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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The Laotian railway was the first ever real railway the country saw. This discounts the attempts by the French in the 1920 in Southern Laos; that locomotive is still rusting silently in Khon Phapheng. 2014 the idea was finally conceived; 2016 the construction started by the Chinese, with Chinese money and Chinese workers with the goal of having the first bullet train racing through landlocked, railway-less Laos five years later. Needless to say, that the train opened on time and functions. The Thais were always informed on the project and should have started at the same time - the same "government" was and is still in power so they cannot pass on that bucket. Today, the trains stop in Vientiane and now the pressure is on Thailand. But, instead of the transport minister from the Chidchob-clan, the "meeting" was chaired by the health minister in his capacity as deputy prime minister. People might want to keep in mind, that Anutin unofficially runs "Sino-Thai", an engineering and construction conglomerate of largest proportions which also built the original Suvannaphoum airport and recently, purely co-incidential of course, got awarded the extension of said airport. Bets are taken on who will be the power wig once it comes to build the railway from Nong Khai all the way to the Thai-Malay border; the present track will most likely not be able to accommodate trains at 160km/h. Mysterious are the ways of the East .............
  2. Since Pol Maj-Gen Yingyot Thepjamnong of the RTP says so - well, then it must be true. Congratulations to the sterling job in relation to fellow police officer Wichian Klanprasert, who was stopped living (not to use the word "killed") by Vorayuth Yoovidhya, grandson of billionaire Red Bull co-founder Chaleo Yoovidhya, in a hit-and-run incident in Bangkok, Thailand, on 3 September 2012. TV crews found the little sweetheart on first attempt in his house in London so I am sure that Yingyot calls the TV station now to finish the work in closing one of the many files .........
  3. ...... and the results are evident; the dinosaurs in government uniforms responsible for "tourism promotion" did a sterling job - you're welcome!
  4. Another nail in the tourism coffin - not because of the amount (which is ridiculous) but the gesture of getting creamed before collecting your luggage from the belts. As this is the minimum daily wage I suggest that Europe introduces a corresponding arrival tax for the semi-divine Khon Thai to the tune of a daily wage of the country they visit. And yes, travelling from Stockholm to Lisbon you pass at least four countries = collect the "Welcome Tax - Thai nationals only" not once, twice, three but four times. A quick look confirms, it is not 1 April - just yet (pun intended)! Good luck with this idea; I am sure that all hotels, tour operators and restaurants availing services to non-Thais arriving from faraway lands will more than appreciate the endeavours by the government in defacilitating their business. But yeah, it is their land and let their business be taken care of by their chosen people at the helm of this runaway tourism train ........
  5. Another nail in the tourism coffin - not because of the amount (which is ridiculous) but the gesture of getting creamed before collecting your luggage from the belts. As this is the minimum daily wage I suggest that Europe introduces a corresponding arrival tax for the semi-divine Khon Thai to the tune of a daily wage of the country they visit. And yes, travelling from Stockholm to Lisbon you pass at least four countries = collect the "Welcome Tax - Thai nationals only" not once, twice, three but four times. A quick look confirms, it is not 1 April - just yet (pun intended)! Good luck with this idea; I am sure that all hotels, tour operators and restaurants availing services to non-Thais arriving from faraway lands will more than appreciate the endeavours by the government in defacilitating their business. But yeah, it is their land and let their business be taken care of by their chosen people at the helm of this runaway tourism train ........
  6. Makes sense - for once. Most countries require applicants speaking the local lingua. I did not go for it and will not do so as I would have to give up my present birth right nationality. If that makes sense - I don't know but I would not give up mine. No issues, a PR is fine enough for all those not interested in voting, not buying land and not engaging in "Thai only jobs/businesses".
  7. It took them 30 years to screw it up completely. 1987 a wise man coined the "Amazing Thailand" slogan and Thailand got overrun without any serious efforts in promoting Thailand overseas. Today, Thailand has killed most of the possible Caucasian markets, the Russian market and the other markets they do not really want. The Indians like all other Southasians are dark-skinned which does not fly with the semi-divine Khon Thai. Chinese steamrollered the Land with the Zero Dollar tourists as the locals were too stupid to put a stop on that. Dual and overpricing combined with free fall in service level, a total mess in the visa policies, unfriendly Embassy and Consular staff almost everywhere on the planet not even answering the phone nor email and the continuous head lines of bad news (Koh Tao springs to mind). Individual incidents like a Russian tourist feeding fish off an excursion boat around Phuket with food bought from a boat boy getting thrown into the slammer until someone coughed up the bail of THB 100K, Germans getting fined THB 2,500 for bringing their own beach chair to Phuket's beach, smoking at the beach = THB 100K and no holiday beers between 2-5pm = anywhere. Any more questions? Clean up the mess by starting from the top with all those daydreaming clowns at the various tourism offices and get back to where you were 30 years ago. Apply the lessons learnt and you will be fine in, say 5 - 10 years. Bad news is, it will not happen as, unlike the tourism promotion fellas, the tourists are not daydreaming and found plenty alternatives. Latter ensures, that most previous visitors will never return to the Land of Call-it-whatever-you-want!
  8. The spokesman as well as Uncle Too are both dreaming or smoking seriously good weed. I can only assume, that both do not speak adequate if any English. I could list dozens of people who moved away for good; destination Bali, Sri Lanka, Senegal and Mexico. Others went to Portugal or Southwestern Spain. Living costs cheaper, immigration nowhere such a headache as here and trust me, Thais are NOT friendly people if there is not a buck to be made. I remain here because of my family; otherwise I would have studied nicer, friendlier and cheaper options. Be warned, spokesman and Uncle Too, you might be in for a nice surprise ........
