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Posts posted by kmj

  1. Should read: David Eastham, 20, was on a holiday of a lifetime with five friends across Thailand only to return home, as many before him, with lifetime injuries or in a body bag.

    At the age of 20, had I not been involved with studies at university and paying for my education, I probably would have been excited to holiday in Thailand or another similar country.

    Instead I finished my education.

    Bad karma for the lad..

    If you read the story he is in his last year at university,. Karma my arse...

  2. A gambling problem is an addiction (sickness, disease) just like alcoholism, drugs, eating. etc., not a "free will" choice. Let he who has , for instance, cured himself of cancer by his "free will" be the first to cast the stones.

    I disagree. Gambling, overeating even alcoholism is first of all a behavior choice. Eating too much? Put the fork down. Drinking too much? Don't bend your elbow with a tall cool one. Don't want to gamble? Don't go where you can make bets. Don't want brain cancer.... umm... oh that not under your control.

    I guess winning just wasn't in the cards... would they have gotten help in Thailand if they were destitute?

    A behaviour choice? You obviously haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Perhaps it was still a behaviour choice in 1980 but in 2015 the scientific community unanimously know that gambling is like any other disease; not a free choice
    But the cancer analogy is absolute <deleted> bull shit... so nobody as ever stopped gambling, stop being so <deleted> weak. Flame on...
  3. I am more then OK with this, but it will also cause probably a rise in stolen ID's and passports. The post-office staff is not trained in identifying false documents and I am sure the post-office will also not have access to the registry of ID's and passports.

    I think it will not stop any bad willed person from using the post-office to send parcels.

    Well they are both photo id so it's a good start

  4. Damn! Now I will have to get a Thai to send my drug-laden packages!

    A Thai will still need to show ID.
    "if they are foreigners otherwise the parcels will not be accepted for delivery".

    A Thai is not a foreigner.

    I read it as thai has to show id and foreigner has to show passport because later in the article it says

    The announcements make it mandatory for senders of parcels to show their ID cards or passports to officials at the postal counters so their personal information will be recorded.

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