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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. So much to education and nobody querying the source of money from a 15 year old girl, how sad and how very believable!
  2. Specially during rush hour, there is an increased risk for "women sitting with crossed legs being vulnerable to upskirt photography" - really? Why don't you get the esteemed passengers to move away from the doors inside the carriage - as a start - as well as ensuring immediate addition to rolling stock. Still better than submarines without engines or F-35 fighters, latter cannot accommodate the overflow of Bangkok's BTS. What a joke!
  3. Well, if our watch lovers, who got millions of dollars worth of watches borrowed by a meanwhile deceased friend, "targets" something, he usually gets it. It goes with the job and, not knowing, how many disciplines are in the SEA games, I would assume that 110 medals are quite a figure. Wondering sometimes, what kind of excellent weed some people smoke. As Prawatch, a pristine example of sport, I would not expect anything else that 110 medals either ???? What a load of kcorc ........ Ridiculing the entire exercise
  4. Destroy the BMW in front of the owner, the driver is to be booked for attempted murder and the keys to be thrown away. I sometimes wonder, what is going on in some people's heads, honestly!
  5. The Middle East - coming to the rescue of the Thai tourism industry to replace the dirty farang. Now this, unbelievable from an area, where one would only expect quality tourists. Well, some of Arabs like 'em elder, it seems and the lady must have been believing in Santa Claus ... provided the story is true in the first place!
  6. The Italians even have a word for the Thai - they refer to "Cornuto" - usually it is the other way round ????
  7. Always the Burmese and always in the South .......... the Thai will be free of anything as the whole thing would not have happened, if that Burmese would not have been in Thailand in the first place. Most likely illegal immigrant = 50 years jail; b0nknig a common-law wife of a Thai = nuts off! Simple as that!
  8. Well, maybe now we can switch off the internet as I - for one - just have read it all!
  9. Well, I did, do and will do domestic travelling. I noted with distress, that cheap hotels (i.e. Korat Hotel in Nakorn Ratchasima, middle of the town, ample parking and good in-house F&B) have little to no business; we occupied one out of three rooms that night. Dan Kwian (15kms South of Korat), known for pottery products, featured literally hundreds of little shops offering anything you can think of; now you have less than ten which are open but equally ...... empty. The cross-province business enhancement allowed Thais from i.e. Udon to travel to Nong Khai and benefit of massive discounts on governmentally sponsored programmes. Bottomline was, that the Udon Thanians travelled to Nong Khai for shopping while the Nong Khaians went to Udon for shopping. Apart from wasting most likely millions of taxpayers money (as the government itself has no money) the purchase costs were increased with travelling costs. You ask me = domestic business keeps everyone busy but profitability is in no relation to the endeavours.
  10. Any bookies around? I bet, that the Thailand Pass will be replaced by the international vaccination certificate, issued for the last 50+ years already, by the WHO. That also means, that yet another useless bureaucratic milestone will disappear - eventually. Meanwhile all those tourism related businesses can kiss the very little summer 2022 business definitely Good Bye as competing summer destinations realized last year already, that this coronaphobia is not essentially driving business upwards ???? See Senegal, the Dominican Republic, Central and South America, apart from many European destinations - fully booked to the rims.
  11. You can take this to the bank. The order "toys for uniformed boys" proves, beyond reasonable doubt, the lack of education as they are apparently getting Chinese submarines without engines ........ Make sure the flying saucers come with wings, engines and canopies ???? Education? Forget it, those in charge of education do not want an educated electorate as the latter might start thinking and vote for politicians rather than crooks!
  12. SME's (the two legged little factories) are busy at work. Interesting also is the statement "As restrictions for entry of international visitors ease from May 1st, residents have increased their complaints and concerns that the area could become a major traffic jam." A pre-emptive racist comment towards those millions and millions of tourists who all want to roam on Soi Buakhao? Lets wait and see - the resurrection of Walking Street? ????
  13. Finally, the ultimate proof of the existence of ghosts ......... so Grannie around the corner was always right ????
  14. The PM asked apparently ""Do you think I am a corrupt individual?" he asked rhetorically and with feeling." Well, regretfully he never answered his own question .........
  15. Is it possible that the big wigs in funny clothes running the show since May 2014 simply forgot to rewrite the constitution to fit their ambitions which resulted in capping the PM's tenure to a combined eight years? Or did Prawatch forget to wind up the borrowed wrist watches or set the alarms on the latter? One never knows in this country ........... you're welcome!
  16. And if you are at it, maybe you scrap the present government - or at least move them from the open window to make space for some fresh political air ...........
  17. Great thanks go to the Police in Lam Lukka for slapping the transgender person with four charges including obscene and annoying behavior in public and blocking the way. After having finished this milestone task the very same experts might want to carry on the good work by finalizing slapping on the open file on Vorayuth Yoovidhya. Wichian Klanprasert, a fellow Thai police officer, allegedly was killed by the afore-mentioned “Boss”; just in case the police would not know what to do next, that is ????
  18. Dont forget the special offer for young backpackers - specially theblonde British females - if they are lucky, they qualify for a free oneway trip to Koh Tao's Sairee beach!
  19. Just make sure that these "new toys for the uniformed boys" are being fitted WITH engines; the submarine deal seems to have forgotten this tiny little inclusion in the paperwork. I was not aware of the fact, that Thailand had such amounts of left money to be spent, I mean, 13.8 billion Baht is not to be sneezed at ....... But I am happy, that this surplus is there after having put free education for all up to university level and free healthcare for all into place. Well done!
  20. As I am a non-native English speaker; "being suicided" was supposed to refer to unfinished business not by the victim - to my apparent incomplete understanding.
  21. It is not only scrapping all that nonsense; Thailand is challenged to rebuild its entire tourism industry, be it local or international tourism. And the latter will be the most rewarding - financially speaking - but also the most difficult with a serious uphill battle problem. Lets wait and see; I - for one - do no longer believe in Santa Claus. Thailand had it all, a mono-destination, and excellent product at competitive pricing, lovely people - a guaranteed success. That was 30+ years ago. Today, Thailand has fierce competition in all categories, high pricing and more often than not rude, impolite, careless, selfish, exclusively money-driven people who, compared to their parents, are not even willing to work anymore. Bonne chance Thaïlande - would the French say!
  22. The technical term is called "being suicided" ........ and the final report came nicely wrapped in very thick envelopes ????
  23. Well, some 60+ years ago already the Americans lent a helpful hand to Indochinese "medicine". Remember the Air America services rendered to the poppy culture which later on turned out to be CIA's involvement in the non-existing Secret War? Are we seeing the beginning of an Encore now on a different level? It remains a fact, that the US has lost most of its grip here in this part of the world, partly due to their own behaviour, partly due to the "friendly assistance" rendered by the big red brethren in the North!
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