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Everything posted by Sydebolle

  1. The increase/decrease of asset value is on assets in the accounting books. Nothing changed unless assets are bought or sold. This list is incomplete, as we know, yet one thing is even more interesting. What did they pay to rename TescoLotus into Lotus's - the marketing company coughing up the idea, the logo designers to present the graphic interpretations and ultimately the blokes who changed all those huge signboards. This "interpretation" of the English language is possibly second to none and clearly explains, why the dirty farang are to be charged higher by the state as well as the private hospitality industry. Welcome to Thailand where 70+ million of semi-divines are being srceewd by the entire oligarch dinosaur establishment!
  2. ..... as if this would make a difference
  3. ....... in the eye of the beholder, simple as that. Interesting though are those still existing dinosaur laws; wondering what triggered off this particular beauty of legality ????
  4. Crickets = yes, Cockroaches = no, Ant eggs = yes ........ confusing like the pricing of boney chicken feet being 50% more expensive than the next chicken part. You may kiss the ring now ..........
  5. I seriously start to wonder, why on Earth there are still dirty farang and alien arriving in Thailand? Hardly any other country treats the non-locals with such a hatred stay-away-phobia; in a more modern country of the 20th or, even better, 21st century, this is called racism. It will take many years for the industry to mop up all this mess of Thailand Pass, seriously overpriced quarantine stays, dual pricing of national parks and historical sites, a proposed "arrival tax" and now cranking up accommodation pricing. We're not talking about the rest of the experience like overpriced, sugary, MSG-loaded, more often than not tasteless and cold food published on overly filthy menu folder with little dirty stickers due to the umptieth price increase. The treatment is often served by grouchy, non-English speaking staff in places with restrooms of questionable hygiene. Dual pricing in hotels will, on an official level, not happen as not all hotels are run by brainless pr1cks. And to all those experts in all those ministries - keep up the good work of alien bashing.
  6. He should have done his electoral fraud stint in i.e. Sydney, then it would not count - or am I getting anything wrong again?
  7. Don't get involved in politics which are none of your business. The Ukraine needs to be dealt with those who are concerned, i.e. Ukraine, Russia and NATO. All others may offer help but should only open their mouth if asked to do so. What I also admire, is Thailands precision in being able to report the production of 531,328.59 barrels per day
  8. Get it from the horse's mouth and check yourself with the immigration in Lamphun.
  9. "easier and less bureaucratic" ....... My suggestion is to charge 10'000 Baht/yearly for a one-year visa incl. multiple re-entry. Applicants sign that healthcare and third party issues remain the responsibility of the applicant. This would send 75% of those uniformed, commonsense-less goons packing, less expenses and considerably more net revenue into the emptying state coffers of the Kingdom. They will have to offload anyway these completely overstaffed inefficient temples of bureaucracy in the future - the earlier the better! Will not happen as nepotism is a government-sponsored way of running the country while creating dependents of the lower ranks towards the chosen people running the promised land!
  10. Wondering, if and what lessons were learnt, changes invoked and adhered to?
  11. The tourism minister giving all sorts of health advice and suggestions. The health minister, if not making money on airport extensions and rejecting claims on a less-than-perfect-yet-heavily-delayed construction of the parliament building by his family's company, giving advice on tourism. Thailand does not have to lose the reputation of being cheap = that happened quite some time ago. A recent through Northern Thailand can be summarized with considerably poorer service of higher costs. What some hotels do these days is nothing short of proper rip-off. What some restaurants serve is absolute carp. So no need to worry, the tag on "cheap" has moved from pricing to service!
  12. Some navigation systems have various settings and one of it is, if the route is to be displayed for walking, bicycling or cars ............
  13. Nang Rong Hospital certainly has records on medical record including dates and x-rays. That should solve the query. Nobody seems to care about the boy though, its funny hampers and money, money, money and money again. This society has issues, seriously!
