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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. Beggars can't be choosers.. Either you go through hassle trying to mail or transport bags, or you buy a Thai Air ticket and can stop worrying, at slightly higher cost.

    Up to you, but when on an international connection I would not recommend Air Asia anyway.

  2. Winnie, i'm just back from seven, got some shrimp flavor potato chips and deposited the 3 baht change to my left ear while heading back home with my motocy. How many points i score ?

    That's three points. You chose shrimp flavor over something Farangy like cheese & onion, you bothered with 3 baht change, and you did it on a motorbike..

    I just came back from Tesco Express and bought eggs, ham and ice. I realized that's not particularly Thai, so I also stopped at the soy milk auntie and got some nice soy milk, one bag including assorted shrapnel. (err, song khrueang) Still, that's only one point. :)

  3. I don't need to try to be thai as I actually produced a thai person out of my bagina so beat that winniethekwai :):D

    Do I win :D

    Hm, I produced one out of someone elses bagina, that obviously takes more skill. :D

    AND one on the way, but that will be a C-section, otherwise I risk having the birth clash with one of the important World Cup games. With a C-section I'll plan it when Paraguy plays Elbonia.

  4. Some more:

    - I honk and/or wai at shrines when driving past. Or both, though waiing and honking at the same time is a skill.

    - I do actually wear an amulet (well, travel Buddha) when traveling.

    - I compose my own merit-buckets when making merit at the temple.

    - Not only do I exclusively eat Thai food, I enjoy making it too. I just made my own khao man kai; it was awsome, the secret is in the bay leaves,

    and in using the best rice money can buy. (you can NEVER spend too much money on rice.)

    - I check on Feng Shui stuff when it comes to matters relating to the house and the garden.

    - I stopped holding doors open for other people.

    - I'm much more likely to sniff-kiss than unhygienic-kiss.

    - I mostly speak Thai with my daughter. I may have to pull her out of international school because that's just un-Thai, plus she keeps coming back

    speaking the Queen's English, making us as a family stand out as being un-Thai. I just cringe when she goes all "Dahddy, dahddy..!" at Tescos in front of other people.

    - I have acquired GREAT Thai accent when I sapeak Englit.

    - I may on occasion pretend not to speak English at all. Want to talk to me; do it in Thai.

    - When I meet another Farang-Thai couple I ask questions about him in Thai to his lady while he sits there like a zombie, instead of just asking him. Drives 'em nuts.

  5. I feel seriously inconvenienced when I find that a toilet doesn't have butt gun installed.

    I feel you. I'll nearly shit myself holding on for a toilet with a bum gun rather than the nearest one with tissue. That's the one thing I don't like about the classier hotels-usually paper only.

    The classier ones often have a jazuzzi though. Those can perform the same function if you don't fill up to the level where the nozzles are. Messy, but it works.

  6. Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the Thaiest of them all...

    So anyway, I'll kick things off by claiming to be the most Thai. (No doubt I'm not, but up to people-more-Thai-than-me to prove they out-Thai me. )

    here we go:

    - I am wearing a Farmer's shirt as I type this. On the floor, obviously, where it's coolest.

    - I drive a pick-up truck, IN MY OWN NAME

    - I'm married to a Thai woman from the North

    - I have a 5-year Thai driver's license

    - I have a Thai tax card

    - All my medical treatments are paid for for social insurance

    - My iPod has more Morlam songs than your average Issan karaoke bar

    - I rarely eat Western food

    - I just finished a glass of Sang Som & Something.

    - I cheat out of UBC fees

    - When flying, I grab the Thai language newspaper to show I can read it, and because The Nation is trash.

    - I get homesick when out of the country.

    - I haven't been in my country of birth in 5 years. Anyone referring to that locale as 'home' will get explained that Thailand is home.

    - I am better at ordering Som Tam than my wife.

    - Obviously I'm not analphabetic in Thai

    - I function well both in hi-so environments, as well as more down-to-Earth ones and enjoy both.

    - I've been to (very nearly) every Thai province.

    - I can have an intelligent discussion on which lottery numbers are more likely to come up in two weeks time.

    - I feel seriously inconvenienced when I find that a toilet doesn't have butt gun installed.

    - My entire monthly income goes straight to the Mrs. to take care of it. I have a reasonable allowance though.

