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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. Jingerben writes


    The suppression of the Jewish revolt in 70 AD resulted in their being driven out


    Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University writes in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People" that the Romans never cleaned out Palestine after 70 A.D. and that this false information is based on early Christian and anti-Jewish writings (and since end of the 19th century eagerly adopted by Jewish nationalists). Prof Sand writes that farmers never abandon the land on which they work and that the remaining population converted to Islam a few centuries later.

  2. This post was intended to aid anyone who may not have thought about the points raised here.

    It is not an invitation to debate or argue the relevance nor the origin of the content.

    If you have anything useful to add, go ahead and do so.

    To Gazz

    This Forum was originally called "www.Thaivisa.com" and in the mean time it has expanded - with thanks - to many other topics related to Thailand

    Your contribution was well intended and focused on the original purpose of the Forum and I thank you for your contribution.

  3. I quote Suradit69

    "Most people I know renew their extensions around 30 days before they expire. I usually do mine 40 to 45 days. The extension will have the same expiry date whenever you do the renewal."

    My question : do all other TVF member applying for extension Non Imm O have the same experience i.e. you do not loose 30 or 45 days of your previous extension if you apply that early.

  4. I don't direct hate at the West, thing is though we are being lied to by our/their media, which is why reading more extensively is a good idea. There is indeed disinformation from all directions, however some things ring true and not others.

    What is a fact is that the US spent 5 billion to illegally oust a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed a bunch of lunatic Nazis. Since then they've released the dogs of war, sop.

    Add to that US neocon think tanks have of late decided that a nuclear first strike against Russia is winnable! Do you imagine the Russian reacted well to that?

    Interesting titbit about the Crimea, back in the 30s it was being flagged as a Jewish homeland. The idea being an independent socialist state within the USSR. The US actually made loans to Russia based on this occurring, the Jewish lobby was gungho.

    During WW2 this going ahead was a precondition to the US opening up another front against Germany and continuing to provide war aid to Russia, ie blackmail.

    Many Russian Jews actually did migrate there, Stalin however changed his mind as apparently believed he couldn't trust a Jewish state on his borders.

    Stalin died, Khrushchev then transferred Crimea to Ukraine which in effect stopped the Jewish state happening and cancelled the loan repayment.

    There's more to it of course but that's a brief outline off the top of my head. Of course that area actually once was part of the Kazar ? state, where European Jews originated. Russia conquered it long ago.

    Interestingly recently an Israeli newspaper was discussing Ukraine becoming a second Jewish state. The plot is usually more convoluted than we think.

    Hi Rancid

    You should stop the insults that the US installed a bunch of lunatic Nazi's in Kiev because it makes the rest of your contribution - although extremely interesting - very questionable.

    Do you have references (internet links) which elaborate on your story that Crimea back in the 1930is was being flagged as a Jewish homeland...

    That would be something really new and sensational to me.

  5. I always say that if a leader is 10 years of more in power - and alone in power - he or she starts to be cut off reality and live in "a bubble"

    If Putin made this shocking declaration on TV last Sunday then

    1) in the best case he just wanted to shock the Russian audience and convince them they need HIM and only HIM to protect them.

    2) in the worst case he already lives in "a bubble" and has no more good assessment of the reality outside the Kremlin : indeed who would attack against Russia about Ukraine?

  6. The US would better focus on the "betrayal" by their so-called closest allies who want to join a Chinese sponsored Development Bank.

    This is a much more important matter than an invitation to a Thai P.M. who is indeed not elected but is cleaning up his country from corruption.


    Next step : refusal to invite the British PM ?

  7. Also in our Pathum Thani province we had to close doors and windows and also the air conditioners to prevent a thick smoke entering our living and bedrooms.

    From our upper floor we could see high flames at a distance of about 500 meters and every year it is the same.

    It seems if we would file a complaint at the nearest police station they will not be very happy with the work we give them : is there a central complaint tel nr to call to?

  8. Too bad Jimmy Carter cancelled development of the neutron bomb. This sounds like the perfect place for its use.

    Yes what has happened to the neutron bomb : I found it always remarkable that this type of bomb which kills all human and animal life but not buildings and infrastructure was "immoral" while the traditional atomic bomb which destroys everything was more "humane"

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  9. I remember to have read somewhere that at Bumrungrad colonoscopy could be done by swallowing a capsule with monitoring technology which would go through your digestive system and then show on a PC if everthing is OK. Am I wrong?

