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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Democracy Thai style - explained ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Bla Bla Bla ......... again a verbal fart by a semi-divine excellency on a subject he has no clue about it. ENFORCE the go*dam* law for once, there is no way around it. And, contrary to popular belief, nature does not obey any human made laws - not even if Thai law tries to be applied! You may now kiss the ring ..........
  3. While the tourism promotion board keep blowing their own trumpets of what kind of super destination all those rip-off places in Thailand are. The authorities sit around idle, some of them of course on the take as well. This country is doomed and needs a proper, cold reset rather sooner than later.
  4. Go back to the classroom and teach kids basics, common sense, querying and dialogue - not only monologue by sometimes unqualified teachers which are still considered semi-divine. A friend's wife, arguably not the brightest candle on the cake, does not answer phone calls from unknown numbers like delivery boys etc. He listed some articles for sale - a genuine undertaking - customers called his (Thai speaking) wife's number which he listed to facilitate discussion and was utterly surprised, that nothing happened. When checking with his wife she had 57 different numbers of potential buyers; not answered as she was afraid of scammers. You may now kiss the ring!
  5. All the while Wanchalearm Satsaksit, apparently a Thailand critic "disappeared" some years ago in broad daylight from the roads of Phnom Penh; a kind of Wild West scenario here and there once Cambodia is involved ........
  6. Against the non-claim proof they gave me straight away 50% and an extra 10% for having a dashboard camera. I bought a new Honda city which I could not find on their list of vehicles (model/year); a phone call to Roojai cleared that query. I - for one - am very happy with their professionalism no frill approach which is possibly the secret behind their considerably more attractive premiums
  7. As long as these "ladies" approach foreigners against the foreigner's will and do not understand, that not every visitor from outside Thailand wants to ham*er a representative of the third gender against money ....... There is a flip side to this whole story - absolutely irrelevant as it is being repeated nightly dozens if not hundreds of times. But yeah, the semi-divine in full swing again ...........
  8. The Sweetie should have worked as a Moh Nuwat (a massage girl) in one of the many soapies all over the land instead. Apart from possibly being properly hammered she would have been paid for her services. On a more sombre note; while it is of course very tragic for the young student she should have known not to mess with something she had not the slightest clue about. The elephant might have been confused, irritated or felt insecure and danger. The average person has no clue, how animals react and the handler might or might not have known but certainly got paid for the services to tourism. Why, do you think, there is no "bathing with elephants" anywhere in Europe and no, it is not the different weather pattern ......... nobody would ever think of starting such business, even if it would be legal.
  9. Unbelievable, many Thais have not realized, that this is no longer Stone Age but 21st century; same with tiger parks, crocodile farms and other wildlife experiences. Only once a few people are being trampled to death they might realize, that it is not a normal thing for an elephant to let anyone underpass the pachyderm's belly which is vulnerable and the elephant can't see, what is going on down there ........
  10. Here's the proof; hard work pays off - it seems - or not? Ask a Thai rice farmer in Buriram, how much money had would have had to declare with 38 years of age .............
  11. Stopped some years ago, when these greedy vendors patched up excellent food with MSG and sugar; today most of the stuff became inedible, if you ask me ๐Ÿ˜ž
  12. a) the bus driver, name unknown and only called "Ouan" fled the scene b) the bus company has no clue, who drove the bus and hence cannot be charged with the damages Again, again and once more again, a matter of law fine tuning and implementation: a) the liability remains with the vehicle OWNER and not the driver, i.e. the owner is responsible for any and all third-party damages b) the vehicle owner needs to stipulate the name of the driver, otherwise the owner is being considered guilty for eventual law enforcements/arrests and court cases But this is Lalala Land and nothing will happen; the SUV driver though might have a full first class insurance and they might knock on the bus owner's door. The driver, if ever identified, should be banned for life on any and all driving licenses; it is such maniacs which make driving in this country sooooooo safe!
