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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Throwing a tantrum - explained! Anutin moves on rather thin ice - me thinks. Chuvit must hold some trump cards (he ran massage parlours in the past and who knows what, who and how often recordings by the "security CCTV" - if any - took place?). Quite clearly Chuvit maneuvers around freely, keeps on standing on various toes and still has not seen anything on fire, blown tires or worse ........ Possibly a fight of the Titans?
  2. Thanks for your input; interesting enough is that on Monday WE (Thai Smile) announced seizing operations due to a THB 20 billion loss .......... TG +10, WE-20 = who pays the difference and, if it is such a money pit then why fly until end of 2024? Just wondering .........
  3. Grant Wilson, 61, the Australian living in Vietnam for six years, during which he travelled to Thailand more than 30 times. a) nice to know that he's the ultimate reference of the travel business in SEA b) why is he travelling back and forth all the time? I would make up my mind and move to Thailand if I would be him. Fact is, that I would travel much more often to Vietnam, if they would allow being 30 days in the country without a visa; similar to Laos. But these decisions have to be made by the goons of their tourism ministry .....
  4. Some points spring to mind - as an aide memoire for TG's present big banana, Mr. Piyasvasti Amranand: a) try to imagine, how many more billions, trillions or even zillions could have been made if all those indefinitely parked aircraft in i.e. Bangkok Suvannaphoum airport would be flying rather than just stand around to the disgrace of Thai aviation b) before you want to shop for new equipment, work out something for the present large fleet sitting idle - see above point. Either way some crooks in the past shopped till they dropped for aircraft without a plan nor an idea of necessity. Possibly those suggesting new equipment now are equally brain damaged or focussing too much on "personal" interests". c) it is proved beyond reasonable doubt, that TG (like many other dinosaurs, i.e. State Railways of Thailand) have been managed by thieves and, if not thieves then they must be ignorant and blind. Maybe you want to outsource that to professionals, irrespective of nationality, gender and/or age. Japanese and Middle Eastern companies of same/bigger proportions put the best candidate into the driver's seat with great success; something which cannot be said by i.e. TG.
  5. Ford is an excellent car; the problem is, that their network of agents in Thailand suck big time .... so experienced in Rayong, Pattaya, Chonburi, Udon Thani and Nong Khai. Exception to the rule was Khon Kaen. This explains why Ford had serious issues to put their foot into the Thai door. An executive of the assembly plan of Ford told me, that it is easier to find a third agency for any known Japanese brand (i.e. Toyota, Honda, Nissan etc.) than anyone picking up the sole agency for Ford .... back in the day. I - for one - had more than ten Ford trucks; all good vehicles. I ultmately switched as their agency network had too many unreliable loose cannons. I could write a book about it ....... what a pity for an excellent brand. The first time you buy a product it is the promotion, catalogue, sales staff, the price tc. Any further purchase of the same product depends on the experience with the first purchase. Or - to wrap it up - customer service is not a department but an attitude ???? Latter not understood by most Ford dealers across the land - how sad ????
  6. How lucky Thailand must be having a health minister putting his nose into literally any case standing around; this time it's the interior ministry's turf. I - for one - sleep at midnight already but the closing hours have nothing to do with health but it allows the boys in brown to skim off bribes from every watering hole having switched off the light boxes, turned down the music so the interior minister (under which you'll find the police and the immigration) will be happy to hear. Wondering, when this country will wake up and consider voting for people working in the interest of the electorate rather than their own bank accounts.
  7. The answers could include: populistic action by the ruling few in sight of the upcoming elections. Take as much money from tourists; after all, they can go on faraway holidays while Khon Thai has to stay home lining of pockets like all those other slush funds (nobody every accounted for the "wild boar" or the various "Tsunami" crowd funding) this week's story of a British lady being hit and left to (almost) die on the road who ultimately clocked UKP 40'000 in hospital expenses. I am pretty sure that the health insurance, so wisely being a 11% part of the tourism fee, would pay within the framework of a tiny fraction of it. why should Khon Thai (making money on tourism) cover health costs for tourists, if fellow tourists (not responsible and not making any money on visiting Thailand) can be creamed? We are not far away from the scenario shown in "No Escape 2015" ........ Thailand, quo vadis?
  8. One point six million Thai Baht - an amount not to be sneezed at. While the hospital might want to justify all those (possibly inflated?) expenses the Royal Thai Police might kick into action and make use of some of those CCTV cameras so befittingly purchased and paid for with taxpayers money. I am pretty sure that nothing had been done in this regard - remember 20 - 30 years ago the daily caption reading "the driver fled the scene"? What is the worth of the bike's insurance? Needless to say to take the travel insurer into the equation as well. The only victim seems to be the apparently innocent accident victim. Maybe Phipat (the c"*çn-in-chief of the tourism ministry) takes this as a pristine example, where tourism promotions worth eight and nine amounts in Baht are going out the window - latter also on behalf of the Thai taxpayer!
  9. Not the colonnello della polizia is the problem but his greedy seedy underlings ....... get those off the road and you're in paradise ????
  10. ......... the government has spent a whopping 28 trillion baht of taxpayers’ money. Thailand’s competitiveness has fallen to 7th place among a total of ten ASEAN countries. Corruption went up 25 ranks on the world's corruption scale over the last nine years. Drought-stricken areas increased to 2.24 million from 640,000 hectares some nine years ago .... Unless a miracle happens, the same swines will feasts, possibly with a difference in pecking order, on the very same troughs refilled regularly by the uneducated electorate called tax payers .......
