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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. It will create a black market to the enjoyment of the Indian money changers who are in permanent need of foreign currency cash for all those crooks evading taxes. I remember 30+ years ago a survey in either Bangkok Post or The Nation which stated, that among the top 100 income tax payers there are exactly six Thais while the other 94 were alien ........ Do you honestly think that this ratio has substantially changed ever since?
  2. Whenever I come across such situations then I address the particular person directly. Wondering if they are deaf or if they have another problem they usually walk away or switch off their gizmo (in the BTS that is, quite often) - most embarrassing for the culprit as well as for the bystanders who all do not like it but do not dare to say anything. Same with women using their phone NOT on their ear but on speaker. If too loud/long then I just speak - in direction of the phone - "stop this telephone call and come back to bed". Works wonders - their facial expressions are absolutely fantastic!
  3. History is repeating itself ..........
  4. Don't count your chicken ..... just yet. Sweetheart Anutin made it crystal clear, extended opening hours does not imply the sale of alcohol so get ready to stock up on kiddies syrup and Fitné tea to keep the sober customers coming and staying until 4am. You can do such silly things possibly with the local yocals but a tourist, who should spend is hard earned hard currency is definitely old and mature enough to decide if and when too much is too much. Contrary to popular belief and steady hammering by the government - Thailand is not (yet) the centre of the universe 😉
  5. Good luck with that one, "expected to be completed by 2027". What happened with the Malaysian interest on a link from Danang across Thailand to Yangon; plus all those projects so appropriately tabled by Saksayam Chidchob during his tenure as transport minister?
  6. So the 11-party coalition is rattling the cage again. The claims are towards individual Thai citizen - it has absolutely nothing to do with any political orientation. Name the culprits, process them through the Thai legal system and hand down the appropriate verdict or dismiss the cases. But do not mix any misbehavior of any person with his job ...... and being a member of a party is a job!
  7. I always enjoyed traveling on SK, be it to Europe or, back in the day, to Singapore. The Singapore turnaround was as convenient as SR back in the day, leave early morning, spend the afternoon in Singapore and be back at night. No frills, professional and customer-oriented focus!
  8. They follow the script to the last letter - orchestrated showtime 😉
  9. No loss - if you ask me. If she is 26 today, how could she win anything of relevance back in 2009 - 14 years ago. Crazy Horse - what a career!
  10. When absolute stupidity and complete absence of common sense meet - unhindered impact on 99.9% of the (Thai) people; it is overdue to bring such utter nonsense to a screeching halt "both the signature and all written content in the document must be in the same ink colour and type ............ the man decided to dispatch the pen he had used in the document along with the six pages of the document - from New Zealand against courier and import duty fees for THB 1'650." And then they wonder, why the alien just pack up and go; if the rest of the world would treat Thais like the Thai bureaucracy treats everybody .......... but then again, the little brown envelope comes in handy 😉 This affected gentleman now can imagine, what all those retirees go through during every 90 days report (two photocopies of passport and a form, completed in hand writing with blue ink), the extension of one-year-visa (original bank book not sufficient but the bank has to issue a separate letter confirming what is written in the bank book - of course against a fee), a "certificate of residence" to buy - cash only - vehicles or open a bank account - except PayPal which is blocked and forbidden for the alien crowd. I rest my case - that's why I left the show as it just became too ridiculous dealing with all these clowns in uniforms wherever you go 😞
  11. In the last four decades of living in Thailand I keep on reading always the same headlines referring to "the Chonburi Governor launching yet another crack-down-on-crime operation in Pattaya". Tourism Authority tells us of double and triple digits increases of holiday makers visiting Pattaya for its nature as a family resort - also for decades. When I go to Pattaya I see garbage roadside everywhere, traffic jams second to Bangkok, rude and disinterested staff in restaurants and hotels and, well, nature and family-oriented issues ....... that is another thing. What I also see is the sheer endless "bar beer" outfits with overweight women (I assume that at least) staring into their phones while dogs and cats sneak around those bar stools for leftover food or having a second look in all those torn garbage bags and buckets. Crack down - my foot 😉
  12. So Santa is coming early to town this year - wonder how thick the envelopes were this time round .......
  13. Assume the return lands at 5.35 AM and not PM - not relevant except possibly for an airline timetable. Rest assured, that this will be a steep uphill battle. Turkish Airlines is a completely different ballgame today and has nothing to do with the flying tent congregation of camel beduins of the Middle Age. Modern airplanes, top inflight and ground service - the full nine yards. A real pleasure to fly with them apart from having a home base turntable which is second to none. Good luck Thai Airways .........
