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Upnotover last won the day on April 9 2013

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  1. If TG's system is in any way "clever" it won't allow the booking as the passport expires before the flight. Of course the only way to find out is to try it.
  2. The OP's issue is that his current passport expires before the initial flight. And as TG ask for passport number and expiry date when booking, presumably their system would not be able to proceed to completion.
  3. No. You need to show your presence in the country in which you are applying.
  4. It will be processed in Spain. But I would ignore the website information, in many cases it it incorrect/out of date.
  5. Some useful info in this thread....(there maybe be something more recent).
  6. No need. They are well known for publishing out of date stuff. Thanks for the hint though.
  7. Maybe they are not allowed in? Makes sense. Wonder if they add 300 baht to their fee when using their own room?
  8. https://www.siam-legal.com/other-services/opening-a-bank-account-in-thailand.php But I fear this is old and irrelevant information.
  9. Think you may need to re-post that "link"
  10. But....you need to go to the office covering where you live. Would be a shame to have to move just for this.
  11. Indeed the case. I would always say getting the non-O in your home country is better, it eliminates the need for a trip to immigration for one thing, and the minor airline issue.
  12. As is widely reported these days, opening an account without a non-O is nigh on impossible. However, getting a non-O in your home country is easy. Doing that you make opening a bank account easy and avoid airline issues with onward tickets.
  13. Yes, last month. Only some of the crossings suspended then, not all.
  14. 2 months before, 3 months after. From the date of application.
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