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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. 15 hours ago, Yom said:

    Very convenient.

    over the past 24hrs/48hrs/one month/a year?

    Some real numbers - today 8:00.


    This comes from:   Chiang Rai Forum -Phrae PM2.4




    These numbers are confusing : I bought a Xiaomi PM 2.5 detector and it indicates green (=safe) up to 50,  orange (= moderate) between 50 and 75 and red (=unhealthy) above 75

  2. Air pollution reaches sometimes dangerous levels in Bangkok.

    This period I leave my windows open most of the day so that the polluted air can enter without obstruction.

    Would it help to improve air quality indoors if I close windows and use air conditioning?

    Toxic gas will not be stopped but I guess dust particles could ....or not?

    • Haha 1
  3. 11 hours ago, david555 said:

    Is not the fault of the Banana republic ..... as our Embassy could be the one who could arrange vaccinations .... even more the foreign ministry of Belgium ...could remember us , not only for taxation 

    As still we are taxable in Belgium ????????

    There is a treaty between Belgium and Thailand to avoid double taxation....of course if you keep your legal residence in Belgium while staying in Thailand you will pay taxes in Belgium

  4. On 10/16/2019 at 10:11 AM, ubonjoe said:

    Only at 1 or 2 rogue offices that wanted it in the bank for 3 months since the were using the old rules for retirement extensions.

    Not sure they are still doing that or not since it is now since is now 2 months for them as well.

     Can Ubonjoe confirm that I/O will not ask for origin of 400.000 THB as long as it is in my account 2 months before the application day / I could do the same in stead of the annoying and expensive monthly transfer from abroad I am doing now.

  5. 19 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You can apply for the 60 day extension and then the one year extension.

    If you have not gotten one before since you last entered you can get the 60 day extension to visit you wife.

    She has to be with you when you apply. You will need your marriage certificate and copy of it. Copies of here house book registry and ID card. Some office may want a recent printout of your Kor Ror 2 marriage registry that can be requested at any Amphoe.

    Copies of your passport photo page, visa, entry stamp and TM6 departure card.

    If you have already applied tor the 60 day extension to visit your wife you can apply for the 60 day covid 19 extension. Same passport copies and a completed affidavit they will give you.

    Do you need a reason to get a 60 day extension of Non Imm O based on marriage ?  My stay is allowed until 21 April so I need to apply for yearly extension late March or early April . However before and after Songkran the local Immigration Office is flooded while in June my application for one year extension would be much more relaxed.

  6. 5 hours ago, smutcakes said:

    The law does not say anything about masks and General meeting.

    Sounds like a stupid problem to have, inconsiderate Co-owners, sadly i think its one you are going to have to simply reason with them, but they dont sound the type to be reasoned with. Glad i don't live in a Condo like that.

    Not sure if the Juristic Manager could take action based on safety and omit them from the meeting.

    If it escalates they are the ones who will look stupid.


    Could you not compromise and have the sitting separately?

    sitting separately  ….thanks for the excellent suggestion

    • Haha 1
  7. We had in our Condominium an annual general meeting as required by Thai Condo act 2008

    The Committee requested the participants to wear a mask but some co-owners refused and they created discomfort within the majority of the co-owners.

    Free masks were made available to everybody.

    This kind meeting can be a super spreader of COVID-19 but could refusal of entry by co-owners without mask make the AGM illegal?

    What does Thai Law say about this?

    As there was no quorum there will be a follow up meeting within 2 weeks...


  8. 8 hours ago, colinneil said:

    Why are the public outraged?

    It was a forgone conclusion that CP would be given the go ahead.

    CP can do anything they want, no way will this so-called government oppose anything they do, money, money, money, thats all that matters.

    ..and who would be a more acceptable candidate able the cough up 10 billion USD ...the owners of Big-C ? the owners of Central Group ?

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  9. On 10/29/2020 at 3:23 PM, johng said:


    Yes they made it rather difficult to connect to a PC  due to  not wanting people to "backup"   or in other words copy the Blu Ray discs...there are HDMI recording devices  that could work  but again it would  record in real time and  quality maybe compromised.