    - Old Whiney Farang Sexpats who don't fit in hate me.

    - Pretty much all Thai people love me, and the feeling is mutual!

    ..probably loads more.


  7. I wonder if this year is hotter than previous years? (From memory it didn't quite get up to 40 in Chiang Mai, mostly 38 or so. The past weeks however I see the weather reports weighing in at 40 for the daytime highs. )

  8. The only way a society can function is if people follow the laws.

    I'd almost agree with that: The only way a mature, just and lawful society can function is if people follow the laws.

    When however the society in question is rotten to the core, and the laws come about through military intervention, then it doesn't work that way anymore. The international press fortunately seems to see that very clearly. The Thai press.. well.

  9. This so-called attempt to capture a couple of red-shirts sounds more like a poorly thought out boy scout jamboree activity.

    About time the PM sacked all the idiots at the top of the military and the police and appointed capable people to run these government facilties.

    Instead, he's sacked the idiot in charge of security operations.

    And long over due it was.

  10. No you're not. I also wondered why yesterday evening suddenly EVERY cross road on the tiny island Koh Tao had a uniformed policeman standing there. That has never ever happened before. It was the first time Koh Tao felt the political unrest in Thailand so close up. I fear something is underway to go very very wrong here.

    That type of police presence is typical when there is a visit or convoy of a high placed official, or member of the royal family. You probably don't get that in a place like Ko Tao as often as you do in Bangkok or Chiang Mai.

  11. Too much information. Isn't it about time that a special forum is created just for Ian Forbes to post his pics and details of the sex life of which he is obviously so proud?

    Nobody is "proud" of anything. I'm just an average looking old guy of 70 who enjoys life. I don't have anything "special" to be proud of. I just state facts. I didn't change the topic; flying and unfaithful did, and I responded in kind. To me, Thailand is like a breath of fresh air when compared to North America. And where every day can be like the best party you ever went to.

    I never start topics about sex, but I respond to other people's posts with honesty. Some people don't LIKE honesty. It scares them. I enjoy all aspects of life (of which sex is one) and can't understand why some people are so miserable. Half the posts on thaivisa are complaints of some sort or another. I also enjoy the joking around with innuendo... either mine or someone elses. It makes for good banter between friends and makes lots of laughs.

    And, I started this topic to poke fun at all the "Where's the best (pick a food item) restaurant". And, that's because anything more controversial gets into a slagging match.

    All topics that last more than a page will stray into other subjects that often take on a life of their own. That is to be expected.

    Posting photos is what I like to do, if for no other reason than to back up what I write. When the mods tell me to stop posting photos is the day I'll probably leave the forums for the miserable people who live in their own dreary world. I don't hide behind a pseudonym because I have nothing to hide, but I can understand others who might. I'm single and I love it, so I have nothing to fear. I treat everyone with respect and never take "pot shots" at people... even those that take pot shots at me.

    I probably don't say this enough, but I THOROUGHLY appreciate your posts, Ian. Both the attitude you show AND the pictures as well!

    What I find truly tiresome is people being negative all the time. Obviously not any topic is a happy topic, but there are couple individuals who seem genuinely miserable 24/7. Thanks for saving the forum from those guys taking it over!!

  12. They don't want to give us credit that actually we do care about Thailand and sincerely do not like Thaksin and the reds and the misery many of us feel will be visited on Thailand if they manage to prevail.

    here here....

    misery; read: an end to the endless supply of cheap girls and boys to exploit by a significant percentage of the (s)expat population.. They don't want to empower the poor or give them options through education and opportunity.

    That's just sad. And selfish.

    Buit to the OP: if anything Thaksin made it much easier to work or run a business in Thailand. So from that point of view it'd be good to have those policies back. When it comes to tourism basically all parties would like to get in as many tourists as possible.

