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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Chicken went from just below 60 Baht to 80 - 89 Baht; that's a staggering 30+% increase which, as per some farmers in the neighbourhood, did not even cover the increase on chicken feed which saw a hiking from 10 to 14.5 Baht per kilogramme. So, next to the coronaphobia now they thrown in the war in Ukraine for good measure and explanation - what's next?
  2. Good luck with that one - might be an uphill battle. So many predecessors were barking up the wrong tree ....... or caved in!
  3. Well, he cannot be blamed for this - point the fingers upwards toward the Generalissimo!
  4. Just returned from Chiang Mai - never seen the place emptier than this time. 90% of restaurants and hotels are shut for good; the vendors in San Kamphaeng and Ban Tawai/Hang Dong are literally almost all gone (I'm talking here of 95%). The problem is not the length of stay but the access to the stay in the first place. Do away with all your Thai ideas of bureaucracy; get the Thailand Pass eliminated and, if you need, enforce an insurance which, if not covered by the arriving tourist, can be bought at a nominal fee of <THB 1'000 for a 30 days stay. Wanted to drive upcountry (public governmental) Road 2331 from Wat Phrathat Pha Sorn Kaew in Khao Kho District to Wat Pa Phu Thap Boek in Wang Ban, Lom Kao District - also Phetchabun province. After 20 curvy kilometres we reached a toll booth at GPS: 16.893711 101.098990. They wanted to charge 40 Baht for the car, 40 Baht for my (Thai) wife and 500 Baht for the dirty farang behind the steering wheel. That's when I decided to turn around. The temple will remain unvisited, no lunch was ordered and paid for up there and the officials in the toll booth used less than comforting words as they had torn off the respective tickets already. This road - apparently through a National Park, is already paid for, so what are they talking about? After 30+ years in the country, sitting on a PR and having paid millions of Baht in all sorts of taxes I don't expect a special treatment but these little daydreaming clowns at the TAT need to learn, that you cannot eat money and without work, service or attraction there is no money. But I'm aware that this will not happen anytime soon.
  5. It is in the education. Do not spend money you do not have, if you need a loan for a bigger investment like a house, then see a bank. Latter is charging you also a fortune and takes a collateral double the value of the loan reason but still better than the gentlemen and ladies with golden rings, amulets and huge handbags.
  6. After this one he might go for Johnson as the missing link to all the other suppliers of shots, boosters and what-have-yous ...........
  7. Audemars-Piguet, Royal Oak in 18K gold - assuming that he did not buy it around the corner of Nana Entertainment Plaza. Five digit amount; in real money that is!
  8. Well, looking forward to the next election when most of the electorate will arrive completely stoned to cast their vote ........ smart move!
  9. Cash is King, nothing ever changed since ......... all that modern rubbish with Line, QR codes, Scan, PromptPay invites cheaters and liars alike. What is wrong in paying with cash or a credit card? Some vendors prefer it to save the 2% (plus 0.14% VAT) commission. Well, this particular vendor will have to sell quite a lot of beef to cover this loss; the police will do zilch, laugh and refer to "too small".
  10. Good luck to everybody then ........... if such gifted sons of the land get to power. But as the saying goes "every country has the government it deserves" - provided it got voted in rather than couped in (latter like Myanmar). .......
  11. Lets wait for the next pardon season; 28 July or 12 August spring to mind, then there is 23 October, 5 December - this year alone. Halving the term each and every time - go figure ????
  12. Not really, it was an attitude problem of their staff. Changed the bank - all normal and professional now???? But it boils down to the staff and its branch manager ..........
  13. Keep up the good work. There is nobody in town anyhow so I suggest you ten-, twenty- .... no fifty-fold the fees. As long as I am charged according to the colour of my skin, despite having paid millions and millions of Baht in direct taxes, I will ensure that I will recommend everybody to vote with their feet. The problem could have been solved much easier like most countries anywhere else, where people are not that greedy and loaded with an inferiority complex as in Thailand. Let the locals and proven non-Thai residents get in free of charge; all others pay a nominal fee, children go free as well. But with all those crooked governments this country has been continuously raped, there is no wonder. Message is simple, stay away (as in the past) and continue to eat money until you realize, that you're really running down the wrong alley. Another thick nail into Thailand's tourism coffin - well done!
