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Posts posted by fvw53

  1. I just wonder where all the money went,especially before they give them anymore loans.

    regards Worgeordie

    That is indeed the right question Mr Worgeordie !

    The Greeks leaders behave like the many Arab governments ...they are corrupt and wait until God drops more money from the sky so they can waste more.

    But what would you expect from a Greek government which is in the hands of Marxists who do not understand that the creditors are sitting on top money from tax payers ...The new Greek leaders behave as if the creditors are private banks - listed on stock markets - managed by greedy executives....However the European Central Bank is funded by the national Central Banks of EU member states (some of them poorer than Greece) and those national Central Banks are funded by tax payers...who also can vote if their government wastes their money.

  2. We have electricity bills between 7000 (cool season) and 9000 Baht (hot season) ...mainly because of A/C ...and I would be interested in a TVF member has good experience with COSMOTOR an appliance which promises savings of the consumption units. My wife says that in Thai media many people are not convinced and some report the investment is only OK for industrial end users.

  3. This is what happens to a nation built on corruption...

    The whole EU was built on corruption (inherent to perverse capitalism).

    massive scandals in each and every state. Then, now and tomorrow.

    Everybody knew what was going on in Greece decades ago but the European dream (utopia) was more important (read: profitable) for the policy makers...

    Yes utopia does not exist...except of course Marxist utopia in which nobody has any money to take from

  4. Varoufakis has resigned over concerns that creditors no longer want him at the negotiating table.

    Hopefully, as a gesture of good will, Draghi will resign too (surely he can go back to Goldman Sachs), and also Dijsselbloem (he can start a career as second hand car salesman or as time share expert, he has the perfect suit for it). Lagarde will have more difficulty finding a job, as she only got her current job because the IMF needed a woman, after the Straus Kahn debacle.

    so Mr nidieunimaitre...you declare the top managers of ECB incompetent, Eurogroup and IMF as incompetent...your suggestion about who you would recommend to replace them would be most welcome

  5. Here's what everyone is afraid of, in some form or another. It's called "fractional reserve banking" and it's in play in all major markets.

    This is a true story. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

    You and I open a new bank. We have no deposits or loans or cash in the safe.

    Joe comes in to open an account. He deposits $100. We now have $100 in liabilities because we owe him the money.

    Pete comes in and wants to do the same thing. We now have $200 in liabilities - money owed to depositors.

    Jane comes in and wants to borrow $100 and we loan her that much of Joe and Pete's deposits. That loan is our asset - money owed to us.

    Jane wants her loan proceeds deposited to a new deposit account so we do that.

    We now have $300 in total deposits made out of just the $200 that Joe and Pete gave us. We are magicians, creating new money. We have increased the total money supply available to all by 50% with a stroke of the pen. Everyone has $100 but we have just $200 in the vault - Joe and Pete's money.

    If everyone wants his money out of the bank at the same time we are screwed. This is a good system in good or decent times and a nightmare when it's contracting.

    Greece is contracting and no one in Europe knows what to do about it. They can't give Pete and Joe their money because they don't have it - they loaned it to Jane. Jane doesn't have it because she spent it.

    The Euro has already crashed once, about 3 1/5 years ago, and only a loan (currency swap) by the US Federal Reserve of USD$2 trillion bailed them out. Another true story. Watch out below.... Wall Street Journal - The Federal Reserve's Covert Bailout of Europe.

    That's not a tinfoil hat site. That's the WSJ.


    Very true, and nothing new, as this system goes back hundreds of years. It started when banknotes were invented.

    So the important question becomes: Can we think of an economic system that is not based on fractional reserve banking (also known as credit multiplication, or money creation by private banks).

    Edit: unfortunately, the WSJ article is available for subscribers only.


    http://www.thegreekcrisis.net/ and


  6. Allowed to stay in the EU? Please, who would want to be ruled by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and continuously screwed by the banksters?

    This is a moot question at this point Scott, considering the Greeks themselves just voted overwhelmingly to thumb their collective noses at the EU, the IMF and the ECB... Look for Italy, Spain, France and others to follow suit...


    LOPTR assumes like the Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis that the European Central Bank is a private bank, listed on the stock market, with executives getting big bonuses and playing with the deposits of the customers.

    The ECB is funded by the Central Banks of the Member States (i.e. the tax payers) and some of those member states are poorer in GDP than Greece.

    The Central Banks of the Members States are controlled by their elected governments...who have to explain to their tax payers why more money should go to a country of which the Finance Minister (Varoufakis) calls them terrorists !

    Last week on the walls of Athens there were photos of German Finance Minister Schauble calling him a "blood sucker" : my goodness the money wasted by Greece is not his money but German tax payers money.

    Of course Prime Minister Tsipras grew up as a member the Greek Communist Party...and Finance Minister Varoufakis describes himself as a libertarian Marxist : I do not know one single country where these of people have created prosperity.

    (The IMF has no banking functions but was created to help member states if their balance of payments was in trouble).

  7. The power of the National Rifle Association is so dominant that no Republican dares to ignore its business interests.

    In the USA it is unthinkable to repeat what happened in Australia where strict gun control was introduced in 1996.

