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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The World would be such a more peaceful place without all those American warmongering interests among the Zionist-Americans. One in seven Americans lives of food stamps, one in eleven cannot find the USA on a world map, 5% of the World's population (the US) consumes 28% of the World's fossil fuel and they put their nose into each and any conflict anywhere on the planet to save the American people. The scary bit is, that the Americans believe all this verbal manure from Washington and do not query burning 730+ billions (not millions) of USD yearly for "defense"; by interpretation that would be against the Canadians and Mexicans - no other borders. They forked 100+ million dollars towards Ukraine already; what on earth is this their business to start with. I wonder what the Americans would do if Russia would have 500'000 soldiers along the Canadian/US border or 10'000 tanks along the Mexican/US border. Pathetic but extremely profitable and the whole world watches. Short; the US foreign policy is one big disaster since 1945 and sanctions and embargoes have only hit the underlings. Move the US troops out of Japan, South Korea and Taiwan and ........ North Korea will implode, as the Chinese will no longer feel threatened and pull the support plug on North Korea.
  2. Given the thousands of moneys in Thailand .......... and I refer to Lopburi, various islands fronting Pattaya and Sattahip as well as Petchburi - among others ..........
  3. The dinosaurs are busy rewriting laws, planning yet another constitution and searching for solutions on how to sink this latest evidence of people's unhappiness. On vera - as the French say - meanwhile I wonder, why the PM can sit longer than 8 years on his throne with a constitutional limitation of eight years - a constitution he was instrumental in crafting.
  4. Honestly, does anyone think that these crooks give anything? The Siam Country Road was an open pit for many years which sent 90% of the business into closing/bankruptcy but I never heard a public outcry. Let the Thais handle their mess and if they are enjoying it, then leave it at that. Take your business elsewhere in such a case!
  5. Interesting are the following two facts: - you cannot prove a negative, i.e. one word against another - it took 9 to 17 years to come forward; where is the logic? Spacey might or might not be guilty but it is definitely possible that some are jumping onto the "Streetcar called (monetary) Desire". I just hope the prosecution looks at these cases from all angles.
  6. Ran out of juice as Somchai "borrowed" some last night for his car to the Mia Noi?
  7. Is it not possible to cross into Cambodia's Siem Reap with a Thai car? Wondering as the idea is not new. I own the car (in my name), have the ITP (international transport permit) as so required for also by Laos and can get the necessary visa without an issue. Question is, can you and if yes how do you get a Thai car into Cambodia?
  8. Why not get it from the horse's mouth and ask the bank? In my cases with three different Thai banks the accounts have a user identification alphanumeric name and a password. Depending on what transaction you want to do, the bank will send you an "OTP" or OneTimePassword - then you are sorted!
  9. As it was built and operates on taxpayers money, every person paying tax in Thailand (that would include the dirty farang and alien working here) would be entitled to the fringe benefits then ....... Alternatively everybody can get ready for a free visit and fun afternoon on a permanently parked aircraft carrier in Sattahip and - anytime soon - in one of the submarines from China, albeit without engines! Makes you wonder, what is going on in other countries, where politicians are a little more discreet with a lesser show-off attitude .......
  10. I assume that the delivery boys know, that those food order services get 30% of the total bill. You order food for 1,000 Baht, Foodpanda and their green and other-colored brethren get 300 Baht. If - say - if the delivery service company would share 50% of their highway robbery commission, they still would have enough to keep their (some crappy) websites running while a messenger boy would walk away with 150 Baht on a fare he usually would move a pillion rider for 30 Baht. Just a thought .......... the government has nothing to do with this and should concentrate on bigger fish in the fryer ????
