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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. Get it from the horse's mouth, i.e. immigration head office in Bangkok. To the best of my limited knowledge (I am a PR for 30+ years) you can apply for PR (permanent residency) after three continuous years in Thailand based on either marriage and supporting minors (kids), earning taxable income or a major investment of 10 (?) million Baht. Another five years, after being granted PR, you may apply for citizenship. In the past a non-Thai woman married to a Thai man could jump directly, i.e. without the PR sideline - not so for a foreign husband to a Thai wife. I never went for a Thai citizenship as the PR gives you all the privileges except buying land and voting ..........
  2. Well, here's the news. The prime minister and the governor of Udon will DISCUSS Udon's development plan in regards to logistics and transport systems linking Thailand to China. I hope the boys are aware of the fact, that the Chinese inked a commitment in 2016 to put the first ever train link between Boten (China/Lao border) and Vientiane onto the Lao map from the very scratch across 400+ kilometres with countless tunnels and bridges within five years. Not only will this high speed train open as scheduled tomorrow, 2 December 2021 but all the tests runs over the last few months have been completed - the train is ready to go and will start regular passenger and cargo services on 3 December. Meanwhile in Thailand - under the same government as Uncle Too has been in the driver seat for 6 ½ years already - you see one of planet Earth's biggest open-air museum of railway corruption. Completely antiquated rolling stock operated by a board of greedy daylight thieves in yet another most corrupt state agency - a state state of affairs. And these totally incompetent elected clowns are DISCUSSING developements on something the Chinese started 2 ½ years later, under much more miserable preconditions and finished the job in time? We will see, the Chinese made it crystal clear to see a high speed link from Kunming to Singapore by 2028. Tip to the Thai railway boys and the bigwigs hovering over them - stop blabla and get to work as you're running out of time.
  3. Well, it took 'em 15 years to figure that one out. A restaurateur is where between 11am-2pm and after 5pm-midnight? Shops with VAT bills sell only during these times. Distributors dont deliver below a minimum amount of, say, 8 - 10 cases of beer. Wholesale operators (i.e. Makro) dont deliver alcohol either. Result is, that the restaurateur is using the Mom & Pop shop to deliver, without VAT receipt, the restaurateur cooks the books as he - officially - never bought the booze. The rest is history, over this time span billions of Thai Baht were "lost" in transition. Stupidity in its finest form.
  4. Well, the ignition comes from home and is called education. The ministry of education's job is to provide material and facilities, train, test and hire teachers, set standards and goals. Latter then has to find active resonance at home again. Education happens at home while knowledge is provided by the school. In addition to all this, the biggest problem is that the Thai education system is pretty much a carbon copy of the US counterpart. They hammer stuff into the kids heads on a learning-by-heart basis. The Europeans though work on providing the understanding of common sense and where to look up things, i.e. how to get to (whatever) solution. I've lived in both systems and found the central European system (mostly with German-related languages) by far the best. Latter allows then to allow a choice of final education later on. Some teenagers carry on schooling and finish with an university degree or more while 90% are going through an apprenticeship; schooling accompanied with steady practical training. This might explain, why research and development as well as basic jobs like bakers, butchers, cooks, painters, carpenters etc. are in general best skilled when finishing an apprenticeship. Now, compare a Thai painter, who never ever had the chance to really learn all about painting various materials (wood, concrete etc.) to what an, i.e. Austrian painter after three years of apprenticeship. Comparison is not fair as the Austrian knows much more about paint chemistry, reaction to temperature, humidity and light impact etc. This goes, like a red thread, through the entire system. Basics though is primary and secondary, upon all the rest is based and that's where Thai rank rock bottom. Last not least; it is much easier to take an uneducated electorate for a big ride on the political merry-go-round. Last Thai round in March 2019 resulted in banning a political party which won 6+ million votes AFTER the election. In any other country the election would have been repeated ........ Lack of education combined with a rigid old-fashioned "Phuyai" social system - the result is called Thailand 2021!
  5. Well, what do you expect from 15 years of schooling - 6 years primary, 6 years secondary and 3 years university? To the clownery of education ministry, the clown-in-chief of the government = a tip to the hat for a job well done; you all deserve a silver medal. Keep up the good work and nosedive your country onto the least proficient country; only another 12 countries to beat and, after overtaking 99 I would assume that the remaining 12 are a walk in the park. Then you'll get solid gold medals - all of you politicians and crooks! This failed state is a doomed country and sadly enough it is what it is by the virtue by its own people voting for successive (s)elections of governments which ensured, that Thailand is in a free fall into the abyss. In one to two generations you're creeping on the floor and might understand then, that there is no substitute to education. The 1% sitting on 58% of the money will finally understand, that you cannot eat money and civil war is around the corner! You HiSo pr1cks; keep up your high noses, ridicule the dirty farang, the dark kaek, the hatred chaeks and everything else non-Thai. What a pity for such a beautiful country with mostly lovely people!
  6. The thick brown manilla envelope arrived - praise the Lord!
  7. Aha, the sweetheart of public health did NOT want to stay in a quarantine hotel and threw a tantrum instead! The shoulder-rubbing with the Swiss ambassador, PR-hungry whenever she can, seemed to have borne fruit and she must have kissed the Swiss FM's whatever-side to let her trusted old friend to attend a conference, where - despite his hatred for caucasians and alcohol - he will be able to indulge in nice wines at affordable prices served by caucasian hospitality staff. Good luck and bon voyage .........