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  10. Originally, when the French trying to relieve the pressure of their shame in WW2, created the Common Market through the "European Iron and Steel" association, they saw that it could be a "new Empire" - with of course, France at its helm.

    It must not be forgotten that in the Treaty of Rome which created the current "European Union" a single 'country' with a single Law, with its own Armed Forces, would be created.

    And...its own currency.

    During the 'reign' of Giscard d'Estaing the words, "ever closer union" though always the specific goal of the mandarins of the EU - became more prominent.

    When recruiting "new countries/colonies" for its growing Empire, the EU would spend huge amounts of money (from the taxpayers of the nation states - because the EU itself had no income as such.) to buy politicians in the "target member countries".

    In effect it was not difficult in the so called "Mediterranean Countries" to find corruptible politicians. These were wined and dined, provided with "pleasure companions" and given sometimes enormous gifts of money. Once compromised by the EU's gold, they literally sold their country to the EU.

    Ukraine was the only country, whose politicians (corrupt to a fault) took the enormous bribes (nearly 1 billion euro) mostly from Germany in return for joining the EU - and NATO - which voted NO to joining the EU in November 2013.

    The Germans were furious because they had after all bribed these politicians and they expected a return on their money.

    When the Ukraine's Parliament refused again Germany sent in agents to destabilise the Ukraine's democratically elected Government. In addition they paid for and supported neo-nazi groups like Right Sektor and Swoboda to terrorise the Ukraine's Russian speaking people - who - to plan fled east - many into the Crimean Peninsula.

    There is no doubt that if Germany and the EU had not meddled in the affairs of the Ukraine - the Crimea would still belong to the Ukraine and the Civil War would not have started.

    When the "euro" the currency of the European Union as it was now called, came into being it was purely a "Political Currency" - it still is.

    There is NO European Central Bank - the ECB gets close to the idea but has no power to enforce, for example, interest rates, revaluation or devaluation.

    When Chirac became President of France he turned his gaze upon Greece which was a member of the EU and NATO, but whose simple mostly agricultural economy was insufficient to qualify for entry to the euro.

    Greece's politicians were easily purchased, that was never a problem for the EU.

    But the Greek economy was in very poor shape, its Government corrupt and self-serving and entry to the euro was impossible.

    Chirac set up a scheme whereby French banks - Societe Generale, Paribas and Credit Agricole put billions of the new euro, through Goldman Sachs - but not in Paris in Goldman's New York office to, in the space of a few months, restore Greece to a viable economy.

    Samaras, as the Greek Premier told Chirac that he was certain that, "Greece could never even hope to repay even a small fraction of these loans - which were entitled "EU Development Loans."

    In return for their loans France was given huge National Projects like the Pireus Port refurbishment, the Inter Island Ferries, Post Office, mega Highways, Railways and on and on.

    The Germans complained and Chirac "Gave" Chancellor Helmut Kohl the "Athens Airport" development - and then told the Greeks that the Germans would be handling that Project.

    This was known as the "Rape of the PIIGS" - Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain.

    In Spain alone, German Banks lent EU money to Spanish banks to build hundreds of thousands of houses, shops and schools in remote areas. Over 95% remain empty to this day. Germany built 34 new and EXTRA Airports in Spain many of which have never been used.

    In December the EU stopped the building of 4 airports in Poland by German Banks using "EU Loans" because their own report showed that there was not sufficient population for even one airport.

    Poland however, ended up with the husks of the new airports and 3.4 billion euros in EU Loans.

    One may wonder why the UK whose population are anti-EU still remain. The answer ashamedly is that their 3 main political Parties were also compromised in the EU fashion.

    The EU Commission styles itself as the "Government of Governments" and indeed this is not an empty boast.

    The EU "Parliament" is a rubber stamp machine for the Commission. The so called "Parliament" cannot introduce any form of legislation, nor can it repeal existing laws - all comes from the EU Commission - 32 bureaucrats - unelected and untouchable.

    The EU should not be "modified" it should be disbanded.


    The EU should not be "modified" it should be disbanded.


    ....and then let the European nations as they did before go to war again with each other while the UK will divide and rule...

    What you are spitting out without any evidence is still cheaper than the many European wars of the last 1000 years...and mainly the last 100 years.