  11. Tell those gun-loving pr1cks to carry on the good work. It was, is and remains irresponsible to allow private citizen the ownership of guns without proven training by professionals. The Swiss army, mandatory for all Swiss male once they hit 20 years of age, requires a basic training of 17 weeks. Among others, intensive training on how to use machine guns, grenades and other warfare equipment is provided until these fellows can handle the equipment in complete dark. Result is, that everybody is fully aware of the potential danger, if the equipment is "mishandled". Given the present state of Americans with all their minority carp and rights for all including the freedom of buying and selling literally almost anything - some legal, some not - and combine this with "disturbed" minds, of which there is no shortage in the US either - go figure. Only once a kid of a senator or the president is blessed with "American thoughts and prayers" - only then there is chance that someone is calling a spade a spade and puts an end to this absolute unnecessary madness.
  12. How boring; I am getting ready for the next stint already. I hear that the mice cough, the flea flu and the elephant rash is on its fast way to Thailand - beware of the next pandemic with compliments of the system ????
  13. No difference to Nong Khai ........ roads empty, a very few yellow-plated Lao cars, shops empty; in short, nothing really changed - your call!
  14. Trust me, the stuff worn by Yingluck was not from Mahboonkrong - those were originals bought in a fancy boutique in Milan, Paris or London .........
  15. Well, the next nail into the tourism coffin is in the making. For the time being they have pending: - Thaipass, only for the dirty farang as of 1 June 2022 - insurance of USD 10K (try to get that fixed at the Friendship Bridge in Nong Khai) - the THB 300 landing fee for every dirty farang and alien when arriving in the promised land And trust me, some creepy brains are working on the monkey pox while we speak. There, luckily for all of us, there is already a test on the market:
  16. Well, if any of those 610'000 fellows would not be toooooooo lazy, I know of jobs to fill in waiting on tables in upmarket restaurants, starting with THB 18,000 plus tip = not less than totally THB 25,000. This is for a person speaking some English, can walk straight and has a pleasant appearance. For others there are cook helper jobs starting at THB 15,000. Experience by all restaurateurs - and I know quite a few - is unisono the same swan song. If anyone calls for a job, the make an appointment and in most, i.e. 95% of the cases, nobody shows up. Bottomline is, they want the money but not the work; rather fiddle around day-in-day-out on the mobile phones on "Feht" (Thai for Facebook), "Lie" (Thai for LINE) etc.
  17. Tell the good doctor, that the dirty farang are long beyond the monkey pox. I - for one - eagerly await the arrival of the worm cough, the flea's foot (smaller version of athlete's foot) and the snail plague. I still have some 37 pages empty in my WHO vaccination booklet and these should be, at least, partly filled with little stamps and signatures. This to the benefit of the Astra-Zeneca's and their competing brethren ????
  18. So Zarathustra (Thai name is Anutin) spoke ...... You cannot be careful enough with all those dirty farang and alien ???? Explains the empty bridge in Nong Khai with hardly any Lao buyers. Makro, Big C and Lotus's are as empty as before. Makro had increased the price for fresh salmon to 735 Baht a kilogramme - in anticipation of the avalanche of Lao buyers of salmon. Well, nobody came and the same fish was available, trimmed and cleaned, at 600 Baht a kilogramme to - most likely - avoid throwing away tons of Norwegian fish. Mysterious are the ways of the East!
  19. For that money you get a lot of water down the river, don't you think so? Makes dethroned Prime Minister Yingluck's appearance wearing Burberry boots back in the day not only cheap but also more fashionable and gave the electorate a good laugh ????
  20. OK, the booze sale will be higher than normal on Saturday before 6pm; the rest is business as usual. The election outcome is - most likely - also decided already ........ next please!
  21. No busses running for the time being. Take a bus into town: a normal minibus from Central Dept Store to Nong Khai - or - with no/little luggage - a picturesque trip by train from Udon's railway station to Nong Khai for 11 Baht. Taxis through are available and you might be able to share a fare with a fellow passenger ????
  22. Well, the "last supper" solution also works for stray dogs ........ as long as the official Thailand is doing absolutely nothing.
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