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Posts posted by fvw53


    1 hour ago, Andyfez said:

    I do everything by hand 

    Can't see the point of buying gadgets for ten minutes kneading - very therapeutic.

    Wholemeal or nice crusty white bread. Smells great, and so easy.

    You just need time to wait for the dough to prove - one hour, and one hour or whatever.

    The key is to use decent bread flour in my humble opinion.





    The question is where to find what you call "decent" floor / I come from a bread eating country and in my home country I never have any negative digestive reaction (acid stomach) / but the bread here including the one made by my wife with great care requires me many times to take anti acid medication with ONE exception....the bread sold in the shops called "The Baguette" in Hua Hin and Cha Am but that is at more than 200 Km from where I live

  2. 9 hours ago, Tug said:

    Good enough bs fork them over nothing to hide nothing to fear humm........

    This is a poison pill farmed out by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller to the highly competent NYSD prosecutors ...who are state prosecutors (i.e. not federal)

    it is all suspected to be about the laundering of Russian money by Deutsche Bank to buy Trump real estate 



    To illustrate how scared Donald Trump is ....

    - He fired Preet Bharara the previous US Attorney for the NYSD and replaced him with GOP supporter Geoffrey Berman after interviewing him first....but Berman did not want to bend the law to protect Trump

    - This triggered the intervention of Trump crony Attorney General Bill Bar and then also Berman was fired last month


    This means Trump has to win the November election or he might end up in jail 



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  3. I installed very simple and free app  Stopupdates10 / my Bitdefender software tried to stop it because it does not like executive files for good reasons so I had to allow an "exception" / it absolutely safe / however if you need to download from Microsoft Play store you need to stop this app for a while but it is just a matter of one click to unable or enable it

    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/18/2020 at 8:06 PM, Andrew65 said:

    That's true, they can rape & kill people and get away with it.

    Also evade parking tickets, I think at one time there were about 8,000 parking ticket charges outstanding in London, and that was just from staff at the Nigerian Embassy.

    They can get away with the serious crimes you mention if after expulsion their home country lets them get away with it and does not bring them to a local court.  I remember during 1970ies that Sudanese ambassador in Stockholm was driving drunk and killed a child...the local press went of course berserk...but all the Swedish Foreign Ministry could do was to expel the diplomat. However this diplomat was a relative (I think a brother) of then president Nimeiry and I cannot remember there was a trial in Khartoum.

    I am not going to waste time here and explain the necessity of diplomatic immunity to protect diplomats in autocratic countries from falling into a trap set by the local secret service.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Xonax said:

    What the f*** is an estonian EU diplomat doing in Thailand?

    There is a EU Delegation in Thailand which employs people from various EU countries but proposed by EU HQ in Brussels (the composition is different in every EU Delegation in the world) and as courtesy the host country grants them a status equal to diplomats in bilateral Embassies (similar protected status is given to the UN and its many Offices and Agencies in the world / in some countries the representatives sent by HQ of the Red Cross or the HQ of the Order of Malta receive diplomatic status, it all depends on approval by the host country)

    • Like 2
  6. 18 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

    A diplomat doesn't have covid19 immunity! Interesting law about diplomatic immunity between the airport and diplomatic premises. I doubt if the condo is registered as diplomatic premises. Certainly the common parts of the condo block wouldn't be diplomatic premises. If a car with diplomatic plates was used to pick up the passengers it could have driven them to the Embassy. But the Embassy said they were European Ambassadors and I doubt that the EU has an Embassy in Bangkok. 

    The representative office of the EU in Bangkok is called a "Delegation" and not an Embassy but as a matter of courtesy EU officials are given the same status as career diplomats.

    I know the last (1961) version of the  Convention of Vienna on diplomatic relations between independent countries but this Treaty does not address the issue of what happens during pandemics.

    • Like 1
  7. The land is straight faces and internal screaming is Japan : no more screaming allowed on roller coasters.

    The video shows the two suited men soberly hurtling along on the park's Fujiyama roller coaster without screaming once. The video ends with the message: "Please scream inside your heart."



  8. 9 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Maybe you should check your infos before reporting this ;). I already wrote in post #16 that the Embassy Letter from the French Embassy is in English, and pretty sure it's the same for other countries listed above; English or both languages.

    There is a difference between a letter written and signed by the Embassy whereby they take responsibility and an affidavit (= your statement signed by you) and whereby the Embassy certifies that you signed it.

  9. On 6/29/2020 at 3:54 PM, luckyluke said:

    In Pattaya the Austrian Consulate provide a "Letter of Income" to Belgian and other nationalities.

    The "Letter of Income" is different to an "Affidavit" as it mention :

    " We herewith certify that..."

    and is signed by the Consul General or the Vice Consul.

    Documents proving the income has to be presented.

    You are indeed as your nick name indicates "lucky" because a Belgian consul would not do this.

  10. 18 hours ago, Peter Denis said:

    If the Pathum Thani IO wants evidence of monthly income transfers to your personal thai bank-account on top of the Affidavit, they actually want you to apply the monthly-income transfer method.  And hence there is no reason to do the effort and get the Affidavit at your Embassy.

    I can assure you they want both and they put on their list of requirement for extension (in Thai language)

  11. 18 hours ago, CLW said:

    Where are you living? 19th century?

    Cannabis hardly considered a drug nowadays with less proven consequences as alcohol or tabacco.

    How many times I wrote on this forum that I believe neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta.....but of course according to Trump he is 
    "ignorant" like the COVID scientists in his administration



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