  8. Well, well, what do you know ...... Tell Taweesin and the clown-in-chief Prayuth that, before handing out little New Year's gifts they might want to get that Morh Prom up and running. Neither my Thai wife nor me (PR) could even get an OTP and the vaccination-administering hospitals failed as well. The provincial office of public health could not be asred either and told me to just forget it. So, in all fairness, what are these illiterate ignorants talking about New Year's gifts - which, by the way, are paid by the same tax payers like the failed Moh Prom carp!
  9. Well, if the experts of Thailand and the experts of Laos .......... Lets not go there; without any particularly strong reason just wait for February or March 2022 and then we will see ..........
  10. He was, is and most likely will stay a controversial pr1ck among the clownery in Bangkok. "(The) minister took direct aim at nightclubs, pubs, bars and karaoke for damaging the country." Well, guess what, 77 provinces with 77 different governing goons running their little countries at will. One country has no restrictions, others sell alcohol, some others require a vaccination upon entering while others could not care. The link between alcohol and any corona virus needs to be established. Unclear remains, why we all get vaccinated in a horrendous run-for-our-life just to find out, that PCR, antigen, quarantine and other funny little ideas are required at random - depending on moods, ignorance, arrogance or greed by the local bigwig. This minister is the problem and not all those dying businesses and craving customers!
  11. Wondering with what kind of dodgy passport the little sunshine is travelling around. By all accounts and his ongoing travelling all over the world his passport is either already expired or certainly filled with stamps and visas. Asking for a friend ????
  12. You are quite obviously not affected businesswise .......... then, of course, you can easily „let it go“!
  13. They approved Moderna TODAY? Give all those geeks at the health ministry and its self-confident bigwig a medal with the wish to keep up the good and very fast work .........
  14. What all those arrogant freakies in the government have not understood is, that you can command Thai people around at will whereas tourists will not adhere to such brainless bureaucratically overloaded b“*ç%hit. Foreign tourists, dirty farang and alien just go elsewhere and if these daydreamers at the tourism bureau and the relevant government agencies would stop poking noses and rather try to find out, why other destinations are doing more than fine - they might find out that Thailand is a touristic nightmare. But just wait and get ready for the Chinese avalanche, which will take over much more than just tourisic offerings - good luck!
  15. Blame it on those goons at the health ministry and the primus-inter-pares. Not available, now available at X Baht, now free and yes, we mix the vaccines like cocktails at Tiffany‘s. The health minister gets bounced off from enter Switzerland to attend a WHO meeting and now they are puzzled, why nobody believes these pr1cks? Really ?????
  16. A typical HiSo problem more ........ she is Thai and can read Thai (assumingly) hence did not make homework prior to going on a little shopping spree. USD 11K for a handbag - tidy sum but as long as some idiots pay for it and then get creamed at their home country‘s customs ....... love it!
  17. So CP fixed the food supply chain from A to Z, wholesale to retail and now is reaching out for the next business segment which prints money 24/7 in Thailand. Well, as long as everybody can toggle around on the mobile phone in stores, only disturbed by customers, then all is OK!
  18. Well, guess what. The poor fellow got suicided, all was an honest mistake and the whole lot of the police slime is being reposted to the Ministry of Inactive Posts for a while. In a year or two, back to work with a full re-instatement, backpayment of salaries and a promotion for all of them. Seen it before, will not change this time - unless of course the little Ferrari pr1ck does not fill the little brown manila envelopes with some of his illicit dew .......
  19. Somtam, Lakorn, Doughnuts and, if nothing works, invoke a new law as the boys at the parliament have been spinning out ever since 2014. So many laws to curtail Thais, lets go for the law Sipgao (19); non-vaccinated being thrown into the slammer for 50 years or fined 500 Baht - or both!
  20. I predict that this country is run by selfish crooks, completely off reality and heading full steam into an economic desaster - all selfmade by the gifted goons down in the parliament house. My predictions might be even more realistic than those daydreamers whose minds are completely off scale; I sometimes wonder what kind of excellent weed is smoked in some of those officers work places ...
  21. So let me get this right. Anutin did not go to Switzerland NOT because he was not vaccinated but because he did not want to go through the ordeal of the „dirty farang“ and the quarantine - despite being vaccinated. In other words, the tourism cirus director might want to listen in - it might explain, why all those dirty alien opt for Senegal, the Caribbean, most European and South American country where proof of vaccination suffices to enter their country. Nobody in his right mind gets vaccinated just to be skinned alive with crappy hotels and overinflated prices, cold food in plastic containers at prices you‘d find with a Michelin 10-star dining temple.
  22. Nobody in his right mind considers Thailand for a vacation as long as other countries offer more-common-sense approaches once it comes to PCRs, CoEs/Thaiand Passes, non-quarantine quarantine massively overpriced while served crappy cold food in plastic containers at equally inflated prices by staff dressed in transparent garbage bags ........
  23. Give the man a solid gold medal for his medical explanation and, WHO, please note, reprimand all countries selling firewaters to the fullest extend. Well done, keep up the good work!
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