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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. I am 77 and I have already an account with ThailandIntervac but each time I try to login (between 12 noon and 15h00) I need once more to fill details that I have no previous medical conditions etc  etc..  Then I can choose between Sinovac or Astrazeneca ...in 4 hospitals situated in Bangkok...but  the appointment calendar is blank for more than one year.

    Did I understand well that from to-day also hospitals in the provinces  could be selected?

  2. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    "everyone registered with Mor Prom and scheduled to receive a COVID-19 vaccination this June 7-9, will get their jab"


    Most of the appointments made through Mor Prom were well after those dates, indeed well into July.


    So actually what they are saying is that the majority of people with appointments made through that system may not get vaccinated  on the day of their appointment.


    In my area the local hospital just released a notice that those with appointments for the 7th will be vaccinated on  the 7th, those with appointments on the 8th will be vaccinated on the 8th, and everyone else "wait to be notified".


    Obviously not enough vaccine on hand now.


    On a positive note, my appointment is the 8th and I just got an SMS confirmation. Stay tuned....


    I did not know that I could register online (I am foreigner with only a passport) and I thought that from 7 June I could register myself at the nearby university hospital where they have my medical data since a very long time (because of yearly general checkups) : did I misunderstand?

  3. 24 minutes ago, leba said:



    sorry but this is not only wrong but also ridiculous to believe it could be true.

    either a case of miss in translation or a thai person talking to another thai person...


    I bought CBD and THC from ALL clinics that exist in BKK and CHONBURI and never had to bring any doctor certificate ! If you need one, they will make it for you and of course charge you for it, but most of the time they do not even bother to ask one (especially dealers places where there is no doctor on site).


    Anyway, you should know that things like this should not be asked over the phone, especially by a Thai, because this is grey area and they are not going to tell you on the phone that they sell anything to anybody !


    If you really need it go to any clinic and you will get it right away, you can also order it online, so many sellers.

    And please no blabla about the real ingredients list of the oil, etc, only boring expats keep thinking when we are already so lucky to get THC and CBD freely in Thailand ! And so cheap !




    I wanted to try it for my pain to avoid terrible prescribed pain killers such as Ultracet / but I read that I needed a reference from my doctor who is a neurologist at a leading government hospital....and now this neurologist refused to give a reference telling me that CBD is..... B.S.

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  4. 3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    100 Jews. 100 opinions. I'm aware of him. Just mentioning a Jew that promotes a narrative that you like proves basically nothing. Israel exists whether people like it or not. They're never going to volunteer to not exist.


    I do not disagree with you : according to Prof Yuval Noah Harari all republics or kingdoms or empires are a "fiction" and can exist as long as enough people believe in it. Indeed Israel has since 1948 established itself with enough people believing in it so that it will not go away in the near future (the same applies to the other nations of this troubled region of which borders were drawn after World War I )

  5. 20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    So you're saying that Israel isn't Israeli's country? That's an outrageous assertion. 

    Maybe Australia isn't Australian's country then.

    But nobody says that.

    Curious that the one country in the world that is the Jewish homeland is singled out for such baldy hypocritical denigration.


    I think you should read the book (or Youtube video) by Israeli Prof History Shlomo Sand  "The invention of the land of Israel" and what he has been teaching for many years to a Jewish audience at Tel Aviv University.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 4/27/2021 at 7:26 PM, ubonjoe said:

    This from the NBT FaceBook page. https://www.facebook.com/nbtworld/



    Note the source is the CCSA which means it is the same everywhere.



    First I did not believe my wife when she the told me about the need for a mask when we are both in the same car without other passengers...what come next :  the need to have masks when sleeping in the same bed (...and do not consider group sex ?????)

  7. On 5/12/2021 at 11:09 PM, josthomz said:

    The condo manager can say whatever he wants, and eventually you can do whatever you please. 


    He complains, ignore him. He fines you, don't pay it. 


    Eventually they may sue you, but if you have money you can find a lawyer and sue them back for not being up to code on fire suppression capabilities (happens in 90% of the condos).... 


    If you have time and money you can stand your ground, and mess with them til the point they will just ignore you.


    It is unfortunate for the other co-owners but what you write is true

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  8. 4 hours ago, Snig27 said:

    The man is beyond incompetent, only saved by the fact the cabinet and government he's part of are the global gold-standard in incompetence and corruption in 2021 - it is why we are in the mess we are right now.  He'll do or say whatever is needed to fiscally advance his big boss and secure his own position. 


    the similar things were said about Donald Trump ????

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  9. On 5/3/2021 at 1:39 AM, blackcab said:

    Here is a news item from last year. The tracking wristbands were not implemented.


    Instead the government designed the ThailandPlus locator app and made it mandatory for non-Thai citizens entering Thailand with a Certificate of Entry to install on their phones.



    For an old person like me such digital wristband to monitor constantly blood pressure and pulse would be useful : which brand is recommended?

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