  9. The tourism promotion clowns will just love it and non-Thai tour operators are to follow. Next to sue will be Agoda, Booking.com and any other hotel booking site where customers are encouraged to leave a review after not only having booked/paid the room but also used the room. Good luck to Thailand - the failed state which destructed and destroyed itself by its gifted leadership!
  10. Party in his "house"? Well, you might be interested to learn, that he has his own private airstrip to land his plane when getting back to his "house". The GPS: 14.632559 101.462943 show the airstrip on his tiny little estate of 700 Rai. Sure you do not need masks on a family occasion, if you avail a little ranch of just over one square kilometre in size. Running the health ministry and building airports seems to be a lucrative business - congratulations are in order. And, in all fairness, who except the semi-divine Thai officials of course, would wear masks at home, on the toilet or while sleeping? You're welcome!
  11. Submarines were vital for the country's defence - at least according to vice admiral Pokkrong Manathatphailin. Quite obviously this more-than-smart-cookie of navy executive has equally not the slightest clue of what he is farting about. The shallow shores of Thailand would call for crawling submarines; the Russians said "Njet" and likewise the Chinese did not feature this in their product listing. It is about massive "pourboire" - take while the taking is good. Thailand has not seen any submarine in the last almost 60 years and the Americans lost the Vietnam war some 45 years back NOT because of the absence of submarines. But yeah, the submarines would reindorse the brainless stupidity of the circus full of uniformed clowns with their decision some decades back when they commissioned an aircraft carrier which, most of the time at least, is moored at Sattahip and carries heavier weight in barnacles than on defunct aircraft. Next please! But they had decided not to buy new ones for now. Vice Admiral Pokkrong Manathatphailin was responding
  12. Yes, I disagree that alcohol has anything to do with that. I fly a lot business related and social distancing is enforced in check-in areas, almost at gun point. 30 minutes later we're all sardines into tight seats as the little virus does apparently not use airplanes? It is about scaring the "*ç% out of people; fear was, is and will always be misused for power. Julius Ceasar knew it, so did the Spanish Inquisition, Napoleon, Hitler's Göring, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Kim Il Sung, Mugabe or Pol Pot. On a wider scale you have to fan things like a coronaphobia; less work, paid by tax payer and making some pr1cks rich beyond anyone's imagination. But yes, just believe in the bar story where selling booze is not allowed whereas next door in any eatery drinks are served. MacDonalds-aGoGo is in the making to circumvent also this silly idea of destruction of SME business ....... the operators suffers likewise with the boys-in-brown as there are no envelopes moving across over or under the table ........
  13. This circus of all circuses manages to take idiotic achievements to new heights. You think that they've reached the limit of stupidity and then these pr1cks come and take it to a new level. The almost complete absence of "pourboire" from closed houses of ill repute, gambling dens etc. it remains a fact, that the boys in brown acrued a three digits billion Baht amount in debts. Mind you, all those little Mercedes, BMWs gold necklaces with motorbike chain weights, watches and finger jewelry need to be paid and if there is no money coming on the envelope channel ........ So they just instigate fear and terror everywhere and while hundreds of thousands try to make ends meet, these fat highway robbers come along and move the godforsaken ends ........ But, this is Thailand and if the Thais do no react, then nothing will happen. The rest of us are visitors, unwanted guests with more-than-wanted cash! I rest my case - you're welcome!
  14. Five days make all that medical difference in herd immunization then, it seems ........ give the boys a medal for their farsighted care!
  15. Gotcha - so the little virus is into booze it seems. Deprive it from booze and pub food and you rid the planet of the corondemic?
  16. Well, the Ferraris and previously the SEL500s do not come cheap. The concubines (Mia Noi) and the gambling debts, the lack of income from all those tea houses, bars of ill repute and law benders (95% of the population) ...... leaves scars and traces. Maybe we should consider a governmental safety net for bankrupted police officers or those who want even more than they steal now! Throw the entire bunch out; pay up or impound/confiscate assets. Worked wonders in Pakistan and Indonesia and eventually will work in Thailand as of the year 2981 (Gregorian calendar that is). You're welcome!
  17. Just recall the body language of our Uncle Too when he met Theresa May, the former British PM .... With Trump it was even worse when he stood NEXT to the red carpet ..... Protocol does not mean action but no protocol is ........ welcome to Thailand!
  18. Getting priorities at the PM's office right - Lesson One!
  19. Take all the time you need - the country is dead already; economically at least!
  20. Change the law and extend/abolish time frames - naaahhhh Drop the charges - done once which went down rather badly Run out of time - depends on the thickness of envelopes You're welcome!
  21. For once I agree - he certainly has the best leadership qualities. The one-eyed among the blind; not perfect but certainly better than this circus full of clueless clowns lying and cheating to each other nonstop. Lets wait and see - tik tok tik tok tik tok. Next call will be 23 May 2022; that's when Uncle Too has been in the driver seat for solid eight years; the limitation of premiership as written in the latest version of the local constitution. Either amend the constitution, throw it overboard completely or dust the sedan chair of the second most important wig in the land!
  22. "The restaurant was not named. In defamation crazy Thailand even proving your case might be pointless." A spill-over from the US; what a farçe. I - for one - would drop the name in capital letters by posting for an anonymous account and, in all fairness, if the customer can prove the case (as in this particular matter) then it is clear. For once something they cannot stick onto the back of a dirty farang or an alien!
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