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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Correct, Gorbachev and Shevardnadze operated on behest of the USSR, of which today's Russia was a part ....... This does not invalidate the Treaty of Minsk and the US constitution remains binding despite having quite a few states which joined AFTER 1776 .......
  2. You mix Russia with the Soviet Union ........ We're talking today of Russia being led by a Soviet brain
  3. Those who can read are enjoying the advantage of getting my thoughts ........
  4. Look a little further back into the late 80s, the reunification of Germany and the conference of Minsk with Gorbachev and Shevardnaze on the Soviet side, Kohl and Genscher on the German side and Wörner as Secy General of NATO. NATO stated no expansion to the (collapsing communist east), based on which GDR was leaving the Warsaw Pact, a mere ten years later all Warsaw Pact were gone and NATO inched its way towards the east. Latter was most discomforting to the Russians and, knowing American interests in NATO, understandable. The rest is history as Putin, in power for 20+ years, kept repeating his concern. I am not a Putin friend and he could have made his point by just turning off the gas/oil; but he fell of the trap, went to war and the Ukraineans are the real victims. No endeavour made by the west to put this hot potato onto diplomatic tables in i.e. Geneva; Biden made it clear on 7 February already, that he will ensure that the pipelines will be history .... and he followed suit. The Russians had absolutely no motivation to damage the pipelines and the Ukraineans, well, they have different issues on their plate. I am utterly shattered by Europe's blind following of the American whistle giving NATO the marching orders now; the losers are the Ukraineans and, in second row, the Europeans. Lets hope someone can apply some common sense and a ceasefire to stop this madness but do not expect any support on that from Washington DC ........
  5. Biden will fight this war until the last Ukrainean has landed on the sacrificial altar! It's big business for the Yankees and, unlike i.e. Korea, Vietnam or Afghanistan, Brussels NATO will not only foot but also pay the bills. Billions and billions of dollars flowing westwards across the Atlantic. Not a silver lining of a diplomatic approach from anywhere in the West; if the unlikely nukes fly into West European living rooms, then they can blame themselves.
  6. As if that would make a difference. The CCTVs will be broken, if ever delivered and the problem lies with the law enforcement on drugs, the law enforcement on guns and weapons as well as, first and foremost in such cases, the police recruiting incl. screening of psychologic ability to serve on the force.
  7. Maybe somebody wants to look up the phone number of Rolls-Royce; they had their little music played in regards to aircraft engines. To this day though the Thai party accepting bribes was neither identified nor faced the music nor the slammer and the money went ....... well, which money?
  8. How terrible is this? There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever, by what all these children died. So, why on Earth, does an absolute incompetent - in medical terms - minister "order" autopsies? Do these parents really want the bodies of their lost loved ones checked, which of all those bullets killed their little one? Is there in respect stipulated in Buddhism to avoid this additional psychiatric mega pain? Maybe I am wrong, maybe some Thais are just non-human creatures and then it would answer the minister's "instruction". What a terrifying and terrible man, character and politician ????
  9. Stay factual, there is nothing more to do on this case. As tragic and life shattering it is, the culprit is dead and the survivors will be needing all the assistance to accommodate their terrible, irrevocable losses. How to prevent this in the future - might be the next goal. Why are firearms readily available everywhere including ammo in a country, where it is per se forbidden? Are police cadets professionally screened for their psychological ability to execute their duties? What is trained on weaponry? The scenario is similar to the United States (as in many other things) and there the electorate has still not understood a thing. Here, the police and army should execute their duties according to the laws in the interest and protection of the electorate - regretfully the electorate is here to be srcweed and exploited for the benefit of ....... we all know the script ????