    I quote from a 2 year old article in The Guarduan :



    Every country is unique, but Australia is more similar to the US than is, say, Japan or England. We have a frontier history and a strong gun culture. Each state and territory has its own gun laws, and in 1996 these varied widely between the jurisdictions. At that time Australia's firearm mortality rate per population was 2.6/100,000 – about one-quarter the US rate (pdf), according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the US Center for Disease Control. Today the rate is under 1/100,000 – less than one-tenth the US rate (pdf). Those figures refer to all gun deaths – homicide, suicide and unintentional. If we focus on gun homicide rates, the US outstrips Australia 30-fold.



  8. Many versions of Windows OS will function in "Trial Mode" for 30 days

    How To Geek: Extend the Windows 7 Trial from 30 to 120 Days

    "Did you know that you can install Windows 7 without any license key and use it for 30 days? What you might not know is that you can also extend that trial mode to 120 days, without requiring a key."

    Thanks !

    This is very useful information for users of a new Win 7 operating system (who have a "boxed" CD of the OS)

    However if I try to install my CD I guess that Microsoft will detect immediately that it was already activated on an old PC do that - very likely - they will not give me a trial period...or am I wrong?

    It is so stupid that the tel nr indicated on the Microsoft website to call for help about "activation" issues does not work at all.

    From whence did you get your CD? Did you buy it or is it a Recovery disc from another machine?

    Does the new machine have a brand name and model number?

    I bought the installation CD from Data IT shop / the new machine will be same brand as the old i.e. HP but I still have to buy later this week.

  9. Many versions of Windows OS will function in "Trial Mode" for 30 days

    How To Geek: Extend the Windows 7 Trial from 30 to 120 Days

    "Did you know that you can install Windows 7 without any license key and use it for 30 days? What you might not know is that you can also extend that trial mode to 120 days, without requiring a key."

    Thanks !

    This is very useful information for users of a new Win 7 operating system (who have a "boxed" CD of the OS)

    However if I try to install my CD I guess that Microsoft will detect immediately that it was already activated on an old PC do that - very likely - they will not give me a trial period...or am I wrong?

    It is so stupid that the tel nr indicated on the Microsoft website to call for help about "activation" issues does not work at all.

  10. To-day I tried to call Microsoft office Thailand to ask about transfer of product key and activation for Windows 7 from old PC to new PC.

    I do not know if any company in this country provides a decent customer service but also Microsoft fails


    I dialled as indicated nr 02 263 6888 and then 2 for English

    According to the website I could then dial 1 for "Activation" but an automated voice asked me to dial 1 for "home user" and immediately next...beep...beep...beep...

    Question 1 : Does somebody know if this is a busy signal or simple indication of a non working tel line ?

    Question 2 : If I install my installation disk ..then Microsoft will directly detect that the activation has been given already to another PC...Is it possible to operate Windows 7 without activation so that still can transfer data from old PC (with activation) to new PC (without activation)

  11. Be careful : you should NOT take this BT without knowing what it is ...what is the quantity per pill (it could contain 1 g or 500 mg or 250 mg of the active element)...the period you must take it...otherwise you could become resistant to antibiotics

  12. I quote from The Nation :

    .............patients' living wills, in which they can spell out their preferences for medical care at a time when they are unable to make decisions for themselves. In the living will, they can state what kind of treatments they would or would not want to receive when they reach a terminal stage. Doctors are legally required to comply with these wills.

    Can samples of such living wills be found on the internet ( applicable under Thai Law)?

  13. I see everyday on CNN (repeatedly) a short broadcast about their "CNN Freedom Project" (subtitle : Ending modern day slavery)

    Who could not agree with that ?

    However I feel irritated when speaking about the situation in the Thai fishery sector .....at the end a Thai lady is saying "..this problem has to be fixed" ...to be interrupted by another lady saying in an arrogant way as if the Thai lady is not serious : "slavery can't be fixed it has to be stopped"....

    I am not an English speaker and I also may use the expression that "a problem has to be fixed" when I mean "it has to be stopped"

  14. Agreed.

    But it seems now we are approaching a rational discussion - about DB managers potentially, intentionally misrepresenting the Bank's risks instead of just throwing big scary but meaningless figures around and predicting the end of the world.

    I have been saying for a long time that what's needed in bank management is increased personal responsibility - mismanagement/criminal negligence in companies should potentially have seizure of managers' private assets as a consequence.


    and that during the peak months of the Lehman induced crisis!

    I quote from manarak : ..." should potentially have seizure of managers' private assets as a consequence" ...yes indeed...but in the end criminal investigations and eventually prosecutions must take place.

    Otherwise the crooks will easily start it all over with a smile.

  15. I have a "boxed" and legit CD with Windows 7 and I want to transfer it to a new PC

    a. would it be possible to make use of the latest complete Win controlled "back up" on the old PC to transfer

    - the Win 7 operating system to the new PC (this should include the activation procedure on the old PC)

    - the many applications I have installed on the old PC

    b. has somebody experience with Laplink software ?


    I do not understand how the full "C disk" with OS and applications can be installed without problems with the drivers (so many things such as the motherboard will be different)

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