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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. Before my retirement I was a Dutch speaking diplomat : during the 1970ies and 1980ies I was living in China, Sweden, Germany, Hong Kong and Vietnam.

    I kept Dutch as the family language because I did not want to cut them from my family of which nobody spoke a foreign language.

    I raised 3 children and sent them to a French school

    While playing in the street with other kids they learned all the languages of the other countries fluently.

    Learning a language becomes more difficult I guess from the age of 10 when the children start to reason...

  2. The problem of thinking that you are covered by an insurance!

    I payed 80,000 Baht a year for an international insurance before. Then they refused to pay when I broke my arm in an accident. The reason they gave why they refused to pay... I have psoriasis and they claimed that had effected my bone(s). And then they went on to informed me that I could not claim anything from the insurance company because of my psoriasis! so basically I had spent 480,000 Baht over 6 years for nothing thinking that I had a good cover!!!

    So you had to face "the death squads" employed by health insurance companies i.e. medical experts or lawyers paid to find loopholes which allow them to refuse insurance payment.

  3. I am far from being a Trump fan, but I must admit that it was pretty obvious that the moderators were out to get him. The Republican establishment (which includes Fox News) is doing everything it can to discredit Trump. The polls, however, tell a different story.

    The Republican establishment will push so hard until they force Donald Trump to run as a third party candidate...and we know what that means.

  4. Is not Thai law to split 50/50 whatever is gained during marriage ?

    All what I know is that the real estate he owns is registered in his name only.

    But if it was purchased during marriage, which is not hard to check, then she would be entitled to half of it

    Thanks for your valuable input.

  5. Consider consulting a back specialist and doing an MRI. This would probably give you a more precise idea of your condition. Pinpointing the problem will help determine the proper treatment.

    I agree with Hayduke : I suffer since 6 years from back pain - with ups and downs - but I know exactly the cause after an MRI was taken in my home country under supervision of a qualified back specialist. As I am more than 70 years old I have decided that I will live with it rather than undergo an operation which is not always a good solution. My doctor advised me to move more : swimming or bicycle because my "sitting live in a front of a computer" is not what is the right thing for a back bone.

  6. A sister of my Thai wife has been married for 25 years with a husband subjecting her to mental cruelty and providing her the very minimum of money to take care of herself and a severely mentally handicapped daughter which is now 22 years old.

    Last year she went to see a lawyer who told her that according to Thai Law there would not be enough evidence to obtain divorce with a monthly alimony imposed by a court (her husband owns several houses worth in total at least 5 million Baht).

    A week ago she was at the end of her tether and she went to city hall with her husband to declare and sign divorce papers and she went to live with her 82 year old mother.

    Her husband told her he would take care of the 22 year old daughter because he said that he knew the mother had no money and no income (why this has all been done without a lawyer? Only people knowing Thailand will understand)

    However a few days ago the husband came to the house where his former wife now lives with the old mother and dropped the 22 year old handicapped lady and left without any promise of financial support.

    At city hall they told her that in Thai Law there is no stipulation for child support from the moment the child becomes adult...but this young woman is so severely retarded that she does not know who she is, she cannot speak, she cannot eat without being forced, etc...It means she requires non stop assistance from a caring person and in this case this can only be her mother.

    Can somebody provide advise on how to force to cruel husband to pay at least for the care of the daughter? (does Thailand have NGO to assist women facing a trouble as the sister of my wife does?)

  7. “expand the culture of dialogue to all levels and all members of both parties, and to our children and the next generation of Cambodians.

    ...and to our children who will be the dynastic leaders of the next generation of Cambodians...

    Sam Rainsy and his wife Saumura Tioulong (who I know personally) left a comfortable life and lucrative career in Paris about 20 years ago to serve the Cambodian people with their talents : if their children will make the same sacrifice for their country it will be a blessing.

  8. As soon as you make a booking error with Air Asia get on the phone to them or visit their office at the airport. They can fix things up. It depends on the person you deal with but i know someone who ending up booking twice on the same flight (he had computer problems). Air Asia cancelled the dupe booking and gave him the ticket cost as credit for future flights. Depends on the person but can vary between free of charge to no help at all.

    I had the same experience after making a mistake in the online booking : I got on the phone and they corrected immediately.

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