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Posts posted by WinnieTheKhwai

  1. The only thing for certain is the parties involved, particularly Se Daeng and the Red Shirts, will deny deny deny any wrongdoing. Telling the truth is at the bottom of the priorities list for those people.

    As it is for the 'government'. :) They only went back on their statements when there was video out from international sources showing clearly what happened. They have shown themselves to be liars and murderers; I wish there was a nicer way to say it. The sad and increasingly inevitable fact is that this bunch of misfits must go. Only question will be if Abhisit and Suthep can avoid jail, but quite probably an obvious deal can be struck. (which I think would be sad, too.)

  2. the all time worst thing about thailand is foreingers that think they are thai.

    I always take it as a great compliment when Thai people tell me I'm more Thai than them. Even if it's meant only semi-complimentally. (not sure if that's a word.) :)

  3. Airasia and other Asian budget airlines are often not shown on typical search engines, which may be why you had difficulty. I have no experience with it except experimentation, but someone on another thread mentioned


    Happy travels,

    Really? Have a look here.

    When he said search engines I think what he actually meant was the big Western travel sites that mostly show tradional legacy airlines. Travelocity, Expedia et al. Those don't work for budget flights and especially not in Asia.

  4. Hi.

    I am in Chiang Mai (or rather some 30 kilometers outside of it) right now.

    Yesterday (last day of Songkhran, hence most people playing) i had to go downtown with the motorbike. The place i had to go was a shopping center so i wanted to stay dry. How to??

    Easy - the people up here ARE lovely. Just keep the motorbike at some 50 km/h and wave politely with the left hand when you approach a spot where they play. They won't, with you.

    I reached the destination without having a single drop of water on me.

    On the way back then i was all in on the fun - magic recipe to JOIN them: Slow down when you reach them. Or stop completely and get SOAKED because it is BLOODY HOT anyway (40+ degrees).

    Songkhran is all good clean fun if you avoid drunk Farangs because, indeed, they are the worst.

    Best regards....


    :) Perfect attitude, perfect post! You got the right attitude in life to live here and enjoy it!! :D

  5. Another pearl of wisdom from TV's resident soothsayer. No discussion, reasoning, or rationale. Just a stand up comedian, with a very small audience.

    :) Playing that tired old mantra....

    Most of your contributions are one-line mantras.

    Pearls of wisdom I am not so sure.

    Thaksin's cast-offs more like it.

    What is your problem? We all understand you fear the UDD and you hate Thaksin. WE GET IT. All you do is make snide remarks against anyone you disagree with. You of all people should not be complaining about reasoning or rationale since your comments never ever offer anything substantive, just cheap and petty insults. If you are getting some sort of sick delight trying to provoke people, then I suggest you consider another past time because it is obnoxious. Grow up

    :D WELL SAID!! :D

  6. I might be being rather dumb here but something doesn't quite sound right with this story.

    As the father speaks no Thai, the parents presumably only speak English at home and normally the kids should develop some English skills just from being around them.

    It just seems rather strange that they can't speak a word of English despite being exposed to the language since birth for 8 years (in the case of his eldest child).

    Indeed. :)

    If anything the problem is kids picking up too much language. :D

  7. Most of my friends do on occasion have a fling here and there. It's pretty harmless, unless you're completely brainwashed with weird religious beliefs. :) It's not even something you talk about that much, it goes without saying unless there was something particularly noteworthy about the encounter, which is not often the case. compare: guys also don't go harp on about it when they get a haircut; they just do.

  8. It kind of depends; in some places the focus is on splashing people as wet as possible (=merit for all involved) but in other areas it turns into a proper water fight. And in water fights, you go for the eyes, everyone knows that. :) Hint: don't visit those water fight areas and you'll be fine.

    This tends to mean avoiding overly Farang-heavy areas.

    I had an EXCELLENT party the last four days, a lot of fun. Avoid Farang areas and apply some common sense myself; some people can take a bucket (adult males not on motorbikes), some people are best treated with a gentle splash. And you keep an eye out on safety issues for all the people you're with at any point in time; it's easy to get hurt just from falling over or stumble into traffic. Again, applying common sense is needed.

    But when you do, then this is the BEST PARTY ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  9. Air Asia. *IF* booked well in advance.

    When you want a ticket to fly tomorow then the differences are smaller.

    For example:


    (Yes, that's 699 baht one-way total, so the return would be double that depending on when you fly back. So 1500 baht or less for a return!!)

    Also note that on Air Asia, tickets are more expensive when demand is higher, such as around weekends and holidays. Mid-week flights are cheaper. Often very early or very late flights are cheaper as well.

  10. Right. Or, add a cheap bus to that cheap flight, leaving directly from the main BKK airport terminal. (No need to take any shuttle bus to the airport bus terminal either.)

    Like so:




    = All the Way to Pattaya to your hotel door for 899 baht. You leave Chiang Mai 8:25am, then book the 10am bus to Pattaya and you're at your hotel around noon. www.belltravelservice.com (there are cheaper buses as well, but I think Bell hits the mark in terms of convenience and reliability (=value for money) )

    Why bother spending a whole day in a bus? The bus isn't even cheaper when you add the cost for a taxi to your hotel. (Transport to your hotel is included above)

    Thailand is just getting cheaper and cheaper. :)

  11. Final day today... I worry I caught an eye infection yesterday but that's easily handled. First off to the temple to make some merit, then back to the splashing.. It hasn't rained yet this year so we're obviously not done.

    Here's one in traditional dress, waiting for the next target with a steely resolve..


  12. Loads of fools throwing buckets of water over people on motorcycles.

    The foreigners are the worst they just don't understand how to behave

    I'm cranking along at 110kph on my CBR 150
  13. I understand the OP's feelings. I'm not opposed to keeping political discussions that aren't specifically relevant to Chiang Mai out of the forum though.

    There are some other issues that are a bit unfortunate, but best not to comment I think.

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