  14. Well, I have been almost there as well. Bangkok Bank's customer service is second to none in "non-existence" while the pre-dominantely female staff balance around on their high heels with their noses 90 degrees up. Absolute arrogance and racist treatment "you wait, he first" despite the queue numbering ........ I did not smash anything but took my entire business and personal finance banking needs elsewhere which was commented with "up to you".
  15. Do not forget to include the "glory hole" in the governmental mandatory mask instructions for the soapy workers as they need to be able to use the straw to sip Pepsi: Thank the Lord for the timely intervention of the internal trade department was prohibited to increase their price as of 1 June 2022 ???? Good news for the union of soapy workers (USW) and bad news for Pepsi ????
  16. Do away with Thailand Pass and the insurance fart and you will see wonders happening ...........
  17. Postscriptum: Singha Soda water increased its prices from 125 Baht to 150 Baht per crate overnight and i.e. diesel increased by 10% over the last 3+ months. So much to the Internal Trade Department ..
  18. The outing of another complete idiot who has not understood basics of market mechanism. If Pepsi wants to increase their prices by 10, 20 or 100 Baht per bottle, then let them have it their way. Pepsi is not life-essential, Pepsi does not have a monopoly and Pepsi is, like Coca Cola, an absolutely unnecessary product - except possibly for the sugar industry. All other investors of FMCC, beware of such idiots in the The director of the Internal Trade Department, they can officially scerw you despite not having understood basics.
  19. Well, the submarines without engines or the unarmed F35 fighters spring to mind. How much actually, of those 1.5% of the GDP for defense, really went into defense? Previous years saw such wise investments like i.e. aircraft carriers from Spain. It would be interesting to see the entire table of expenditure but, in the context of national security, this as well is most likely, only available to the selected few .........
  20. So it was a lazy day at the Ministry itself? If the transport minister has to look after things, then you have to close down the airport authority. But, if the keen minister has nothing better to do, why not inspecting the public road network in and around i.e. Pattaya, the never-finishing stretch between Khon Kaen and Udon Thani's Friendship Highway (Highway number 2) or the ring road around Udon Thani? There "readiness" is not understood in any language and the minister might have something to complain about as the money is spent yet the job is far away from being anything close to "finished" or "ready". Pathetic ......
  21. Before the proverbial manure hits the air-mixing device; small pox, chicken pox and monkey pox are all transmitted by the fluid of bursting skin pimples. Every child in Europe - back in the day - went through chicken pox and hence is immune to all those pox deviations. Albeit very itchy (which results in scratching and "tearing" those tiny pimples open) the best is to rest/stay at home, the itchiness disappears the way it came. Apart from that and some goons in the Ministry of Public Health are already getting new passbooks from their bank to accommodate the possible monetary fall-out ????
  22. How interesting and what a load of crock! Depending on my sweet talk I can get any bank balance of another account, to find out the address of a phone number you just go and pay a 50 Baht into that number credit and you get a receipt with the address and my credit card issuer informs me yearly, that they submitted my payment record on the payment for my credit card to the National Credit Information something. We've seen breaches of databases, governmental as well as the private industry - so welcome to data protection area ????
  23. We had Watergate 50 years ago, now it is the "Lamppostgate" - a favourite of mine explaining the petty corruption going on literally anywhere in Thailand on every level. Except the NST citizen though nobody else even queried the "need" for the good work by the state ............. it seems. In Pattaya the dolphins "beautified" North Pattaya road for years already and ultimately had to get turned 90 degrees as too many motorbike racers got killed by hitting their unhelmeted head on the lowest part of the lamp post. Another pristine example was Pattanakarn road on the dark side; all existing lamps mounted on power poles got "assisted" with hundreds of cheapest quality more "decorative" posts with typical Thai rice farmer hats made of iron cast ..... within the first month some 10% of the lamps went out of order and ..... are still out of order. This corruption scheme cost billions of Thai Baht but if the Thais do not have a problem with it, we can just stand by, watch and chuckle ........
  24. Thank you for your manure comment. There are also no 10'000 tanks along any border - for the time being. The figures served for explanatory reasons and the Americans blow the NATO whistle loud and clearly. Like in the Middle East, half their troops were privately hired military companies (Blackwater etc.). Anyhow, there is absolutely no explanation for a single American boy standing around anywhere in Europe with guns and uniforms. How would the US react, if the Chinese, Russians or North Koreans would start positioning their troops into the US? Pathetic and an absolute scandal!
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