  13. Regretfully Mr. Andersen is in Lalala Land with a law enforcement system which can easily be bent by monetary or racial means - simple as that. So Mr. Andersen's justified reference to a lifetime revocation of a driverโ€™s public transport licence does absolutely never happen in the land of the semi-divines. He may remain hopeful that justice will be served but the breaking news is that this will not happen - ever. If Mr. Andersen would not have been in Phuket, the incident would not have happened hence it is Mr. Andersen's fault. Naturally the police are investigating the matter, working to identify and apprehend the suspect - hundreds if not thousands of boys-in-brown are hunting down the culprit. A shortcut would be to read the details on Mr. Andersen's phone giving name of driver and car plate registration, the "popular ride-hailing" application had an break-down of servers or similar while the CCTV (which of course unfortunately was not functioning) renders useless as well. Should, surprise surprise, the culprit be apprehended then a "wai" and a flower basket to the victim will solve the problem while the backhanding of a little bak shish will compensate the law enforcers for their good work (for which they are paid for anyway). Eventual fine will reach its ceiling with 500 Baht. Are all these goons aware of the fact, that the internet and such news can be accessed and read also outside the Land of the Semi-Divines?
  14. Another pristine proof of how education failed completely - and that's in 2025. If a customer is too mentally challenged - to put it mildly - then you might have to educate them, what it actually means to use electronic transfer of money. Scams can be followed; if Grannie transferred the family silver to this ever-so-nice-person, then it is done through electronic means and Grannie has the recipient's bank coordinates (or Grannie's bank). Based on that the police should be able to breathe down the bank's neck (where Grannie has her money); they know exactly, whereto the funds went, carry on with the work and get the beneficiary's full details, which are on file with ID card, house register, passport or whatever legal paperwork. It is really not rocket science. Put these scammers on a face-losing TV programme daily "Today's crooks are ....." with photos, videos and the full details. Everything else is addressing the symptoms (if at all) without releasing the society of all this slime and corrupted law enforcement!
  15. Who is the one to tell this masterpiece of a sunshine boy that law enforcement is all which is needed. Get drunk drivers off the road, fine them with 5-digit fees, impound the vehicle on site and release it a month later against a towing fee of 5,000 Baht. Simultaneously provide a bus service from the check point to the next bus or railway station and get the drunk diver and 24 of his friends and relatives in the back of his pick-up to walk the walk. Simple as that ........ seriously!
  16. See the coppers, offer them a reward of 50% of the 6,000 Euros and Bob's your uncle - trust me!
  17. Well, it carries the "Garuda", a Royal emblem in Thailand. So if the culprit does not kiss backsides all over the place and deals more than generously with the tip box of the boys in brown, he will look at article 112 which allows 15 years of jail for insulting the monarchy. Police here have a more than very, very, very arrogant attitude and a short fused non-Thai easily can lose it completely. There is no way to address a dispute about something concerning the police at a higher level hence the boys in brown really behave like if they can do whatever they want.
  18. So 2 million Thai Baht could not be returned to the family .......... did not know that Thai banks have such high transfer fees given the assumption that the trio of three hardly could have spent all that loose change prior to their arrest?
  19. Thailand needs grassroots education improvement; you cannot build a house by starting with the roof - even in Thailand. It is an absolute disgrace to see the complete utter absence of common sense, logic thinking while the teachers, some of them seriously unqualified, are being treated as semi-divines. But as the saying goes, not my circus, not my monkeys (no pun intended)!
  20. Shoot them down next time - will put the whole genocide by the tadmadaw onto the world map; everything else is Thai-style pussy footing around the uniformed brethren in the West - a disgrace for Thailand indeed ๐Ÿ˜ž
  21. Not unreasonable, common sense and convenient. To avoid money laundering, the banks could put a ceiling of X amount - money laundering is not worthwhile for a few hundred thousand Baht ......
  22. Well, the puzzle is being continued. Yesterday he has been named an advisor to the Malaysian government for their imminent occupying the throne of ASEAN and today this. Who tries to fool who here, honestly? If the NACC has a case, follow it through quietly and discreetly and once the court has dealt with the case, then only go public - everything else is hot air from the la la la land again
  23. Ah, it is Christmas time again; followed by New Year resolutions. What a farce all this is, nobody in his right mind believes a word coming from any of these uniformed "servants to the public"!
  24. ....... and it's only halftime December ๐Ÿ˜‰
  25. Nobody understands the noble gesture of the Tourism Authority of Thailand. As Thailand has millions and millions and millions of top quality tourists already, they want to lend a hand to Singapore to promote Singapore as the next best thing after Phuket. Or am I getting this all wrong again?
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