  11. DaveAustin writes : "Chance of a WWIII within Europe has past by now I should think"

    When will people understand that the EU is not a military alliance but an Union based on the principles of free movements of people, merchandise and capital

    For military issues there is the defensive pact of NATO but some EU members are not member of NATO and some NATO members are not member of EU : both are very different things but I must suspect that even Putin does not (want) understand this.

  12. The case is closed. Science has put this debate to bed. Darwin nailed it.

    In 2005 scientists studying the human genome have proven the chromosomes are a perfect match with our ancestors, the chimp.

    There is no missing link.

    The religious just haven't kept up with the scientific literature.

    By the way. The latest estimates for potential Earthlike planets in the Milky Way Galaxy is 20 billion planets. They are in the 'sweet spot' that may support life.

    There are also over 400 billion galaxies.

    So there could be 400,000,000,000 X 20,000,000,000 potential Earthlike planets out there.

    In 2005 scientists studying the human genome have proven the chromosomes are a perfect match with our ancestors, the chimp

    No they didn't. No one who understnads evolution claims our ancestors were chimps. What you need to understand is that humans along with other primates have a common ancestor but to say we evolved from chimps is incorrect.

    I agree that our ancestor such as "homo sapiens" was not from the line of chimps...

    There is also the mystery of the Neanderthals : the latest theory is that our ancestors took over from them in Europe because our ancestors learned to domesticate dogs from wolves.

  13. First of all you should have asked the consul at the French Embassy in Singapore to register your marriage so that it becomes legal according to the French law.

    From this moment you can obtain a copy of marriage certificate at any French consulate in the world.

    If it cannot become legal in France because you did not comply with French laws about marriage then you have a problem but I think the Singapore authorities would not have married you without you submit to them paperwork certifying that you complied with the laws of your country.

    Call the consul at the French Embassy in Bangkok or better write them an email because for them this a routine question.

  14. I see examples of natural selection every time I get behind the wheel here

    I always say that based on Darwin's theory about the survival of the fittest ....the car drivers on the streets of Bangkok will one day develop eyes at the back of their head...may-be some of them feel already the bubbles

  15. this is not a theory.

    it is a fairy tale. when the scientists do not find the right answer they will present you junk like this.

    evolution of the species...survival of the fittest...a fairy tale ???

    I am old enough to have seen it happen even in my lifetime

    When I was young antibiotics could kill all the bacterial infections in our bodies....however the fittest bacteria survived and multiplied so that now we are facing incurable infections such as MRSA

    The story of creation of Adam and Eve is a fairy tale copied in Genesis during the 7th or 8th century BC from the Epic of Gilgamesh written 2800 to 2500 BC

    If you are a believer in one single God of the Creation - as I do - you should accept that this God who could create our ancestors from clay (Bible) or from a drop blood (Quran) could also allow one species of the primates to develop brains that allowed them to become us.

  16. To understand the strange love between US Evangelicals (the back bone of the Republican Party) and Israel one must read the book written by Timothy P Weber

    "On the Road to Armageddon: How Evangelicals Became Israel's Best Friend"

    In the comments written on the related Amazon.com page you can read the opinion of Jason Carter.


    Perhaps one of the single most devastating errors pervading evangelical Christianity is its love affair with Israel. It is so deeply engrained into the evangelical psyche that rational discourse on the issue is often impossible (note the reviewer who concluded the author must be questioning his own faith).

    This love affair springs from an aberrant eschatological system known as dispensationalism. This interpretation of the Bible's end times scenario is vogue in 21st century America but was unknown to Christendom for over 1800 years. It is a significant departure from historical, orthodox Christianity (I write this as an evangelical Christian myself, for those who may question my insider credentials). Never mind that its proponents have engaged in the kind of time tabling and newspaper theology that Jesus Himself forbids (e.g., despite Hal Lindsey's repeated discredited predictions, he still commands a respected following within evangelicalism...).

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  17. Suppose Iran develops a nuclear weapon : what can they do with it?

    - send a bomb to Israel ? They will get at least 20 bombs in return and as Israel is not a large country so that the holy sites in Jerusalem including Al Aqsa mosque could be hit...

    - send a bomb to the USA ? They will get at least 200 in return

    So who make all the fuss ....could it be the Saudi lobby in Washington D.C which is now on the same page as Netanyahu?

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