  10. This little brick explains how things really work in this country. A convicted drug dealer (for which he would have looked into the barrels of the execution squad in his home country Thailand) not only sneaked into higher offices of the leadership of this country, no, it gets even better. His crime was dealt with outside Thai jurisdiction and hence does not count. His flour-to-heroin trip started in Bangkok yet Thailand never filed an extradition request to let him face the tunes of home. Indian Rakesh Saxena got airlifted back to Bangkok from Canada for embezzling almost USD 90 million. To me, the latter compares to a choir boy opposite a drug smuggler. But then, the kettle and pot proverb springs to mind once it relates to Thai politics.
  11. Unbelievable, the Thai police in BMWs; just wondering who authorized this expense of survival importance. But yeah, those without anything in their undies drive such cars, if paid for by the tax payer it seems ????
  12. "Drinking alcohol at the beach, carrying weapons and prostitution" wraps it up quite nicely; after all Pattaya is being visited for its beauty, butterfly farms and its reputation as a green family resort facility. Keep up the good work - we're all very proud of you!
  13. Good luck to Thailand and its mostly uneducated electorate digging more graves for their future generations ........
  14. The Philippines spring to mine, way better in dancing ...... and easier conversation ????
  15. Correct me if I am wrong but this straight step to Thai nationality was only possible for a non-Thai wife married to a Thai man; to the best of my limited knowledge non-Thai men married to a Thai wife needed to be come a PR first. After five years of PR status an application for Thai nationality then could be filed ????
  16. Close the shop, simple as that. It is commercially not possible to bring back TG where it was, there is no way to recuperate 330+ billion (not million) losses and, with all due respect, no Thai professional with the profile of a real CEO will ever enter that office. You will end up with yet another air-force-com-finance-ministry backside licker, most likely on the take as some of his predecessors who came after Chatichai Bunya-ananta. TG died with the forced departure of the latter, ever since the swan song kept the media busy with all sorts of scandals and irregularities. Nobody ever went after the proven, solid, kickbacks Rolls-Royce paid, nobody explains why half the fleet is parked indefinitely in U-Tapao and Bangkok while nobody explains how a completely bankrupt set-up like TG could take delivery of three brand-new B777; this time with First Class configuration as 30+ years ago. I've written off hard-earn cash I spent on TG air tickets which I never got refunded; I for one will never ever set foot on that airline.
  17. Well, some of those being getting military marching orders might be subscribed into galley rowers then. To keep the rowing synchronized, how about getting Prawatch to hit the drums - between naps that is of course ???? This story will haunt the navy and serve as a humorous, albeit bloody expensive, continuation of the aircraft carrier saga some thirty years ago. An aircraft carrier without aircraft is befitting to a fleet of subs without engines. Well done, men in funny uniforms and colorful hats, keep up the good work and carry on stealing money by the train load; the electorate is fully aware of what is going on yet does quite apparently not mind the least 8-)
  18. My guess is that the fellow will be lent to the Ministry of Inactive Posts. No stranger to the booze, he might even enjoy the break - before being reinstated with full regalia ........
  19. a) an appropriate whack without leaving any traces is sometimes quite educational - at least when I was a kid some 60 years ago b) a teacher has no right to reprimand a child by hitting. If there is a problem, order the parents into school for a meeting to address the issue and inform them, that the student in question might be reported higher up for non-compliance and hence repeats the class c) the teacher in question is going to retire in which jail? I just ask as I'd like to visit the teacher to share my view on the story - verbally only without any physical contact though ????
  20. Another reason to give Phuket also in the future a miss. Vote with your feet and choose alternatives; plenty everywhere ???? Thailand's tourism will never get there where it was once and obvious daylight corruption on all levels are living proof!
  21. So, in other words the Department of Inactive Posts under the Ministry of Inactive Posts has lost a member back to the trough? Asking for a friend ????
  22. As long as I can see high-heeled office girls in neat outfits feeding stray dogs with Moo Ping or Chicken Vichienburi bites on their way to or from work ...... nothing will change. They do it for good luck, for mercy but certainly not in the interest of public health and safety. Rather collect all these dogs and neuter them; the number of stray dogs (and cats are on the increase as well) is unbelievable and must be in the millions ......... Education, education, education ...........
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