgusting racial slurs. :) And people call themselves educated foriengers. I learned a lot about the kind of people on this forum recently.

  5. In hindsight, it does look like it was planned like this all along, specifically the attempt to take out pro-Red TV and radio stations and internet sites. After that a bloody crack-down followed. The reasoning seems to have been that without those pesky news sources around, the lid could be kept on it.

    In this day and age, that of course doesn't work.

    And you claim to be neutral?

    Yes absolutely. Would you disagree that Abhsisit (or whoever is really in charge) set this thing in motion with martial law, censorship and then action? That's no different from what you read in internatinal news sources. You're calling those not neutral too? Look up from the pages of The Nation occasionally.

  6. Anyone with a modicum of education in social/political studies will see Thailand's current 'problems' for what they are - proof positive that Thailand's political life is developing. And compared with the teething problems of most western democracies the 'problems' Thailand is facing now are a mere tiff.

    Thaksin has let the popularist political cat out of the bag, change is now inevitable.

    That change towards a more inclusive politics is in the end a good thing for national growth and stability.

    That is the most sensible thing I've read in quite a while.

  7. Abhisit had no choice but to react. Most leaders would have done so a long time ago. So far, the entire country are the losers now. Hard to tell about the future.

    I disagree I believe Abhisit himself would have carried on attempting to control and defuse the situation..........was he pressured into action? by the reds? or by his own side?

    In hindsight, it does look like it was planned like this all along, specifically the attempt to take out pro-Red TV and radio stations and internet sites. After that a bloody crack-down followed. The reasoning seems to have been that without those pesky news sources around, the lid could be kept on it.

    In this day and age, that of course doesn't work.

  8. From a Red Shirt protester:

    when i was in the rally this evening, the mood was overwhemling excited,joy,crowed,lots of noice, lots of people but when we hear that the red shirts have lose their lives everything changed. the picture of those people who loose the life were shown in the projecter. i was sitting beside one lady. the leader started to... play the martydom songs, although i didn't understand the song but i feel the song & i feel the changed environement. slowly my tears started to fall down after seeing those pictuers frm phan pha. i can't control myself. it's said that if you are man you shouldn't cry but this quote was wrong today. i expreance it. i look around me , & got the same result. woman with tears & emotionally shocked
    i'm really sorry for those who lost their life. these people are the real hero., a true martyer. these people name should be written in the history book fighting for democracy. these people deserve it. i'll pray for god may be their soul be peace in heaven. a deeply condolence to their family too.

    this will be a moment ...i'll never forget in my life. wherever i go, i'll always carry these memories. these people who lost their life are my real hero.


  9. In two weeks I am arriving in Bangkok. I am staying near the democracy monument for 4 days, until flying out to Chiang Mai. Then I come back to Bangkok to take a bus/ferry to Koh Samui. Do you guys think I will have any problems with staying in BKK, or busing? Is it safe to be in BKK right now? Please let me know!

    Nobody can tell you that at this point. These are historic times now. The Russian authorities are telling their people to avoid Bangkok at all costs and go directly to the resorts.

    VERY sound advice, that. DONT stay near the Democracy monument (Khao San, Banglamphu) area especially. Best to just change your Chiang Mai flight and fly out directly without going into downtown Bangkok.

  10. Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

    ok i'll bite

    why is that then?

    he looks stronger than ever to me

    He's responsible for the deaths of several protesters and soldiers. AND a Reuters journalist. Plus the overall attempt didn't even work, it's essentially a failed operation.

    yes several protesters who were behaving in a dangerous, threatening and illegal manner that was detrimental to the countrys well being

    unfortunately their terrorist like behaviour tragically took the lives of some brave soldiers doing their duty in defending this country from anarchists

    do you know who shot the journalist?

    what if it turns out to be red bullet

    then i expect it would have to a fake red who did it

    its sick how red shirts like you are trying to capitalise on these peoples deaths to support your cause

    you should be ashamed

    Huh.. I'm not a red shirt..? I sympathize with several of their goals, but have little confidence in the movement. I strongly suspect that most will be very happy if they just get Thaksin back, leaving the overall corrupt structures at the top in place. And it's clear to see they've tried to remain peaceful; then yesterday Abhisit loses face and the next day bullets start flying. I don't like that, I like peace. And democracy.

  11. Abhisit on TV now.

    He should be in jail.

    And the red leaders with bodies on the stage are heroes - right?

    And the red idiots firing live rounds into the soldiers are misunderstood - correct?

    And Thaksin is actually a nice guy with Thailands best interests at heart - yes?

    It doesn't really matter what I think about Thaksin, it matters what Thai people think. I can muster some respect for the differing viewpoints out there.

    But there's just no way around the ugly facts, that the army has produced another black Songkran. Dead is dead, argue about Thaksin until the cows come home if you will. :)

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