    The drive I pointed to is specifically designed to work in a PC  I very much doubt your PC would not detect it

    as it connects to a   PC SATA port   inside the PC.


    The Blu Ray players you have are stand alone  but   The  Samsung BD-F5100   might be able to hook up to a PC via the LAN port    have you tried that yet ?

    I tried via the LAN port but again no sign on life / playback

  10. 31 minutes ago, johng said:

    You would  most likely need a PC Blu Ray drive  like this



    then use some ripping software   like this



    The  Samsung BD-F5100   might be able to hook up to a PC via the LAN port and  you might be able to use VLC installed on the PC to "record" the  disc in real-time  ie: slow   and  probably not the full quality but worth trying first.

    Thank you but I do not think that if my (new) HP desktop PC with Win 10 cannot detect a Samsung or an AJ it will detect the ASUS player your recommend

    www.makemkv.com looks good but only after the Blu-Ray player is detected and is operational

  11. I want to back up my many Blu-Ray DVD's on an external HD ( I did already the same with my standard DVD's using a HD DVD player)

    I have two Blu-Ray players : one is a 6 year old Samsung BD-F5100 and now I have a new AJ D-828 BD

    When I connect them (to the power and to the HDMI port) they do not show up in the Device Manager

    I have good excellent software to play with the Blu-Ray video but first I need to find out how to get the Blu-Ray player detected

    Did any TV Forum members succeed and is kind enough to tell me how?

  12. 20 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

    The UK have fudged the books a tad by eliminating anyone passing away from Covid after 28 days. Yet the question remains, why are they still suffering from such catastrophic numbers? 


    Even in the first wave, they suffered badly. Now onto the second wave, compared to many countries with equal covid numbers, they are still seeing masses dying. 


    What on earth is going on here? 


    How on earth have these Asian countries like Singapore, or Arab countries like UAE managed to have such small numbers of deaths despite huge covid infections per 100,000 people? 


    Very high percentage of Neanderthaler genes ?


  13. 2 hours ago, uncleP said:


    Easy with an android box as you can get all the free thai stations on android eg loox tv, and others on play storeor use the smart tv wifi  and see what you can find on youtube. You can also watch on a phone and cast to the tv.  Important to have a reasonable internet whatever you do. Tx6 smart tv box on lazada is ok and cheap. I have one.   1290b.

    Sorry for my question but where does the TV signal enter this TX6 TV box :

    does it enter via the short (black) antenna from the air ?


    ....is this antenna a wifi transmitter to the smart TV and then how does this box catch the TV signal?

  14. My Thai wife's very old mother is going to stay with us.

    We would like to buy for her a 40" Smart TV which can receive a few Thai TV channels.

    In the same room we have an extender of our internet router (which transmits a strong signal)

    This room is too far to link with cables to our existing TV setup in the living room and an indoor antenna would have very weak reception (if not at all)

    A Thai TV channel "The Nation" transmits live via internet (there may be others)

    I have no clue if there are on the markets TV sets able to receive via Wifi a TV signal from a router

    Also I do not know if this is technically possible (and then how to do this?)

    If some Forum members can provide advise I would be very grateful


  15. 6 hours ago, pegman said:

    Canada to Trump "leave our prescription drugs alone. They are for our citizens." Besides that, all this is too little, too late. A new FOX NEWS poll has Biden up by 5% pts in Ohio. If that holds on Election Day you can stick a fork in Trump, he's done.

    According to Trump the coming election is rigged anyway ...he did not accept the 2016 election result because he did not win the popular vote 

  16. 20 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You need to have the consular officers signature that is on your affidavit verified by Department of Consular Affairs of the MFA in Bangkok.

    Info is here. https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/publicservice/ขั้นตอนการรับรองเอกสาร

    More info in Thai is here: https://consular.mfa.go.th/th/page/cate-6441-รับรองนิติกรณ์เอกสาร?menu=5d68c88b15e39c160c008184

    It will not need to be translated if it is in English.

    There is a translation service in the same building of the Foreign Ministry where they do legalization / translation office is at 2nd floor while legalization office on the 3rd floor

    • Thanks 1
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