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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. I had the last 8 years an excellent LG television set with Time Shift (to repeat ongoing broadcasts) and Time Machine to set recording on a certain date and hours (I was recording Truevision TV from the AV input)

    Now I have since a few days a new LG television 55LB582T and I now I can only use Time Machine to set the recording from the Antenna input which provides up to 43 Thai digital channels which are of no use to me.

    As I do not speak Thai I was unable to get any decent explanation why I could no longer choose the AV input to program a recording time.

    a) have other TV members experience with this problem?

    B) LG does no longer provide fully printed user manuals and the "user guide" to be found in the TV settings does not clarify that Time Machine recording is now only from the Antenna input : does anybody know where to download the complete "user manual" rather than the limited set up manual?

    I can use Time Shift and I have connected to a television USB input a 500 GB external hard disk : but when I try to connect the same hard disk afterwards to my desktop PC ...Windows 7 ....does not recognize this hard disk so that cannot even format it. Does anybody have experience with this issue?

  2. ..already centuries ago sailors came home with stories about the beautiful women in the exotic ports they visited..

    I think the evaluation of their beauty was somewhat linked to - what they thought - was the availability of those women to get laid by them.

    There are in every country women who are more beautiful and women who are less beautiful...but the percentages can change from country to country

  3. - first of all you need to apply in person

    - you need confirmed airplane tickets as well as hotel reservation

    - you also will need to show your return ticket to Germany

    - if you go as a tourist you may need invitation letter from a tourist agency in Shanghai

    - if you want to visit people you will need an invitation letter from them

    In the end you can only find out the actual rules by going to the Chinese Consulate (in front of the Chinese Embassy)

  4. maidee, on 09 Apr 2015 - 09:41, said:

    1792 in france ... look it up ... that was democracy

    no COUP since then

    There was the COUP by Napoleon in 1799 after the big mess which followed the French Revolution

    Also the rule of Napoleon as Emperor from 1804 to 1814 was not democracy as we like it...

    Democracy is not firmly established in one day or one revolution ...it is a process...and in the end France became a good example of what true democracy can be (never perfect but always better than all the other systems)

    • Like 1
  5. My Thai wife cannot believe how white my legs still are ...and she says they look like chop sticks

    I have done in my younger years all what could to get a skin tan...even getting damaging sun burn...but the white colour returned after a while.

    Tanned skin in my (EU) village meant that you were rich because you could afford holidays at the Mediterranean Sea.

    In Thailand a skin tan means that you are poor because you (may) have to work in the rice fields.

    • Like 2
  6. I am going to buy a LG Television which has a convenient "Time Machine" to do recording.

    I should buy an external hard drive to record for instance 10 hours a day.

    I prefer a USB key : does anybody have experience how many hours can be recorded on a USB key of 64 Gb (in standard and not High Definition resolution)

  7. I saw on French TV the press conference given by the BEA (Bureau d'Enquêtes et d'Analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile) which is the French authority responsible for safety investigations into accidents or incidents in civil aviation.

    The person reporting the latest news refused even to reply the simple question "if on the voice data recorder one could hear both pilots speaking to each other" ...

    The audience was stunned.

    We will find out quickly : if no further details are communicated about what is heard on the voice data recorder, it means that the French Criminal Investigators have taken control and in France their investigation is secret.

  8. Jingerben writes


    The suppression of the Jewish revolt in 70 AD resulted in their being driven out


    Shlomo Sand, professor of History at Tel Aviv University writes in his book "The Invention of the Jewish People" that the Romans never cleaned out Palestine after 70 A.D. and that this false information is based on early Christian and anti-Jewish writings (and since end of the 19th century eagerly adopted by Jewish nationalists). Prof Sand writes that farmers never abandon the land on which they work and that the remaining population converted to Islam a few centuries later.

  9. This post was intended to aid anyone who may not have thought about the points raised here.

    It is not an invitation to debate or argue the relevance nor the origin of the content.

    If you have anything useful to add, go ahead and do so.

    To Gazz

    This Forum was originally called "www.Thaivisa.com" and in the mean time it has expanded - with thanks - to many other topics related to Thailand

    Your contribution was well intended and focused on the original purpose of the Forum and I thank you for your contribution.

  10. I quote Suradit69

    "Most people I know renew their extensions around 30 days before they expire. I usually do mine 40 to 45 days. The extension will have the same expiry date whenever you do the renewal."

    My question : do all other TVF member applying for extension Non Imm O have the same experience i.e. you do not loose 30 or 45 days of your previous extension if you apply that early.

  11. I don't direct hate at the West, thing is though we are being lied to by our/their media, which is why reading more extensively is a good idea. There is indeed disinformation from all directions, however some things ring true and not others.

    What is a fact is that the US spent 5 billion to illegally oust a democratically elected government in Ukraine and installed a bunch of lunatic Nazis. Since then they've released the dogs of war, sop.

    Add to that US neocon think tanks have of late decided that a nuclear first strike against Russia is winnable! Do you imagine the Russian reacted well to that?

    Interesting titbit about the Crimea, back in the 30s it was being flagged as a Jewish homeland. The idea being an independent socialist state within the USSR. The US actually made loans to Russia based on this occurring, the Jewish lobby was gungho.

    During WW2 this going ahead was a precondition to the US opening up another front against Germany and continuing to provide war aid to Russia, ie blackmail.

    Many Russian Jews actually did migrate there, Stalin however changed his mind as apparently believed he couldn't trust a Jewish state on his borders.

    Stalin died, Khrushchev then transferred Crimea to Ukraine which in effect stopped the Jewish state happening and cancelled the loan repayment.

    There's more to it of course but that's a brief outline off the top of my head. Of course that area actually once was part of the Kazar ? state, where European Jews originated. Russia conquered it long ago.

    Interestingly recently an Israeli newspaper was discussing Ukraine becoming a second Jewish state. The plot is usually more convoluted than we think.

    Hi Rancid

    You should stop the insults that the US installed a bunch of lunatic Nazi's in Kiev because it makes the rest of your contribution - although extremely interesting - very questionable.

    Do you have references (internet links) which elaborate on your story that Crimea back in the 1930is was being flagged as a Jewish homeland...

    That would be something really new and sensational to me.

  12. I always say that if a leader is 10 years of more in power - and alone in power - he or she starts to be cut off reality and live in "a bubble"

    If Putin made this shocking declaration on TV last Sunday then

    1) in the best case he just wanted to shock the Russian audience and convince them they need HIM and only HIM to protect them.

    2) in the worst case he already lives in "a bubble" and has no more good assessment of the reality outside the Kremlin : indeed who would attack against Russia about Ukraine?

  13. The US would better focus on the "betrayal" by their so-called closest allies who want to join a Chinese sponsored Development Bank.

    This is a much more important matter than an invitation to a Thai P.M. who is indeed not elected but is cleaning up his country from corruption.


    Next step : refusal to invite the British PM ?

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