  11. I remember 30+ years ago, when all those inter-provincial coaches were full with staff from Patpong, Cowboy and Nana. They ran - physically - from the beach into the sea to welcome the over_orny service men. The only difference to today might be, that some coaches will carry some male service staff - in addition to all the variations of genderism in between ???? The MPs will be strolling the roads and Sois of ill repute to protect the image of Uncle Sam's boys while the latter will burn fistfuls of green back. Do those alien actually also need a work permit when exercising the defense against those war mongering Khmer or those agressive North Koreans arriving by the sea?
  12. So Don went to get the details of the next marching orders and priorities like preferred treatment of the red brethren of the North, the missing railway link between Vientiane and the Malay-Thai border as well as an update on the imminent submarine status? Maybe some catalogues of what else could be purchased from China against tax payers money?
  13. Well, wish you luck. Another issue is the following - KEEP ALL THE PAPER WORK! I paid into the Social Security Insurance and wanted to claim a pension. By the duration of membership and the paid in amounts I would be entitled to 3'000 Baht a month or THB 36'000 yearly. The final ruling yesterday was, that they could only find my record (which had all data correct except my birth year which made me 10 years older than I actually am) from my last employer 2000-2007. Prior to that they had no record. The sad thing about all this is, that my employer from 1985 - 2000 became a victim of Covid and went out of business. Copies of my work permit (to be renewed yearly upon presentation of copies of paid taxes and copies of social security contributions) did not help. Bottomline is, that I shall get a one-time-payment of just over 60'000 Baht; quite a short change to be accepted as fighting the Thai bureaucracy and avoidance-of-face-loss-by-all-means tremendous adrenaline, legal expenses et al. Lesson is, to keep ALL paperwork ever presented, ALL receipts of paid contributions (both available with your employer). So, irrespective of wrong numbers, age, spelling mistakes - if you have copies of everything, then there is possibly a fair chance to get what is due to you.
  14. Two Kodak-moments: September 1988, flight Rangoon-Bangkok (Don Meuang), 45 minutes, queue at Thai immigration 130 minutes. The seasoned traveller went for a leak prior to landing to avoid losing the place in the queue. January 2023, flight Udon Thani-Bangkok (Swampy), flight 42 minutes, queueing at the baggage carousel 70 minutes. I hence assume that nothing has changed. If you don't wait at the immigration (like after a domestic flight) then they have you poking noses at the baggage belt ????.
  15. Just naming Paetongtarn Shinawatra will, most likely, backfire big, big time. Can't see this young lady with zero experience and lack of charisma getting the necessary votes from all those grannies and uncles upcountry. The old rule "get voted on the country side to secure urban rule" still prevails for the time being. A different thing though, if it is clearly mentioned, that she will be her father's mouth piece. Back in the day Thaksin woke up sleeping dogs and, despite all efforts by literally anyone, it is impossible to put those canines back to where they came from. On the other hand, Thaksins time runs out. It needs to be understood, that Thaksin has a lost face to recover and a lot of open bills with quite a few dinosaurs in the land need to be cleared in Thaksins favour (he thinks). It is not about money (alone) but it is predominantly about power. So he will do everything possible to arrange a big pay back to all those people who ripped away the prime ministerial carpet under his feet just before the general assembly of the United Nations on 19 September 2006.
  16. Correct. My question was "serving" which has to do with law enforcement. The Thai law is a fairly straight forward law, the interpretation and second thing and the execution/enforcement yet another ball game - regretfully.
  17. Could not agree more but more than once the driver changed his mind once I was in the cab. Funny enough it never happened to me when the driver was a lady; for me yet another proof of what chauvinist ideas and perceptions rule the dinosaur dungeon!
  18. The proverbial TIP OF THE ICEBERG ........ but you have to start somewhere; lets see what happens next - if at all!
  19. It takes still quite some connections INSIDE the immigration. The online database needs a picture and a movement amendment which has time imprints etc. - leaving/entering in addition goes with finger prints. Facilitate immigration to disregard anyone coming in less than say three months and then the immigration can do the job their colleagues in other countries are paid for.
  20. Having a bad day, do we? Lean back, have a G&T and cool down ........... as I can write it for you, I can read it for you but I cannot understand it for you. Placeholder is as anonymous as most other membership handles and what do you know if my comments are exceedingly likely or not. Stop playing the keyboard warrior in arms, go outside and carpe diem ???? The bucket stops here as I shall not take this endless thread any further; it is a hopeless undertaking.
  21. What might help in your rant is, that I am Jewish - your call! Once you manage Yiddish fluently, then you will understand the terminology!
  22. I cannot see anything anti-semitic whatsoever in my comments. My input was based on NATO breathing down the German neck to the extend, that the Germans (have to?) follow a protocol which is clearly against their constitution. Whatever else you might read into my lines is and remains your problem!
  23. "Pol. Lt. Gen. Trairong Phiewphan, head of the department, added that the law can be changed in the future to keep pace with the changing trends but noted that police have a duty to enforce the current laws on record." Let me translate this for you "we keep such ridiculous laws in high esteem as it allows RTP to carry on with their highway robbery by "negotiating" deals below the limits of the law ... to the benefit of the RTP and certainly not the benefit of the state, the innocent - protection deserving - bystanding citizen." All this of course in the name of the state, religion and so on ..........
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