  14. Paint a penguin green and you get ............ a penguin in green - but still a penguin! In a democratic environment, the army, police and government serves the people - Thailand's interpretation of democracy is ...... ahhh, forget about it 😞
  15. Knowing that I might step on some toes but pedophiles, rapists and drug dealers are to be exterminated for good. It will not reverse the tremendous damage to society they did already but it will ensure that they never ever will be able to commit similar offenses. European pussyfooting around these subjects has proven over and over, that it does NOT work. Women got raped by the same culprits after lenient sentencing, a pedophile cannot be fixed and hence can damage another child anytime again and drug dealers know exactly what they are doing. Society needs to be protected by potential repeaters and those three categories belong there. Albeit psychiatrists come up with all sorts of tests, certificates and reports but society comes first. Needless to say that a case has to be absolutely waterproof before sending anyone to the gallows. The US system is far too complicated and lawyer's fodder to no end which can and did result in locking up innocent people.
  16. Again a Thai solution "in certain areas" - leaves plenty of room for the manila enveloping of "requests". Apart from certain festivities like New Year's Eve etc. I hardly think that it will have a heavy impact on the GDP of Thailand. The government should concentrate on really important things; opening hours of pubs are regulated by supply and demand, i.e. operators and customers and do not need the extra "help" by some goons in clown dresses. How about putting all those laws into enforcement like DUI, no insurance/license driving and taking those coffins on wheels off the street rather than just collecting "tolls" for not wearing helmets or belching Montezuma's delight out of those mufflers from certain vehicles - to start with?
  17. Wonder what the citizen of Liechtenstein, the Vatican or Andorra would have to come up with. The Danes are lovely people but possibly not tilting any statistics compared to the rest of the world- but I might be wrong 😉
  18. In today's release more of the stuff which gives the blokes at the Thai tourism promotion board headaches if not sleepless nights. It might result in only achieving 480% of the anticipated increase in tourist arrivals for 2023! https://aseannow.com/topic/1310719-thai-woman-calls-justice-after-thai-man-attacks-her-belgian-husband/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1310714-foreign-tourist-attacked-by-hostile-youngsters-in-pattaya/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1310746-panicked-guests-flee-pattaya-hotel-fire/
  19. Well, it is "cooking the books" classes again anytime soon .......... the tourism promotion board as well as the board of investment have been spilling "good news" all the time. So, in all fairness, what could go wrong?
  20. In today's release more of the stuff which gives the blokes at the Thai tourism promotion board headaches if not sleepless nights. It might result in only achieving 480% of the anticipated increase in tourist arrivals for 2023! https://aseannow.com/topic/1310719-thai-woman-calls-justice-after-thai-man-attacks-her-belgian-husband/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1310714-foreign-tourist-attacked-by-hostile-youngsters-in-pattaya/
  21. In today's release more of the stuff which gives the blokes at the Thai tourism promotion board headaches if not sleepless nights. It might result in only achieving 480% of the anticipated increase in tourist arrivals for 2023! https://aseannow.com/topic/1310719-thai-woman-calls-justice-after-thai-man-attacks-her-belgian-husband/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1310746-panicked-guests-flee-pattaya-hotel-fire/
  22. In today's release more of the stuff which gives the blokes at the Thai tourism promotion board headaches if not sleepless nights. It might result in only achieving 480% of the anticipated increase in tourist arrivals for 2023! https://aseannow.com/topic/1310714-foreign-tourist-attacked-by-hostile-youngsters-in-pattaya/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1310746-panicked-guests-flee-pattaya-hotel-fire/
  23. Don't you worry. We might no longer be around to see it happening but the "AWAKING" will be gruesome, once they realize, why the baby boomers could retire without financial worries, living in meanwhile paid houses, driving around in paid cars and enjoying life with their families. I - for one - have not the slightest clue, how the Generation Z wants to retire with what kind of money; I intend to spend the money I worked hard for, saved all my life. My kids were given a chunk of pre-inheritance, as they might need it now more than in 20+ years - hence I have no worries in spending my money my way.
  24. He clearly understood the "phooyai" system which will guarantee his ascent ....... smart!
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