  13. when me an my missus first started going out, maybe a couple of weeks in, i took her to a club and i'm quite mow an try get up close like dirty hip hop dancing style; she turned round and smacked me in the face! i say smacked but i mean punched, closed fist, right in the mouth, chipped my tooth an all :D ; thats when i knew this girl was for me! haha ,,, she appologiesed but said dont ever disrespect her again, we havent and never had a problem since, 4 years and 2 kids later.

    i'm suprised so many people say they'd walk over even 1 little slap. most men i know just accept thier womens odd slap as just a bit of moodyness, menstation related, but usually only after they done summin wrong in the first place. B a Man! not like a little lady slap really does you any harm is it. If its regular and she's a real nut then fair enough leave, but i'd thought it would be a wieghing up of all goods and bads, not sum matter of principle like a fassy. If she pulled a knife or summin then i'd be strait outa there though, physco!

    lady should never be hit in my opinion and any man who does is a one real cowardly pssyclat

    Great post and I agree, just not with the last line. It's perfectly fine (no, ESSENTIAL) to physically stop a person from harming herself or others. (Hitting not being the first option, but I could see cases where restraining a person otherwise is difficult.)

    This is where the other poster was coming from who stated that getting violent at least shows a person cares, which some newbie replied to with '<deleted>'. :) For example, say someone is highly irate and emotional: would you let such a person grab the car keys and drive off in this crazed mood? I submit that those who DO let her drive off are the real cowardly pussycats, and irresponsible at that; the ones who physically restrain the Mrs. from killing herself or others WILL earn their respect, DO show they care, in addition to potentially saving her life and that of others.

    ( Go. :D )

    Uuum, you'll need to run that one by me again.

    So you're saying that someone who stops someone from driving whilst they're emotional and crazy is the same as someone who hits someone because they've done something wrong?

    No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm responding to those who think that any and all physical action is always deplorable. I'm saying that sometimes it is not only necessary, but the responsible and caring thing to do.

    Now you've explained it so well to me, I can't understand anymore why anyone would think that getting violent does anything other than show you care. :D

    Right! If I didn't care I'd just leave and have a party somewhere. Hitting someone takes effort and commitment. :D

  14. AWESOME video!!

    The scary part was the people taking water from that grubby river...

    It's not a grubby river, it's the city moat. We have a moat in Chiang Mai. Water quality is not too bad.

    Nothing like tossing nasty klong water for Songkran

    It's not a klong, it's a moat. Go look up the difference, or come visit Chiang Mai.

    That water is about as polluted and germ infested as you can get

    I assume you ran lab tests on it. :) (The Tessaban does, and performs water treatment on it prior to the event)

    I got buckets full of the stuff on me, in my eyes etc, even jumped into it once and I'm perfectly fine. There's fish in it. Kids swim in it.

    ( And a thousand rats can't be wrong. :D )

  15. when me an my missus first started going out, maybe a couple of weeks in, i took her to a club and i'm quite mow an try get up close like dirty hip hop dancing style; she turned round and smacked me in the face! i say smacked but i mean punched, closed fist, right in the mouth, chipped my tooth an all :D ; thats when i knew this girl was for me! haha ,,, she appologiesed but said dont ever disrespect her again, we havent and never had a problem since, 4 years and 2 kids later.

    i'm suprised so many people say they'd walk over even 1 little slap. most men i know just accept thier womens odd slap as just a bit of moodyness, menstation related, but usually only after they done summin wrong in the first place. B a Man! not like a little lady slap really does you any harm is it. If its regular and she's a real nut then fair enough leave, but i'd thought it would be a wieghing up of all goods and bads, not sum matter of principle like a fassy. If she pulled a knife or summin then i'd be strait outa there though, physco!

    lady should never be hit in my opinion and any man who does is a one real cowardly pssyclat

    Great post and I agree, just not with the last line. It's perfectly fine (no, ESSENTIAL) to physically stop a person from harming herself or others. (Hitting not being the first option, but I could see cases where restraining a person otherwise is difficult.)

    This is where the other poster was coming from who stated that getting violent at least shows a person cares, which some newbie replied to with '<deleted>'. :) For example, say someone is highly irate and emotional: would you let such a person grab the car keys and drive off in this crazed mood? I submit that those who DO let her drive off are the real cowardly pussycats, and irresponsible at that; the ones who physically restrain the Mrs. from killing herself or others WILL earn their respect, DO show they care, in addition to potentially saving her life and that of others.

    ( Go. :D )

  16. Only saw this topic today. Water shortage? What water shortage?

    Look at the level of the Ping river, it's super high for this time of year.

    This alleged drought thing used to be all the rage to whine about, but it never actually materialized. Also the water-shortage-whine-window has been eaten into from the haze-whine before it and the 'Songkran is out of control'-whine after. Nice though to revive it briefly, sort of like a retro-whine of old times sake.

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