  14. Good riddance and certainly in the interest of the tax payer ????
  15. Somebody paid for the ranch, the private airport in Khao Yai, apart from letting him get away with ministerial government statements like "dirty farang" and "alien". Well, here the dirty farang - for once - cannot be blamed; not too sure about the "alien". You are hopefully aware that the same enterprise, pure co-incidentially of course, built the Suvannaphoum airport and during the co-owner's reign in the health ministry among the junta executives, got another little order inked for the extension of the airport worth anything between 50 - 60 billion (not million) Baht. Mysterious are the ways of the East - wonders never seize!
  16. Only semi-dirty farang then ????
  17. So much to human rights, UN resolutions and the Thai stance to the subject. But yeah, one junta leader does not <deleted> onto the uniform of the other junta leader .......... Was the Thai ambassador called back "for consultations"? Did Thailand check, if any living soul on Thai soil got hurt (just as to keep Myanmar a sovereign state).
  18. Well, in the past they got activated only, if the manila envelope was not filled properly ????
  19. Priti Patel should know better; her parents (Indian natives) did a (justified) runner from Uganda back in the day as Idi Amin Dada nationalized everything owned by Indians. Assange would not have violated any European law yet the US legal system is an octopus-monster of its own. Why is, i.e. Roman Polanski never extradited after having been charged with drugging and raping a 13-year-old girl. He pleaded guilty to the lesser offence of unlawful sex with a minor - what a farçe by not calling a spade a spade! He managed to make a runner 44 years ago to Paris and never went back to the US. As a result, Polanski remains a fugitive from the U.S. criminal justice system but nobody ever tried anything to extradite him to face the music. If Assange is extradited, he will be toast and Patel knows that. In all fairness, Assange did the planet a favour - very much to the total embarrassment and loss of the United States's face and its countless (secret and not so secret) services permanently blowing their own trumpet. The same British government though got whistled back by Brussels (Brexit does not seem to work that flawless yet) when BoJo wanted to extradite some Rwandans back to beautiful Kigali. Go figure ........
  20. There is still a death sentence penalty in the local law books and such a crime needs to be avoided by all means. Children, novice or not, need to be protected by such weirdos - once and for all. The "defrocked monk" changes his name and appears in the next temple as spotless as Virgin Mary. In what kind of world are we living, honestly?
  21. What a shame for a country like Thailand. They fork out 600 million for the beautification of Na Jomtien beach while having countless homeless people (do not take the picture above as a reference). Once the last homeless has some shelter, some human living conditions and an integration programme to put them back into the working cycle, then look at beaches and submarines ........
  22. "Myanmar military has already offered an apology and that the two countries enjoy good relations." Well, the big deal is, that Prayut and his cronies have not undertaken anything to get their military brethren in the West back into their barracks to serve their country rather than raping, looting and ransacking it - again. On the other hand, how could I be that ignorant, Prayut and his cronies managed to sit glued to the Horns of Plenty for the last 8+ years with no change in sight. Difference is, that the Thai army is not shooting their own people - for the time being. Pathetic, to say the least .............
  23. Oncemore again a pristine example of media smoke screen. Unknown though, if from the desk of one of those TG-executives or a daydreaming junior journalist somewhere out there in the jungle of news. Thai has an accrued debt of more than 300 billion (not million) Baht, proudly declared a "profit" of 55 billion Baht by selling off assets as if there is no tomorrow while all those corrupt crooks leading Thai to the disastrous state it is today go unpunished again. Upto 30 years ago Thai was a pristine aviation product, shoulder-rubbing with Singapore Airlines and Cathay Pacific. 1992 came, Chatichai Bunya-ananta (who came from BOAC/BA) was "retired" together with his team of aviation experts from Scandinavia and the goons of the Thai airforce and the Ministry of Looting moved in. Result today is a total desaster; more than 50% of the fleet is permanently parked for years on Suvannaphoum and U-Tapao while the Thai Lions, Nok Airs, Thai Viet Jets etc. are flying in and out, load factors +/- 90% and not anywhere near the pile of debt and manure facing TG. So take all this good news on Thai with a grain of salt; make sure you have sufficient salt as more might be needed in the future.
  24. So where is all that NATO stuff coming from? Neutrality with NATO? Explain that to German widows who lost their husbands in Afghanistan ....... during a NATO mission.
  25. The Myanmar air force again - am I glad that the Thai government in its endless wisdom ordered those sub-marines ..........
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